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Posted - 10 Jul 2016 : 10:51:36 PM I will add to this post daily
The Mail reported that 31 horses where removed alive and either 6 or 7 where in various stages of decay (EYE WITNESS REPORTS SUGGEST MORE LIKE 15)
(Underneath some of the horse details I have update what 'Taragun' has added, this is in brackets and bold type)
1. AUTUMN DANCER 2 - Harry/Harrison horse (1996) Cedar Breeze X Prince Of Darkness 16.2 hh Bay TB Evented with E. Peel March 2010 to April 2011, 24 events entered. Spirir13 said she saw this horse in the 'rescue centre' MISSING(SOLD in 2012) Autumn Dancer 2 -Harry/Harrison horse (1996) in 2010
2 VLACQ TINWE - SPARKY by Shah Shadow 13.2hh, Dun Arab(50%) x Welsh Rescued !! by the RSPCA on the 21st March 2013...Shot by Adrian Cooper Wilson (a Horse whisper/Rieki healer) on the orders of RSPCA on the 21st March 2013... The vet report on Sparky was , bright alert and responsive, unshod and needed trimming. Sparky partnered Evie for many years apparently restoring her confidence after a nasty fall This is how to re pay the kindness RIP dear little thing, hope you all met up on rainbow bridge and are having a ball altogether His name was read out in court and spirit13 claimed to see him in the'rescue centre' DEAD (SHOT BY RSCA 2013)
Vlacq Tinwe - Sparky in the lime light
Vlacq Tinwe - Sparky March 2013
3. AMIRA OBEYD (1994) - Amira Mare by Gold Crystal X Ocalina Returned after a COURT battle and public dispute, bred at least 1 foal for them RETURNED to previous owner. (RETURNED TO PREVIOUS OWNER)
4. TEMPLARS MISS ALLIANCE (2003) Centyfield Nico X Willow Annabell (CB) Bay mare MISSING(RETURNED to peel's - COCO)
5.TEMPLARS ORCHESTRAL PEARL (2000) Harley Templars Magic Pearl (Mouse) X Imad 99% Crabbet Evie evented him from 2009 to 2011 entered for 20 events Peel also alleged that he was the victim of a professional trainers abuse. A broken foot in 2004. She also said he had had chronic liver failure. His name was read out in court and Lisa Smith and Spirit13 both said they saw him in the 'rescue centre' RETURNED TO PEEL(RETURNED to the peel's) Templars Orchestral Pearl - Harley (2000) in 2011
Harley at Myerscough College early 2013 just weeks before peel got busted
Clitheroe farmer fined after 67 dead sheep discovered at farm
FINED: Farmer Stephen Peel FINED: Farmer Stephen Peel 30 Oct 2008 / Emma Cruces, Education reporter
Don't be the last to know! Get the latest local news straight to your inbox.
Your email address Sign up A PRIZE winning farmer has been fined £300 for leaving 67 sheep carcasses strewn on a section of his land.
The grizzly discovery of the bodies in various stages of decay, was made by police officers in February, after concerned ramblers spotted the dead sheep from footpaths.
Stephen Peel, 54, of Brookhouse Green Farm, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty after being prosecuted under trading standards laws aimed at preventing the spread of disease.
Defending, John Houldsworth, told Hyndburn Magistrates that a ‘catalogue of disasters’ had prevented his client from discovering the sheep earlier.
He told the court a recent rise in prices meant the farm was operating at a loss, without any hired help.
He added a severe illness had incapacitated the farmer over the Christmas period, just before his daughter’s health suffered a blow.
The 13-year-old had woken up one day unable to move one side of her body.
While she was at hospital undergoing tests for a suspected brain tumour, Mr Houldsworth said farm tasks had naturally suffered.
He added: “Last but not least, Mr Peel’s quad bike had broken down and he was not able to check on all animals as usual.
"He was unaware of any problems with the flock, who would have usually spent the winter outside, without additional care.”
He said the cause of the deaths was unknown, but a second flock had been unaffected.
The court heard the farmer had won prizes at the Royal Lancashire Show in 2006, including Breed Supreme Champion and Best Show Champion.
