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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ellas room maid Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 12:21:57 PM
Many thanks to all those involved with yesterday's show at Wetherby, It was again welcoming and friendly WELL DONE!! Pity the weather didn't hold up it's part of the bargain.
See you all again next year.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vanbro Posted - 22 Jun 2011 : 6:12:29 PM
Had a great day despite the rain and discovering that my horses are at least a foot shorter than everyone else's !!!!
This is not a reflection on my feed bills however !!!

One person gave me a great quote . 'Diamonds don't come as big as bricks'

When I got her home my filly was just as lovely as she was before the show.

I'd like to thank Mr Hardcastle for lending me a pump to blow up our air beds...just arrived before I needed Oxygen... and thanks to Clair and her hubby and daughter for loaning us a jacket for Tara to show in after she was soaked through...
To Mel, Pam , Elaine and Wendy for keeping us on track at our first Northern show...back next year ..
rpk2006 Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 9:44:34 PM
Thank you all for making Kaye and I so welcome; we had a lovely day (despite my wet knickers!!) and I would like to take the opportunity to say how well run the show was, and thanks also to the other competitors who also made us welcome. Sorry for bringing the rain from Scotland! See you 2012!! Liz and Kaye and of course Nadem!
SarahA Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 9:43:58 PM
Hi Melanie,

Well I think a veteran handlers class sounds like a dam good idea to me...

See you all soon

guisburn Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 4:42:04 PM
I agree Lisa - although the stewards suggestion (John Fox) that he had placed oxygen at the side of the ring in case of need!!!!!!!....was a little bit too cheeky ha ha.....

I think that is me and my old girl retired!!! First show for her, at her age and probably the last!

Love the picture of your mare yawning on Sweets pics

rosie Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 2:48:56 PM
Yep, thanks to all concerned.
Fab day.

Me and Melanie had a laugh when the judge suggested a veteran handler class for us slightly older handlers!!!!haha - hey we're not that old really -I just can't run as fast as I should!!
Elainem Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 2:24:46 PM
Thank you Angie. We try our best but we have no control over the weather. A lot of work goes into running a show, we'll shortly be having a meeting to close off this years show and start on next years.

It was good that we had such a good turn out of magnificent horses, the quality seems to improve every year. Remember without you, the exhibitors, there would be no show. So, thank you everyone for turning up and making the show, and a big thank you to our judges and stewards who all got a good soaking before the sun came out in the afternoon.

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