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Posted - 07 Oct 2007 : 4:26:34 PM
FINALLY....a Video-clip to show the clinical signs of a foal with Cerebellar Abiotrophy !!
In the past I have found plenty of good video-clips on CA in dogs and in Cats. Many , many in fact. But none on CA in Arabians.
This video clip has been supplied by the University of Leon's Vetenarian Faculty Professor Juan Rejas.
A MUST Watch.
It shows: Distinctive Head Intention Tremors Hyper-metric Action with exaggerated lift in the forelimbs when crossing over the pole on the ground Demetric Action or lack of fine tuned movements when attempting to nurse General Ataxia when moving around paddock
You might have to view it several times to familiarize yourselves with the CA Clinical Signs.
Remember ! This genetic condition has been found in ALL Arabian bloodlines without exception.
Please avoid breeding it. Send in your hair follicle samples !! |
Spanish Arabians Photos Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) Info:
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Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 9:32:30 PM
And yet another video-clip of an affected filly. This time an older one as a two year old. Her owner assures us that she was just as ataxic as a yearling as the previously posted video of the 2 month old CA affected colt. With the passing of time this 2 year old has adapted to its surroundings and has less visible clinical signs. However when startled or stressed she reverts right back to head intention tremors and hypermetric action.
Lisa |
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Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 7:44:44 PM
Many cases of Wobbler Syndrome are mis -called wobblers when in reality they are either light, moderate or severe cases of Cerebellar Abiotrophy. CCM (true wobblers)are seen in the arabian bloodline but not as often as thought. Ataxia--Loss of muscular coordination, especially in the limbs, can be a clinical sign of EPM (treatable), CCM (also treatable if caught early enough and diagnosed by myelograms), and toxin poisoning ( accompanied with liver dysfuncion and high temperature). CA however being a neurological condition is unique in its combination of hypermetric movement (ataxia), head intention tremors, lack of Menace responce (but with normal vision), totally normal muscle development (no atrophy or lack of tone), and has a normal appetite -growth - intelligence. In fact the affected horse appears normal in all aspects other than it has no sence of balance or spacial & depth perception. Carriers can not be discerned from a normal "clear" horse. Two carriers bred together will produce an affected foal 1:4 times or 25%. |
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Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 5:03:42 PM
Freebie time is over everyone !!!
Due to the amount of samples sent in to UC Davis and the cost of running the lab analysis for extracting the RNA and making the comparative analysis to what is already on their database, Dr Cecelia Penedo has announced that there will now be a fee of $50.00 for each horse sample of hair follicles.
Payment can be made by Credit Card. Contact Sabine Nooteboom for payment info at She also may be contacted by Fax at (530) 752-3556 or by phone. Telephone: (530) 752-9333
If you have any questions regarding CA testing, please contact the technician in charge, Leah Brault, at (530) 754-9526 or
Samples are still to be sent to
Send 30-40 samples , identified, to Cecelia Penedo at
Cecilia Penedo Horse Research - CA Veterinary Genetics Laboratory University of California One Shields Avenue (For Overnight or 2-Day Delivery use: 980 Old Davis Road) Davis, CA 95616-8744
And an email to her at with the registered name, number and parentage and request that Dr. Penedo analyse the possibility of CA carrier lines in your arabian(s) and that hair follicle samples are being sent. If you have a link to AllBreed for you horse(s) that does speed things up a bit. You can copy and paste the links to the pedigrees into your email for each horse. |
Spanish Arabians Photos Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) Info:
Edited by - szedlisa on 23 Nov 2008 2:33:56 PM |
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Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 2:31:35 PM
With great pleasure now after over two years of drumming away at the importance of expanding the research on CA by submitting samples, I am most pleased to announce the addition of an in depth article on the F.O.A.L. website. F.O.A.L. = Fight Off Arabian Lethals. Curiously the association was originally initiated through the efforts of Bazy Tankersly for the study of Cerebellar Abiotrophy and not for SCID as many people think.
So Yet Another Giant Step Forward !!!
F.O.A.L. = Fight Off Arabian Lethals
Heads Up people !!