Mr Houldsworth added: “This is a very sad day for Mr Peel, who entered the business on leaving school.
"A catalogue of disasters beyond his control led to this unfortuante incident.”
Prosecuting, Nick McNamara said: “Not directly disposing of carcasses, sounds like a technical charge but essentially stops disease spreading to other farms and animals.”
He added that the charge can carry a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment at crown court.
Magistrates ordered Peel to pay a fine of £300 and to pay £385 court costs as well as a victim surcharge.
Chairman of the bench Geoff Knowles said: “We have listened to what has been said and the aggravating features are that 67 animals were involved.
“We have taken into account your guilty plea and the personal circumstances that surround this incident.”
6. SIRHOWY CYRUS - Obi Maroun X Hopstone Niobe Caspian Stallion Bought for Evie's first birthday as a yearling As a four year old they took him to the Caspian Nationals, and allegedly won the lead rein class even though he had only had a saddle on for the first time 5 days before the show MISSING
7. BUBBLEGUM - Bumble (2000) Welton Appollo X Broomhill Lady Evie evented her in 2007 & 2008 entered for 11 events Her name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw her in the 'rescue centre' HAPPA Re Homed(RE HOMED BY HAPPA) Bubblegum - Bumble (2000)
8. MYSTICFOLD CHARMING BOY - Piers (1996) Borderfame Prince Charming X Stainmore Rose Hip Died in 2010 of colic DIED(DIED OF COMPLICATIONS OF COLIC PRE 2010) Mysticfold Charming Boy - Piers
10. FIYAH DOMINION (1995) Domino Jeel X Celtic Star 86.36% Crabbet Pure Bred 14.3hh bay mare MISSING(SHOT BY RSCA - SHADY)
A WOMAN has gone on trial, accused of animal cruelty, after the remains of seven horses were discovered on her land.
Rachelle Peel, 56, faces 22 charges of cruelty to horses and dogs. The charges follow a visit by RSPCA inspectors and police to her property at Brookhouse Green Farm, Dale Opening the case for the RSPCA at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court, Iain O’Donnell said representatives of the Horses & Pony Protection Association attended Peel’s home address at Brookhouse Green Farm following a report of a dead horse in a field.Head, Slaidburn, and her barn in Knotts Lane, Tosside, in March 2013.There was nobody in so the officer drove back to Slaidburn to phone to request the presence of the police and a vet.
Later that day they went into a field at the farm and found the carcass of a horse.
There were a number of living horses feeding from a large bale of hay which was next to the carcass.
Shortly afterwards, the officials went into the farmhouse where there were a number of dogs.
The police officer said the house smelled so strongly of urine that his eyes were watering, and there were dog faeces all over the floor.
There were dogs tethered outside which the prosecution say were in a poor condition.
The party was joined by an RSPCA inspector. The police officer spoke to a farmer in a nearby field and as a result they went to the Knott Lane site which comprised a field and a large barn which was locked. The officer went to Brookhouse Green Farm and returned with a key.
There were two living horses in the field and what appeared to be the remains of at least two more horses.
Inside the barn there were three horses which were living among the remains of four dead and decomposed horses.
“One of the dead horses was in the same pen as the living animals,#148; said Mr O’Donnell.
A number of horses were removed immediately and more the following day.One horse became upset in transit and suffered injuries which meant it had to be put down.
Two other horses which were removed were put down in the days that followed.
RSPCA inspector Kat Hamlyn attended the sites the day after the initial discoveries and organised the removal of more horses and dogs.
The case continues.
