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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alex_22 Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 12:32:28 PM
Can't believe there haven't been any topics on this wonderful show this year! So I thought I would go for it and say it was one of the BEST shows I have been to!!!!!
It was my very first time going and I ended up taking the oldest competitor, but me and Doodle had an amazing time! I got to meet Doodle's breeders Lynda and Sue, and was so pleased they got to see her again after 18years. We weren't going to contest the top placings as the standards of horses/ponies was stunning, but we still had a great time and will definitely be going back next year (if we can qualify again).
Here's a few piccies

Our total collection!

Getting ready....

After the ridden...

The Concours.....

I would have had more of the ridden and the in-hand we did, but as my grandma had helped make my outfit we were under strict instructions to get pictures , and so we didn't want the camera to die...
Alex x x
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sazzlepants71 Posted - 27 Sep 2012 : 9:51:28 PM
Lynda Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 2:00:42 PM
Thank you all for your lovely compliments - we have had unbelievable feed back this year, and with over 240 entries the show is all we ever hoped for when it was started in 1990.

The new in hand section exceeded all expectations this year, especially the pony section where we had eight broodmares and foals entered. We were delighted that a new section of part-bred has appeared, after I sorted out the paper work with the AHS. These ponies are registered with the Westphalian Society, but all trace back to the top British breeding.

Our ridden exhibits are amazing, and seem to improve year after year. One could have easily turned the classes upside down, and it still would have been correct.

A special word must be said about the Morrison family who, with their nine year old daughter and pony travelled the 1400 mile round trip from the Isle of Lewis to compete. They even brought us a haggis and black pudding!! We sent the pony back with an armful of rosettes and a beautiful show rug which was so kindly donated by a very well known company in Wiltshire, who specialise in snuggy things.

It is extraordinary to think that it has taken independent members to start two of the most successful shows on the circuit. I am of course including the BNFOY.

Lynda, Sue and Tina
BabsR Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 08:19:33 AM
An amazing Show...every class oozing with quality Anglo and Part Bred Arabs all of whom, capable of gracing top placings at HOYS

Superbly organised and a real joy to spectate......definitely the premier Shop Window for the appreciation of Horses and Ponies carrying Arabian blood in their pedigrees

What a great pity that in recent years, we have seen ever dwindling numbers at our Major and National Shows and the Cherif Championships, a reminder of how it used to be......double lineups of top class horses.

Huge congratulations to all those concerned in the staging of this fabulous Show and thanking you for a wonderful day

weirton Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 10:32:01 PM

Wonderful day, lovely horses, great organisation. Well done everyone. A reminder of what it is all about.

garnet Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 7:09:43 PM
Looks as though you had a brilliant day - well done! The Cherif was always one of the highlights of the year when I was showing Garnet - how I loved that show!

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