Check out ( ) Link on to Cerebellar Abiotrophy
Submission Forms, explicit instructions and even a current pre-signed Import Permit required to accompany samples from Non- USA territories/countries are included. Testing is being done at UC Davis in California.
Also of great importance is the newly updated List of SCID Clear/Carrier horses, a voluntary contributed list of names. This can be seen on the Test Kits and Forms page:
Dont take the chance. Test first for SCID and CA before breeding.
Lisa |
Spanish Arabians Photos Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) Info:
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Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 10:42:30 PM
Following a thread on entitled: Marajj Was Diagnosed Pos. For Ca, Cerebellar Abiotrophy LATEST NEWS ...
Dear Friends, Clients and Breeders:
Recently, a foal by Marajj was tentatively diagnosed as having a condition called Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA). The only way a foal can be affected with this condition is if both parents are carriers of the gene. Although there is no direct genetic test for this disease, they have identified certain markers they believe indicate which horses are carriers.
We then sent a hair sample from Marajj for testing to see if he had the markers associated with the gene. The test has confirmed that he is a carrier of the condition. Carriers show no symptoms, but if bred to another carrier there is a 25% chance they can produce a foal with the condition, and 75% chance the foal will be fine.
A foal affected with CA will begin to show symptoms of head shaking, and lack of coordination. These symptoms generally appear at 6 weeks to 4 months of age and continue to worsen. There is no cure. To find out more about this condition, please go to the site
A carrier (such as Marajj) when bred to a non-carrier will never produce a foal with CA. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone to have their mares tested prior to breeding in order to avoid the chance of having a foal with this condition. If your mare tests positive you can then decide if you wish to take the risk in breeding, or else would like to choose a different mare to breed.
For anyone who is already expecting a foal by Marajj and may have some concern, a hair sample of the foal after it is born can quickly determine if it will develop the disease or not.
Enclosed you will find all the forms and instructions necessary for testing your mares and foals if you wish.
While we realize this is an inconvenience, it is our sincere wish for everyone who has supported Marajj to have a beautiful and healthy foal.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, or for more specific questions, you can contact Dr. Cecilia Penedo, the vet in charge of the ongoing research into this condition, at
Albidayer Stud |
Marilyn ** Now available online Our 2016 Galleries ** |
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Posted - 04 Dec 2008 : 5:05:30 PM
The public announcement that World Champion MARAJJ is a carrier of Cerebellar Abiotrophy has come as a shock to many but is also a giant step forward for Arabian breeders. My heartfelt congratulations to the Albidayer Stud and owner Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi for disclosing the status of MARAJJ on their website in Latest News Updates on 2 December 2008.
Dawn Martin, stud manager, has received numerous emails congratulating them on their courage for disclosing MARAJJ's CA CARRIER Status and writes that his full sister has been tested negative.
Hopefully many more breeders/owners will test their horse for CA and be as forthright with disclosure.
It is only in this way that we will be able to erradicate this gentic inheritated disease from our breed.
Test and breed selectively. For Submisson Forms see Scroll to bottom of page on Cerebellar Abiotrophy for links to the new Testing page at UC Davis or go directly to:
Lisa |
Spanish Arabians Photos Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) Info:
Edited by - szedlisa on 12 Dec 2008 5:35:18 PM |
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pat ww
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Posted - 13 Jan 2009 : 7:21:20 PM
the Se web site has a pinned discussion forum on CA and I am fairly sure the link is on there to get forms for ca testing |
Edited by - pat ww on 13 Jan 2009 7:24:17 PM |
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Posted - 15 Jan 2009 : 7:37:10 PM
Just had the test results for my filly Panndora back from America.NN means she does not carry the gene responsible for CA.It is a very simple process to have them tested,you just download the forms,fill them out,take hair sample and post.I heard back within 3 weeks and that was including Xmas and the New Year.Come on all you responsible owners and get testing.At least it can make a differance to this dreadfull disease being eradicated. jane   |
j.e holloway |
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Posted - 15 Jan 2009 : 9:13:43 PM
For all concerned with CA ( cerebellar abiotrophy), here is a list to date of horses that have been tested and have had their test results published on public forums or webpages. CA affects all bloodlines so this includes all bloodlines:
To order CA TEST FORMS from UC Davis , please do so here:
For assistance with ordering the test online, contact the VGL’s Customer Service section by phone (530) 752-2211, FAX (530) 752-3556 or email:
Samples from horses outside the USA *ARE* accepted. The package containing the samples will need a US Import Permit. This is available from UC Davis so get in touch with them at the above email contact.