11. LITTLE STARLIGHT - Delilah (1996) Gunner B X Moon Charter 15.3 TB Grey mare Was in foal when she was removed from Peel in march 2013 Evie told previous owner that she had foal a 'big strong chestnut colt' even though she was at the rescue centre at the time of giving birth Her name was read out in court and spirit13 and Lisa Smith both said they saw her in the 'rescue centre' RETURNED TO PEEL(RETURNED to te peel's) Little Starlight - Delilah with her Marcus Aurelius foal in 2011
12. WILLIAM Possible a TB or TB X CB His name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' RETURNED TO PEEL(RETURNED To the peel's - HONEST VILLAIN)
13. SPARK PERSEPOLIS (2003) Caspian Pony Bay Stallion MISSING
14. HADIDA PEARL- Haps (1989) Silver Scimtar X Pearl of Wisdom 14.2hh Chaestnut mare DIED February 2011 (DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES PRE 2010) Hadida Pearl - Haps (1989) with Templars Magic Pearl - Mouse (1994)
15. SPARTAN PRINCESS - Diva (2006) Spartacus x Stormchaser 16hh Chestnut TB mare Bought at the sales for 'meat money' as a 3 year old with the intention of eventing her for a couple of seasons then putting her in foal to Last Crescendo HAPPA SHOT allegedly from colic (SHOT BY HAPPA)
evie's eventing successes!! From 2007 to 2014
150 events entered of which withdrawn from 31 no show from 10 eliminated from 15 retired from 8 A from 1 Finished 67 non specified from 1 HC from 17
highest places 4th and a 7th on Feathers Mcgraw (Harry) A made horse 7th on Vladimier H (Joules) a made horse 7th on ''Templars'' Taragun (Taz)
16. TEMPLARS MALAZAAR - Malcolm (2008) Bay (or very dark liver with black mane and tail) Purebred colt MWA Madkour X MWA Amira Bint Obeyd Allegedly rejected by Amira and hand reared MISSING
17. SILVERSUN KHOOMI (2006) Amadni X Princess Tarria 14.2 Chestnut mare Purebred bred by Doug and Gabi Ault at Silversun Shot by cooper wilson on instruction of the RSPCA in April 2013 she was described as bright, alert and responsive but had rain scald and mud fever, she was just 7 years old Her name was one read out in court and spirit13 said she saw her in the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) Silversun Khoomi (2006) as a foal in Silversun Khoomi (2006) March 2013
18. TEMPLARS PRINCE CASPIAN - Dinky (2009) Last Crescendo X Spark Shahrya PBA Bay colt (50% Arab 50% Caspian) Spirit13 claims he came into Cooper Wilsons the night all peels horses came in but not heard of since MISSING Templars Prince Caspian - Dinky 2009
19. TEMPLARS MILLI VANILLI - Milli (2011) Last Crescendo X Twist Hoeves Nancy grey PBA mare Her name was read out in court but not heard of since and spirit13 claimed she saw her at the 'rescue centre' Peel said the mare has a Dutch sport pony passport which she never got round to over stamping with the AHS. Her name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw her in the 'rescue centre' and could have been the 'young, grey PBA' that Lisa Smith said she saw MISSING(RETURNED to the peel's) Templars Milli Vanilli - Milli in 2011
20. TARAGUN - Taz/Tarri (1992) Shogun X Tarreta 14.2 Chestnut mare This little mare gave her all for evie, WAHO, eventing, and glory and it seems when she was of no further use she was tossed aside. Taz was the first to be shot by Cooper on arrival at the centre having broken a leg, it beggers belief that she was such a seasoned traveller and to end her life like this is so sad. Having met Taz's breeders today my heart goes out to you both, I felt she deserved to be posted on the Nationals Crabbet day Her name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw her in the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) RIP little lady A note from Libby Frost Taragun was Taretta's first foal, by shogun, Tari stayed with us until she was about 4 then my friends Val and John bought her, Val backed her and started her jumping, we had many happy rides out over the moors from St Breward here in Cornwall, i would ride Tari and Val rode Karna her partbred, i remeber jumping Taragun too ,and she felt AMAZING, Val and john loaned Taragun to a lad in Wales and he was the one who turned her into a jumping machine, fine tuning Taragun's massive enthusiasm!! She showjumped successfully before turning her hoof to eventing. Taragun came back to Val and John , and i cant remember what happened next, maybe Val decided to reduce the herd, and my friend Lisa bought Tari, Lisa had her for a while and then sold her to the Peels, and the rest, as they say, is history... :( Taragun - Tari 2008
