I seem to remember reading that a horse has to have qualified for Towerlands in the last 2 years to enter... Is this correct?
I've taken a look through the schedule and entry form but it doesn't state this... Only that a horse has to have qualified: = 1st - 5th at a A or B show = 1st - 5th at a National Championship = at a C show 1st place in a class of 3 horses 1st - 2nd in a class of 4 or 5 horses 1st - 3rd in a class of 6 or more.
I am under the impression that a qualification is for life.
Roger qualified 3rd out of 15 forward at the South East Regional (now SEAHG) C show as a three-year-old and finally attended UKIAHS in 2008 when he was fifteen, where he attained a bronze.
Kharidian (Prince Sadik x Khiri)........ Alkara Cassino (H Tobago x Rose Aboud) aka "Roger".................................... aka "Chips" The first image is from an original painting by Pat Shorto.
I have always been under the impression qualification is for life. They did change how you qualified by adding the number of horses that can qualify depending on how many are in a class. Whereas in the past it used to be 1st-3rd qualified no matter how many were in the class - if that makes sense?