LIST of PUBLICALLY POSTED RESULTS: (and where found for confirmation)
20 March 2008 by szedlisa (Breeder) SZED Spanish Arabians SZED Hermosa - 87cm (*SZED Payaso x *SZED Halme by Mizar) N/CA, CARRIER *SZED Halime -79cm (Mizar x Hagia by Zancudo/Urga) CA AFFECTED SZED Mariposa - 90cm (*Machote x *Merbat by Pachaka) N/CA, CARRIER MIZAR - 69bs (Saludo x Bizancio II) sire of affected mare. CARRIER HAGIA - 66cm (Zancudo x Urga) dam of affected mare. CARRIER *MACHOTE - 79gg (Guadalcacin x Malenca) sire of affected foal. CARRIER *USIA - 82gm (Latino x Querella) dam of affected foal CARRIER
3 Dec 2008 by szedlisa on ABN-CA thread MARAJJ - (Marwan Al Shaqab x RGA Khouress) N/CA, CARRIER RGA KOURESS - (Kouvay Bey x Angophora) N/CA, CARRIER MARWAN AL SHAQAB - (Gazal Al Shaqab x Little Liza Fame) N/N, normal (clear)
18 Dec 2008 by Silver Shdow ( a repeat but needs to be added here)on ABN-CA thread MAF SILVER FIRE(CBA60): N/N - Normal: horse does not possess markers associated with CA ZAPATERO'S MYSTERIOUS GEM(CBA61): N/N - Normal: horse does not possess markers associated with CA SILVERS LEGACY(CBA62): N/N - Normal: horse does not possess markers associated with CA
23 Dec 2008 by Crimson Farms on ABN-CA thread Stallions Desert Heat VF+/ - Clear Allusion AOF+ (Allionce x Flaring Fire) - Clear EA Errogonce (Allionce x Twilite) - Clear WH York (Marwan Al Shaqab x WH Moneca Ren) - Clear GR Marvel (Marwan Al Shaqab x LC Ferrarit) - Clear Vertigo CF (Versace x Bint Alianna) - Clear Miyaz (Gazal Al Shaqab x Kaiynda Special) - Clear Dana Dulane ( Baywatch V++ x Shannacey D) - Clear
Mares GH Legend (Legacy Of Fame x Crem Dela Crem) - Clear GH Falcon Femme (Falcon BHF x La Femme Versace) - Clear GH Marwana (Marwan Al Shaqab x Verona RA) - Clear
3 Jan 2008 Posted by Crimson Farms on ABN-CA thread MWF Aleksandria (Negatraz [*Bask x Negotka] x Algadina [Aladdinn x *Algoa]) N/N - Clear Elia PASB (Eukaliptus [Bandos x Eunice] x Eulalia [Eufrat x Emilia]) N/C- CARRIER 08 Gazal x Elia Colt N/N - Clear
30 Dec 2008 by Hillsbrook Farm on ABN-CA thread FLORENA PASB (Palas x Flotylla (El Paso)) N/N - Normal CYMPHONY VF (*Bandos PASB x *Cynadra (Tryptyk)) N/N - Normal BONNE CHERIE (*Bandos PASB x Bonfieree (*Bask)) N/N - Normal JAYEL POLYPHONY (*Muscat x Jayel Pollyanna (*Rimmon)) N/CA - CARRIER
31 Dec 2008 by Judy81350 on ABN-CA thread Addorra is Hope(Sir Topaz(*Muscat) x Faddjurs Angel(Nobilidi):N/N normal, not carrier Khassandraa(AA Khabor(*Naborr) x Nisans Tiye(Nisans Mohr), N/N normal, not carrier Magic Spirit(*Nelson(*Mag) x HM Moun Magic(Azor), N/N normal, not carrier
06 Jan 2009 by Moniethorse on sE-CA thread KM BUGATTI - 05gs (Versace x Sanegors Lady D ) - N/N, Clear
06 Jan 2009 by Carol Cooper-Hall on sE-CA thread RA Nadirah (Al Adeed Al Shaqab** x Alada Remembrance) - N/N, Clear; also scid clear.