21. TOBAGOS AMBASSADOR - Buzz (2008) H Tabago X MB Fantasiaa Liver Chestnut colt Was bought by peel, unfortunately the seller (in Belgium) was made bankrupt and fortunately for Buzz he was seized by the receivers and had a lucky escape. The following year he was up for auction and peel posted on here that there could potentially be legal action taken as she had proof of purchase (that was September 2009) One hopes that she didn't actually get her hands on him and he did indeed escape ESCAPED
22. LAST CRESCENDO - Cresh (1997) Imad X Carillion 14.3 grey stallion Rescued from peel by RSPCA on the 21st March 2013, shot by Cooper Wilson on RSPCA orders on the 22nd March 2013 Sire to Harley, Quizz, Pepsi, Boots, Dinky and Millie probably more Razgold who posted on here won the Tsunami auction for Cresh but never sent the mare in the end His name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) Last Crescendo - Cresh (1997)
Last Crescendo - Cresh (1997) in March 2013
23. SPARK SHAHRYA (13.05.99) Henden Khodee X Runnymead Poppy Bay mare Caspian Pony MISSING Spark Shahrya in the foreground with Dinky and Midge
14. SUNLEA DARREANA -Tara (1990) Darjeel X Sunlea Golden Hannella Pure bred chestnut mare 83.18% Crabbet Dam of Sahara Sundance 1997 (by Golden Samurai) who managed to escape peels clutch's and is now in Sweeden. I'm sure Barbara will fill us in on the details of her court battle with peel. However poor Tara wasn't so lucky and is MISSING(DIED PRE 2010) A note From Barbara Gregory I bought Sunlea Darreana (Tara) as a yearling from Angela. I was really looking for something a bit older but saw her advertised in Horse and Hound (we didn't have all this internet stuff in 1991), went and saw her and fell in love. She was a beautiful, bright red chestnut colour and everyone who saw her commented on how beautiful she was. I won a covering to Golden Samurai at the AHS summer show and sent her to him. She had a filly, my first ever foal. My son had come over on the Sunday and just after lunch Tara decided to have her foal so my son was there at the birth. He wanted to call her Sundance so I added the "Sahara" to it and she was Sahara Sundance aka Scarlett. She was a dark liver chestnut rather than the bright scarlet colour her mother was
25. TEMPLARS LEGZ AKIMBO - Legz (2011) Calcutta X Spartan Princess Bay, white blaze and near hind white sock TB colt His name was read out in court and spirit13 and Lisa both said they saw him at the 'rescue centre' MISSING(RETURNED to peel's) Templars Legz Akimbo - Legz (2011)
From the Lancashire Post Woman faces animal cruelty charges after she ‘kept living horses with carcasses’
A WOMAN has gone on trial, accused of animal cruelty, after the remains of seven horses were discovered on her land.
Rachelle Peel, 56, faces 22 charges of cruelty to horses and dogs. The charges follow a visit by RSPCA inspectors and police to her property at Brookhouse Green Farm, Dale Opening the case for the RSPCA at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court, Iain O’Donnell said representatives of the Horses & Pony Protection Association attended Peel’s home address at Brookhouse Green Farm following a report of a dead horse in a field.Head, Slaidburn, and her barn in Knotts Lane, Tosside, in March 2013.There was nobody in so the officer drove back to Slaidburn to phone to request the presence of the police and a vet.
Later that day they went into a field at the farm and found the carcass of a horse.
There were a number of living horses feeding from a large bale of hay which was next to the carcass.
Shortly afterwards, the officials went into the farmhouse where there were a number of dogs.
The police officer said the house smelled so strongly of urine that his eyes were watering, and there were dog faeces all over the floor.
There were dogs tethered outside which the prosecution say were in a poor condition.
The party was joined by an RSPCA inspector. The police officer spoke to a farmer in a nearby field and as a result they went to the Knott Lane site which comprised a field and a large barn which was locked. The officer went to Brookhouse Green Farm and returned with a key.
There were two living horses in the field and what appeared to be the remains of at least two more horses.
Inside the barn there were three horses which were living among the remains of four dead and decomposed horses.
“One of the dead horses was in the same pen as the living animals,#148; said Mr O’Donnell.
A number of horses were removed immediately and more the following day.One horse became upset in transit and suffered injuries which meant it had to be put down.
Two other horses which were removed were put down in the days that followed.
