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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Edwynn Posted - 08 Mar 2016 : 12:39:42 AM
Trying to trace past history of owners/foals and dates of the above mare by Carmargue out of Shaima.
Started life with John and Sue Greenwood who sold her on to AJA Arabians who sold her in 1997 with a foal at foot - Jalila
Spoken with a lady who bought her in 2008 who sold her on as a field companion. All breed database says she's had 3 x foals registered. AHS says has 8 x registered
I've owned her since 2012 unfortunately with no passport/papers
Known foals - Kazmique by Kazmierek 1993
Jalila by Ali Khalil 1997
Paisano Bambino by Ulrichs Buckaroo 2000
and possibly Tim Rowan by Ulrichs Buckaroo 2003.thankyou
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Avarial Posted - 04 Dec 2016 : 7:30:55 PM
Hi Tim lives with us! I replied to your other post regarding camia

Would love to know more


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