06 Jan 2009 by Allison of Talaria (Talaria Farms) on sE-CA thread Following stallions are CA and scid Clear: BOTSWANA - 98bs (Thee Desparado x The Minuet) S KHONCHERTO - 96bs (JK Amadeus x DW Khemette) TF AFRIKHAN SHAH (standing in Belgium) - 03bs (BOTSWANA x ROHARA SHAHBLEE) MADHIN NILE MOON - 05gs (FARID NILE MOON x IMPERIAL MAHREENA) TF ROYAL SHAHBAZ - 06gs (Falcon BHF x TH Maya Naufali ) TF AFRIKAN ALKHEMI - 03bs (BOTSWANA x RAMSES NOVAGLORI)
14 Jan 2009 by Canadian Kristine,Rennex Arabians, on sE-CA thread ES California Dreamin (Gazal Al Shaqab X AB Farenheit): N/N, Clear , also scid clear.
14 Jan 2009 by Tchaata, on sE-CA thread MF ARYAN EL THESSA ( JD Chalice X Thessalya el Jamaal / Ali Jamaal ) : N/N, Clear
14 Jan 2009 by IDL Arabians on ABN-CA thread ZENZATIONAL V (DESPERADO V x ZAHR ANN) - N/N - Normal SW KHAMEO (SW KHLINT+ x WCA SATINEE) - N/N - Normal RNX TRULY A DREAM ( GF FOREVER MAGIC+ x CHELSEA DREAM) - N/N - Normal WWA CEARA GAZAL ( GAZAL AL SHAQAB x CEARA PJ) - N/N - Normal Additions on 07 Feb 2009: IDL Kayden 2008 colt (GF Forever Magic+ x WWA Ceara Gazal) Clear Parents IDL Khryztal 2006 filly (Zenzational V x SW Khameo) Clear Parents
15 Jan 2009 by "cookie" / J.E. Holloway (UK) on AL-CA thread Panndora (Vodofon Kossack (Balaton/Verba) x HS Pelagrina (Pilot/Pilarka)- N/N , Clear. Also SCID Clear.
17 Jan 2009 by NadiaKA, Kakaji Arabians ( originally posted 7 Jan 2009) on ABN-CA thread. *Nefison (Mag x Nefisa by Salon): N/N - Normal DYN Amber Myst (*Muscat x Modnitsa by Nabeg): N/N - Normal Karenina kgi (Kilogramm SPA x SH MSana by Mpulse): N/N - Normal Magadan kgi (*Nefison x DYN Amber Myst) N/N, Clear as parents are clear. Nastasia kgi (*Nefison x Karenina kgi) N/N, Clear as parents are clear.