RSPCA inspector Kat Hamlyn attended the sites the day after the initial discoveries and organised the removal of more horses and dogs.
The case continues.
26. OAKTHWAITE SHAMTAR - Shammy (1998) Al Sood X Cumbria Shamari Bred by Oakthwaite Arabians 15.2hh black pure bred mare Bred 2 foals for peel plus was allegedly put to Prince of Darkness in 2010. Was bought for evie's 9th birthday present Shammy won county level in hand with evie MISSING(DEAD BODY IN 2013 UNKNOWN CAUSE POSSIBLY SYCAMORE POISON) Oakthwaite Shamtar - Shammy(1998) and Midge(2009) Oakthwaite Shamtar - Shammy(1998)
27. BRADNEY ANNA - Anna (?) 11.2hh chestnut mare Welsh Section A Apparently she had two names one for afiliated show jumping and one for WHP. In 2006 she was 18 plus so in 2013 she would have been 25 plus, if it's the same Anna she was shot by cooper wilson on the 26th of March 2013 5 days after going into the 'rescue centre', spirit13 claims she saw her in there also her name was read out in court during the trial. RSPCA inspector said she was 'doing ok' but 'grumpy temperament' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) Bradney Anna - Anna
28. TWIST HOEVES NANCY - Nancy (1993) Kookhuster Fulkert X Brukels Marabella 14.2hh chestnut/roan PBA (welsh X Arab) Dutch Bred Bought for evies 13th birthday as an 'Eventing school mistress'a Dutch sport pony. Dam of Templars Milli Vanilli who is by Last Crescendo Nancy was shot in April 2013 by cooper wilson on orders of the RSPCA Vet report was 'bright, alert, responsive, rain scald and mud fever' Her name was read out in court at the trial and spirit13 said she saw her at the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) Twist Hooves Nancy - Nancy (1993)in 2008
29. TEMPLARS MYSTIC SHADOW - Midge (01.05.09) Mysticfold Charming Boy X Oakthwaite Shamtar Bay PBA filly CB x Arab Could also be 'Templars Enigma' - Midge (2009) same sire, dam and year, or maybe the year could be wrong on one of them ?? Although there are picture's of both on AL, one has no white other than a crescent shape star and the other has a star and both hinds have socks? Was shot on arrival at the 'rescue centre' on the 21st March 2013, by cooper wilson, at the age of 4, when the vet report said ' Hard to handle and a cracked hoof which needs a trim' Her name was read out in court at the trial, and spirt13 said she saw her at the 'rescue centre, and Lisa Smith said she saw 2 CB or CB x's DEAD
30. ??????????? - Shady (????) Name was read out in court at the trial, spririt13 said she saw him/her in the 'rescue centre'. vet report said 'Bright alert and responsive, with rain scald and over grown feet Could this be Templars mystic shadow ?? and Midge be Templars Enigma??. Either way both dead Shady was shot at the 'rescue centre in April 2013, by cooper wilson under orders of the RSCA (it's not a spelling mistake, I have decided to drop the 'prevention') DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA - Fiya Dominion)
31. Templars Crie de Coeur - Treacle (2000) Mysticfold Charming Boy X Je t'Adore CB x Arab Ironically, the Cambridge dictionary translation for her name is 'an urgent and strongly felt request for help from someone in a very bad situation'' MISSING(SHOT BY RSCA - Midge) (This was amended in her post to''ETA: Midge - yes she was Shammy's daughter. ''
32. ?????? - Rita Grey mare Her name was read out in court at the trial, spirit13 said she saw her in the 'rescue centre' cooper wilson shot her 22nd March 2013, vet report 'bright alert and responsive, farrier needs to tend hooves' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA - ARRIETA)
