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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
a_HeartElf [(^v^)] a_huhElf [??] a_MrsClausElf [(.)(.)] banghead [((]
Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)] Blush [:I] blush2 [bls]
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cat_hug [chug] Cheers [cheer] clap [clap] Clown [:O)]
cold [brr] Cool [8D] cool-it [cool] cough [x0x]
cowboy [.^^.] crock [ck] dance [dnc]
Dead [xx(] Disapprove [v] dog_walk [walk]
dog_walk2 [walk2] drink1 [glug1]
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elephant [ele] Evil [}:)] fft [fft]
flower [flower] flowers [flws] girlpower [gpow]
hear_see [hss] help [hlp]  
horse1 [hs] horse5 [gee2]
horse5 [gee] horse8 [gee8]
hug3 [hug] hug4 [hug4]
jump [v^v] kinght [kng] kiss3 [kiss3] Kiss_hug [hug2]
lol [l0l] love [lv]  
Lurking [.::.]
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paper [ppr] pc1 [ebay]  
pc_hit [pc] peepwall [-00-]  
pony [pny] poorley [prly] Question [?]
rolf [rolf] Sad [:(] sad5 [sad5] santa_emb [::::]
santa_rolleyes [:%] Shock [:o] Shy [8)] sleep [,,]
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spider [^^^^] sumo [.00.] thinker [tnk]
toilet [~.] Tongue [:p] Tongue Out [tout]
treadmill [--0--] Twister [twister] unhappy [:(!]
unicorn [uni]      
Wave [wave]
welcome [w] whistle [wtl] Wink [;)]  
worthless without pics [wwp]
yuk [+u+]      

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 07 Sep 2005 : 7:07:01 PM
Can all/any members posting pictures into threads please remember that large photos can make the forum very slow to load for dial-up users.

Some of us are spoilt with broadband and it is easy to forget that some members cannot get broadband yet.

Large photos also make navigation difficult for 15" monitor and laptop users.

If you need help resizing any photos please let us know.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rui Posted - 11 Jan 2009 : 8:00:42 PM
Originally posted by Kora

Hi Rui,

I think I have mastered it, I have done a draft message and 'previewd' it and guess what there were my little pictures of Victoria my baby Alpaca.

Thankyou soo much for your patience, I really appreciate it.


You're welcome Kora, I'm here to help .
Kora Posted - 11 Jan 2009 : 5:21:58 PM
Hi Rui,

I think I have mastered it, I have done a draft message and 'previewd' it and guess what there were my little pictures of Victoria my baby Alpaca.

Thankyou soo much for your patience, I really appreciate it.

Rui Posted - 10 Jan 2009 : 4:50:13 PM
Hi Kora,

Hi Kora,

After the picture is in flickr, you just click it and you get to a page where you have the picture and several options above it. You can click the size you prefer. Once you do that, at the bottom of page, you get an option to Grab the picture URL. Just highlight all the text in that window and right click the mouse over it. You get a menu, choose Copy. By then you have the image URL copied. You can then come here, and paste the copied stuff inside our image tags, like this:
[img]Copied Image URL[/img]

Any further help you need, just let me know.
Kora Posted - 10 Jan 2009 : 4:34:31 PM
Thanks Rui, I have gone into the post , uploaded a photo to flicker and then it says something about 'Cutting the URL' Umm!!!!!!!! I really do not know what I am supposed to be doing. I have managed to upload a picture as requested but oh dear !! think I will just give up.
Thanks anyway,

Rui Posted - 09 Jan 2009 : 8:02:44 PM
Does this post help in any way:
Kora Posted - 09 Jan 2009 : 7:40:16 PM
Admin, there have been so many times I would like to put a picture on my new topic, I have tried cutting and pasteing, just doesn't work. Could you possibly let me know in extremely SIMPLE way how to do it. say for an example I have a picture saved in My Pictures or My Documents on my computer, how do I put it with my message.

PS I am truely an Imbecile

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