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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BabsR Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:38:25 PM
Have started this thread and want to see pics and results of your AA/PBA horses and ponies who have flown the flag by qualifying for HOYS and those that have been successful

Will start by congratulating Lianne Wilson and R0YAL EXTRAVAGANZA AASB (Sunray Scelebrity/Royal Spring) who have had a fab year, not only qualifying for Cherif and Royal International but have also gained their HOYS ticket We shall certainly be there to cheer them on as they tread the hallowed turf....or is it now the hallowed HOYS Arena Surface??

Pic below of him gaining Overall Reserve Supreme Ridden Champion at Derby County Show, having qualified through from the Hack Championship. Well done Lianne and Dennis and good luck at HOYS in Search For A Star

Dennis at Royal London Res. Champion Hack

Oh dear....can`t seem to download pics from the new fangled Flickr
Anyone know how it is done?? Have tried several times how you have described luck.....having a senior moment now

WOW!!! FINALLY CRACKED IT......not such a numpety after all

Hopefully we shall be able to enjoy A/L`s news and pics of their HOYS AA/PBA successes


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BabsR Posted - 13 Jul 2023 : 2:57:02 PM
Hi Kirst...have not been on Arabian Lines for many years. Referring to your post in 2010.....Who is the pony in your post in response to mine of the same date ??
Miska Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 9:35:08 PM
What stunning pbas! I used to watch HOYS when it was in London - but it's a bit far now. I will try and get there again sometime
vjc Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 9:21:22 PM
OOOOHHH Lovely pics
Babs can see the likeness to my Amy looking at those pics of Rosie!

nn Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 8:41:22 PM
Fairlyn Fanfare who qualified for the inhand at HOYS.

Fairlyn Finesse who qualifed for the inhand, large hack and large riding horse!

Both these horses are AA.By Fairlyn Gemini

Romarnic stud

BabsR Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 9:47:55 PM
Kirst.....that is exactly how I have always viewed Twilight Rose...not like her sire:

but yes, very like her grand-dam Karitzi:

There are so many more Anglos and Part Breds who have flown the flag at HOYS..... and look forward to seeing pics posted on this thread

Nut Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 9:18:02 PM
Dont forget Katie Davis and Jan Reeds' prolific winner Kingsford Silver Spray (archie). He has flown the arab flag in Hack classes for a number of years, has gone Supreme at the Cherif over the years and was 3rd at HOYS in 2009 I believe there is a nephew out there now, saw him at SE Spring, one to follow in Archie's footsteps one day....
kirst Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 7:57:38 PM
Beautiful quality - just my type - not unlike her grandmother Karitzi herself perhaps?!!
Love this thread and looking forward to seeing some fab pics of wonderful Anglo and part breds!
BabsR Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 7:32:45 PM
Thanks Nicky.....look forward to the pics Was beginning to think there were no A/Liners who had horses qualified for HOYS......we can`t allow just Pure Breds to hog the HOYS limelight
can we

Probably our most successful HOYS qualifier was WARRENDINE TWILIGHT ROSE (Sunray Scenario/Warrendine Twilight Rose) 13.2hh Riding Pony and qualified on four consecutive years, gaining 4th, 3rd, 2nd and
sadly due to illness was unable to compete on the fourth occasion. What a shame as she may well have won!!

Rosie was a brilliant Show Pony who over the years won just about every major show pony championship with four different jockeys

nn Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 6:53:27 PM
Over the years Fairlyn Gemini has had lots!

He has had three cuddy finalist.(Fairlyn Fanfare, Fairlyn finesse and Faranella Valencia)
large hacks
small hacks
Small riding horses
Large riding horses
15hh hunter ponies (one won i think two years ago but not AHS registered)
14hh hunter ponies
15hh WHP
14hh WHP
small int SRT
large int SRT

Dont think has had a hunter although i might be wrong LOL i know he has a very success full small hunter daughter but not sure how far on she went! Remember seeing her at the Royal getting second with her foal at foot.

Will try to post some pictures of the ones i have.Names i will have to try and remember LOL


vjc Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 11:15:13 PM
lovely picture babs, huge congrats to Lianne and Royal extravanganza
I am also baffled on how to copy and paste the photographs off the new flickr page???? has anyone cracked it yet???

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