33. EDGEVALE AGAINST ALL ODD'S - Pip (2005) (I Breed this boy) Djammal X Lady of the lamp (Miners lamp) 16.1 Anglo Arab, Bay gelding He was called Against all Odds as he was the only foal to survive from six that year because of EHV 22.09.08 peels come to see Pip she rang to say they wanted him but couldn't afford to pay for him all at once so would I take the money in 3 instalments, having discussed it it with all involved, my mum included it was agreed that they were lovely kind genuine people (Having sat in my mum's house for ages drinking tea and chatting all about evies wonderful success) yes I would, she also said she wanted a American Paint horse filly that I had for sale, but again couldn't afford to pay for her until they had paid for Pip. The upshot was that I let them (stupidly) take both horses with one payment for Pip when they collected them 18.10.08 peel took Pip and Justsy (in a massive posh lorry) having to constantly beg for Pip's money and not a hint of Justy's money after a year, and after lots of unanswered phone call's and emails I sent an email saying that i was coming to get Justy.. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was NOT allowed on the property and if I wanted to collect her I would have to send a transporter and that they would meet the lorry up the road in a garage! I have contracts and emails which I will put on here to prove the above 03.12.09 which Justy was collected. She was taken straight to a professional trainer and I immediately had a phone call from her telling me what a state she was in I REPORTED PEEL TO THE RSCA in December 2009 expressing my concern for Pip and any other horses that they had Pip was shot by cooper wilson in the 'rescue centre' on the 26th June 2013 even though the RSCA inspector said 'he's doing OK' His name was read out in court at the trial and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA) Edgevale Against All Odds - Pip (2005) Wessex group Arab show 2006
34. HERON DE LA FORGE - Heron (1995) Prince I'Gor X Isa 16.2hh Bay French Anglo Arab gelding evie evented him from 2009 to 2010, 23 events entered. cooper wilson shot him at the 'rescue centre' on the 26th March 2013 RSCP inspector said he was 'doing ok' after vet examination His name was read out in court at the trial, spirit13 said she saw him at the 'rescue centre' peel said 'he was a world class eventing horse who has represented France and Italy and competed at 3*events, qualified for Badminton and come 2nd at the world cup championships at Barroca. He competed at Milton Keynes with evie in 2009. 2011 he had a deep flexor tendon injury DEAD (SHOT BY RSCA)
35. ????? - Breeze ???? RSCA Had her shot by copper wilson at the 'rescue centre' the day after she arrived, 22nd March 2013. spirit13 also said she saw her there, his/her name was read out in court at the trial Vet report 'Bright, alert & responsive, rain scald DEAD(SHOT BY RSCA)
Templars Stud – Lancashire Templars Stud – Lancashire UK and Ireland SUMMER 2000 STUD TOUR By Georgia Cheer Regrettably, I was unable to view Rachelle Newnham and Keith Barnes horses at Templars Stud as a foal had been ill and it was feared that I might possibly tread a germ onto another farm so it was decided for me not to visit. However, Rachelle had sent me this list of horses as of last summer 2000 and pedigrees which I have posted on the site., Note the date!!
36. PHAARAOH - George/Gorjus George (2006) Azaari X Pjatakova 16hh Pure Bred chestnut gelding Another one that she raved and raved about blood lines and how fantastic he was on AL In March 2013, at the time that this all kicked off peel was actually trying to buy another horse, a PBA off of the same breeders fortunately this didn't happen, but the mere fact that she was trying when all her horses where dying around her, (remember she all ready had 15 DEAD horses at home HAPPA put him to sleep with neurological problems? name read out in court and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' DEAD(SHOT BY HAPPA)
37. TEMPLARS MAGIC PEARL - Mouse (1994) Achims Silver Magic X Hadida Pearl !4.2hh chestnut pure bred mare 100% Crabbet According to cooper wilson, peel DIDN'T WANT HER (she had collapsed fetlocks) so she arranged to have her destroyed Bred at least 4 foal's Harley, Shrimp, Molly, and one that was born in the 'rescue centre' Her name was read out in court at the trial, spirit13 said she saw her as did Lisa Smith DEAD(RETURNED to peel's)
38. DOWNLAND I'M HELLO DOLLY - Dolly (2008) Romarnic Ranger X Holme Grove Infini 17/17.2hh Black part bred Arab x Trakkaner mare This poor soul was identified in court as one of the rotting bodies. peel had allegedly claimed she had been stolen from them, and post trial is still allegedly claiming she has been stolen and trying to get a passport for her (June 2016) DEAD? STOLEN? MISSING?