ADDITIONS TO KAKAJI ARABIANS AS OF 29 Jan 2009: SF Nova (*Abdullahhh x Kirova by Namet): N/N - Normal Tamerlynn (*Tamerlan x Trishia by *Procent): N/N - Normal NM Rostalgia (RV Rostov x Namusca by *Nariadni): N/N - Normal
And therefore their offspring by *Nefison (already tested clear) are also clear: Tatariya kgi (*Nefison x Tamerlynn) Temujin kgi (*Nefison x Tamerlynn) Riurik kgi (*Nefison x NM Rostalgia) Prelusion kgi (*Nefison x NM Rostalgia) Kievan kgi (*Nefison x SF Nova) Kapteyn kgi (*Nefison x SF Nova)
17 Jan 2009 by Allanglos on ABN-CA thread FC Casino Royale-99cs (Roll Of The Dice x PKH Shalane) - N/N = Normal
18 Jan 2009 by jcjia on ABH-CA thread Marcelina BA (Marwan Al Shaqab x R Imagination) - CA - N/N, Clear, also SCID clear
19 Jan 2009 by Burgundy Oaks on ABN-CA thread Mariankaa (*Muscat x Pattrianka by Marbask) Mariankaa's Pedigree. N/N - Normal: Pirouett (Pending)(*Piaff x Mariankaa by *Muscat) Pirouett's Pedigree : N/N - Normal
23 Jan 2009 by Irene ( Flying A Ranch) on ABN Hot Topics NV Beau Bey (Bey Shah+ x Bint Miss Fire) - CA - N/N, Clear Black (NV Beau Bey x Black Silk) - CA - N/N, Clear Borsalino Bey (*Borsalino K x Beau's Dancer by NV Beau Bey) - CA - N/N , Clear Mystic Jamaal (*Soho Carol by Ali Jamaal x Alieka BR by Ali Jamaal)- N/N, Clear
26 Jan 2009 by DarkhHorseFarms (Lisa) on ABN Hot Topics LL DARKH IMAGE (BC Classic Image x Velvet Darkness) - CA - N/N, Clear
26 Jan 2009 by Joy20 (Gretchen) on ABH Hot Topics KOUVAY BAY 91bs (Bey Shah+ x BA Preciousmemory) - CA - N/N, Clear [This is the sire of RGA KOURESS - N/CA, CARRIER]
29 Jan 2009 by darapark ( Maria D) on Global Kublai Khan - CA - N/N, Clear, also SCID Clear Om El Akid (imp USA) - CA - N/N, Clear; also SCID Clear.
2 Feb 2009 by Trina Gifford, GS Arrow Ranches, WA ( with permission) PS Final Edition (Ptersk Shamin x SWL Mishkin) N/CA, CARRIER SPA MZ Katrina (Poppov x SPA Bint Bonnie) N/CA, CARRIER GS Yesha Miskin (PS Final Edition X SPA MZ Katrina) N/CA, CARRIER GS Zaphina Aesha (PS Final Edition x SPA MZ Katrina) CA/CA, AFFECTED
4 Feb 2009 by Helga Madson ( Denmark) on Ali Shah, stallion (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Saida Bint Shahlia by Classic Shadwan / Ansata Shahlia). N/N, Clear
4 Feb 2009 by Kealia on ABN *Celna - 91gm (Alegro x Cedula by Bandos) N/N, Clear
4 Feb 2009 by Fadtastic ( Kris in Tucson) on ABN SH-Chelseas Gal - 90gm (SHA-Shaman+/ x Fiestas Samira by *GG Samir) N/CA, CARRIER ( deceased)
6 Feb 2009 by Tous Crins on AL GHAZAL - 2002cs (The Renegade x Kirbys Shadow by Sahar El Pharoh) N/N, Clear WWA ASIL BAHAR - 96gm (Century Shah x Dafina El Masr by Bo-Mars Legend) N/N, Clear
6 Feb 2009 by cate on AHANU - (Emiratus B x Jiwan) N/N, Clear, also scid clear by Dr Van Haeringen Laboratorium b.v. (date: 27/05/08 )
6 Feb 2009 by Kristine on ABN GF Forever Magic+ (Magic Dream CAHR X GF Providence+) N/N, Clear
7 Feb 2009 by szedlisa with Permission by Linda McCabe on Global ANGOPHORA - 81cm(*Eukaliptus x Belbowrie Baskana by *Bask) N/CA, CARRIER
14 Feb 2009 by ShannonC ( Sakinah Arabians) on Global & ABN AMIR AMANTE(CBA243): N/N - Normal ORIONS DEBUT(CBA248): N/N - Normal
14 Feb 2009 by Aurorawind (Joanne Ogdan) on ABN: AABSOLUT (PRINCIP X AMARILLA PR BY MARYK), CA Clear, N/N; and scid clear.
