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 Access to stud books??????

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Edwynn Posted - 28 Feb 2017 : 8:24:04 PM
Wondering if anyone on here has access to stud books. I posted last year trying to trace history on my mare Camia who I purchased in 2012 from auction with no paperwork. Through face book I've traced lots of previous owners. Trying to trace what and where her foals may be now? Ahs have 8 registered with them and I've spoken to owners of 4 x who were all by Ulrichs Buckaroo (Appaloosa). She's had three pure breds in Kazmique by Kazmierek in 1993, Azamia by Om el Azadik in 1994 and Jalila by Ali Khalil in 1997, so I'm still missing a registered foal and possibly more unregistered. Started life with the Greenwoods, AJA Arabians but where else has she been???Spoken with previous owners from 1998. Last owner registered in 2007 who is willing to sign over to me but expense of vet description/markings and reregistration is costly for only personal interest.
Hope someone can help. Xxx
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ziadomira Posted - 25 Mar 2017 : 4:23:52 PM
While the stud books will give you exact details of your mare they are only as good as the information received regarding foals. They show the breeder of the horse and also will show the name of the breeder of the foals that have been registered. They do not show changes of ownership unless before the foal was registered, even if the AHS has been notified. Stud books can be obtained from the AHS but you would need to know the dates you are looking into to make sure you buy the correct one. Some people on here have copies of the Stud Books but they would need the exact registered name and details of your mare before trying to trace her offspring. The AHS are not allowed to release details of previous owners.

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