14 Feb 2009 by Jen on ABN: ML EXXODUS(CBA245): CA Clear, N/N; also scid clear.
16 Feb 2009 by Dahabi Arabians on ABN AMIR SHAKLAN (CBA247) - 2005 grey Arabian stallion (Om El Shahmaan x Asdiqa Badeia) CA Clear N/N; scid clear
15 Feb 2009- Pam Thonsgard:Rice Creek Farm: LA JARANA(CBA238): 1994 gm (AERIK x *SZ PARILLA By PEPETE): N/N -Clear RV GLORIAADIOS(CBA239): 1995 cm (*KAR PEPET x SZED HERMOSA By *SZED PAYASO): N/N - Clear (Dam is a tested N/CA - Carrier) MI ANGELITA ESPECIAL(CBA240):2005 cm (TOBASCCO x LA JARANA By AERIK): N/CA - CARRIER Results 23 Feb 2009 - VIVA ELEGANTE(CBA237):1991 gs (*LA SAGURO x *SZ PARILLA By PEPETE): INCONCLUSIVE RIO BLANCO(CBA236): 1998 gs (VIVA ELEGANTE x TAFALITA By *GG SAMIR)INCONCLUSIVE Inconclusives to be retested at a later date.
25 Feb 2009 by Emma Maxwell on ArabianLines PREMIER - 1994cs(Monogramm - Premiera): N/N, Clear also scid cler ADAWY - 2000 gs (Borneo - Ashiqa): N/N, Clear, also scid clear |
Edited by - szedlisa on 25 Feb 2009 12:03:50 PM |
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Posted - 16 Jan 2009 : 7:42:28 PM
Hi, The sire is Vodofon Kossack (balaton x Verba) Dam.HS Pelagrina (Pilot x Pilarka) Hope that is helpfull to you.Thank you for bringing this test to our attention,I am sure it is another positive step towards improving the arab breed. Jane. ps.the filly is also scid tested.negative. |
j.e holloway |
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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 03:42:02 AM
This story is to inform everyone that Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) is true, real, and heartbreaking and can happen to everyone breeding Arabians… This is our story. We are very small breeding operation… We have 3 mares and one stallion. We have only had 3 purebred foals ourselves. Our stallion (PS Final Edition) does have 5 total purebred foals. We had a chance to use a nice mare (SPA MZ Katrina) with comparable lines to our stallion so we did. We get her in foal woohoo. Wait a whole year yes I mean a whole year as the mare went over. We get a nice filly (GS Yesha Mishkin). We just love her and her pedigree is nice older lines. So, we breed the mare back. Next year a very nice filly nicer than her older sis at this age (GS Aesha Zaphina). Luckily, it was late in the year so we decided to leave the mare open for 09. We wean the filly at 4 months. Right up till weaning she was fine…. About a week into weaning I noticed she was having small head tremors. I figured she was just having a hard time with weaning, as she was younger than I liked for weaning but mare was getting thin and baby was very healthy. She finely gets over “Where’s the Momma?”. So I put her in with her older sister for the winter. All this time I keep thinking she is not getting better but worse… Now, her symptoms are front legs out, head below withers, her head and upper part of her neck shake all the time and when she moves she is very stiff in the upper part of her front legs. Plus when she gets up from laying down she gets up with her hind first pushes front legs out stands at a bow stance, shaking then slowly brings her front legs one by one into position. Her tremors are so noticeable that non-horse people notice. About this time I see a small article on CA. So I start researching. It all comes back to CA. I contact Cecilia Penedo At UC Davis. She informs me that it is very likely she has CA. In go the tests. Back come the tests. Zaphina is an AFFECTED CA filly. Yesha is a Carrier. Of course our stallion and the mare are carriers. For us it is what to do now? We will have Zaphina put down After I get good pics and videos of her so people can learn this is a very real thing. As per our breeding well I am not sure cause on Jan. 27, 2009 we lost our ½ Arab pinto stallion to colic. I can say this we will test from now on…… I am giving a general background about myself just to inform people that I am not new to horses. I have had horses for over 30 years… We have been breeding for 13 years mostly 1/2s. We show and trail ride. I was in 4-H and have worked on several breeding farms in my years. I also work part time at a vet clinic. I am not looking for sympathy I am just informing people that Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) is true and real. Do your self a favor and your future foals test before you bred this spring… Our pedigrees can be found at
Help prevent CA Affected foals Test before you breed. Visit the CA Web site for Info |
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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 4:14:46 PM
This is such a sad tale but I for one would like to commend you for having the courage to put it on here.You must have been totally devastated to discover the filly was affected.To also have the others as carriers as well must be such bad luck.I have had my filly tested even tho she will probably not be used for breeding for several years.I am sure many people think "it wont be me" but you just never know.I wish more would have the test done.I notice that hardly any british breeders seem to have tested.Just hope they are going to before the covering season begins.It is so easy to test that there really is no excuse! jane |
j.e holloway |
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Posted - 08 Feb 2009 : 03:03:54 AM
Thanks for your kind words.... I think the word really needs to get out about CA. Especially that testing is available.....One way you could help is to put an ad on one of the sites over there that advertise arabian stallions at stud. MOst of them over here are free for text ads. What I have done is basically ATTN. Arabian breeders.... Testing is available for CA. test before you breed this season. Kinda ad. with links to UC Davis.. Not all people are members of forums or get the Arabian publications. I think the more the words is spread the more people will test.... Great job on testing your filly.. Is she on the list of tested horses... Trina |
Help prevent CA Affected foals Test before you breed. Visit the CA Web site for Info |
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Posted - 08 Feb 2009 : 2:15:52 PM
Hello Trina,
yes my filly is on the list her name is Panndora.That is a good idea of yours about putting a few adds up on various sites.I suppose we think because we have heard about CA everybody has.Although I do know several breeders who still think it wont happen to their stock.The simple fact is nobody knows just where it is lurking,I am sure before that some were diagnosed as having Wobblers etc.I will look to seeing where I could make it more public,and getting more people to test. jane |
j.e holloway |
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Posted - 10 Feb 2009 : 05:31:59 AM
Great glad to hear you will try and do some ads (I challenge others reading this to also post some ads).....THANKS... I must say I did not know of CA til this filly as I said in my post before. Since all of this I am so driven to inform...... Glad my hubby is very understanding as I have burnt dinner a few times lately.. CA IS NOT TO BE SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET/OR MISDIAGNOSED ANYMORE.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help prevent CA Affected foals Test before you breed. Visit the CA Web site for Info |
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Posted - 16 Feb 2009 : 4:20:48 PM
New article on the progress of research for genetic mutations has been published by and can be read here:
The increased use of the SNPs machine process has enabled giant steps forward in all genetic research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also becaue of the growing list of Publically Disclosed Test Results from the CA Marker Scanning Test provided by UC Davis's VGL and Dr. Cecilia Penedo, further updates will be posted on the website which Trina and GS ARROW RANCHES has so generously donated to the internet at:
Trina has developed a "one stop" website where all public information on CA has been collected and posted. This will also enable internet viewers acess to information which they may have missed on Net Discussion groups either by not knowing about the condition or by not being a current member.
Please help support further research on this genetic issues by testing your horses and if so inclined, by disclosing their status.
Thanking you for all your support to date,
Lisa |
Spanish Arabians Photos Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) Info:
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Emma Maxwell
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Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 09:23:51 AM
Tested N/N normal
PREMIER (Monogramm - Premiera) 1994 ch
ADAWY (Borneo - Ashiqa) 2000 gr
both stallions also tested non carriers for SCID. |
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Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 7:03:29 PM
Sometimes you get an AHAA! moment and you start to think back. I bred a filly from my mare years ago and at the time I just thought the filly was a victim of a 'birth accident' ie cerebral palsy/cerebral anoxia. She was unable to stand , was having spasms and also she as a strange colour too,for an Arab, if that is of any significance!!!! I had her put down almost immediately. I know that the mare never ever had another foal like that, or even lost a foal,but I don't know about the stallion. Maybe that foal had CA ??? |
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Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 8:00:22 PM
szedlisa - so much research and information .. very intresting learning about it i have watched the videos as well and can see the symptoms .. thanks for all the info and warnings x |
The Wind Of Heaven Is That Which Blows Between The Horses Ears
    H.T Orient, ...Huggy Bear, ...Huggy Bear, ...Murphy.
Edited by - Hugbug on 25 Feb 2009 8:01:01 PM |
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