A note from Nicola Nash 'I sold Dowland I'm hello dolly to the peels. She had been bred by a friend and I had bought her back as a yearling to run on for my daughter to do BD.
Rachelle convinced me to sell her to her for EVie to event and as she was going to be very tall (over 17hh) and they sold me the fantastic home she would have.
She didn't have enough movement to be a top flight dressage horse but more than enough to be a top class eventer.
She was a beautiful very mature black filly by Romarnic Ranger x Holme Grove Infini who was trakehner.
I was so excited about the prospect of her coming out under saddle and doing well. She was from Rangers first crop so I was excited for him as well.
How bloody wrong was I!!!!''
39.TEMPLARS NIMROD - Pepsi (2006) Last Crescendo X Templars Crie de Coeur 16.1hh bay/grey male PBA x Cleveland Bay Bred as an Eventer for evie, his name was read out in court RE HOMED by HAPPA (SHOT BY HAPPA)
40. GKJ SPOTTED SENSATION - Yogi/Sydney (2011) Calimer X Batewell Indian Dawn Spotted Stallion Bred by Karen Dewey Musty, His name was read out in court and spirit13 claimed she saw him as did Lisa Smith RETURNED O PEEL(RETURNED to the peel's)
templars Platinum Member
England 1852 Posts
Posted - 02 Oct 2006 : 12:34:54 PM Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message 16 pure breds 6 part breds 5 Caspians 4 Cleveland Bays 1 Welsh Sec A 2 miniature shetlands (the Boys Toys or Mini Whinnies0)
3 working collies (Meg, Red and Boo) 3 guard dogs (Rottweilers x Weimaraners) (Grump, Bess and Wince) 7 Jack Russells (black and tan) (Malty, Phoebe, Roly, Griss, Garfield, Mini Malt and Snicker) 3 Stable cats (Sage, Jaff and PerPuss) 1 House Cat (Merlin) 1 Stick insect (Rodney)
Our Siamese Fighting Fish (Fluffy) died at the weekend
300 commercial sheep (most of which I can recognise as individuals) 40 pedigree Charollais sheep (all of whom I can recognise as individuals) 8 pedigree Zwartble sheep (all of whom have names that they know) 2 Limousin x cows 1 Limousin x calf 1 pedigree Limousin bull (Bully Beef)
As Stephen says - this used to be a working farm but since Evie and I moved in now everything has a name.....
41. MAGIDAA BINT MAMOONA - Binty Gold Crystal X Mamoona Pure bred mare Loaned to them from MWA and returned with MWA AMIRA OBYED (No 3.) after a lengthy battle she was forced to return her RETURNED TO OWNER(RETURNED TO OWNER)
42. MWA MADKOUR - Muds (1998) Alazaar X Malimar Bay Pure bred SE Stallion Muds was on loan to peel, along with Amira (No 2), Binty (No 41) Muds died while with peel DIED(DIED PRE 2010)
43. INDIAN SILVER MOON - Indie (1986) Silver Admiral X Indian Gleam Pure bred Stallion 100% Crabbet On loan to peel from MWA died in peels care So both Stallions died in her care and battle for MWA to get the two mares back. See No's 3,41. DIED
44. CAS ROSAROMA Shogun X Princess Di -Roma 14.2hh pure bred chestnut mare loaned with foal (Alileo) at foot, when she was returned she was in a very sorry state, covered head to tail in rain scald and mud fever on all four, so sore she struggled to walk, which had never had before or since RETURNED TO OWNER
45. SHAHARA SUNDANCE (1997) Golden Samuria X Sunlea Darreanna Dark chestnut pure bred mare Court case reference this mare and her mother fortunately the Owner Barbar Gregory manged to save Sundance from this fate and is now safe and well in Sweden ESCAPED
46. HOLME PARK LENNON - Lennon (2006) Bay Liason 3 X Fairlyn Gemini Lennon was with peel for 10 weeks, on loan with a view to buy. He was returned full of worms, had lost condition and had the same shoes on that he went with RETURNED TO OWNER (RETURNED TO OWNER)
47. JE T'ADORE - Sia (198?) Jetsetter X Romandi 15.1hh grey pure bred mare 98.5% Crabbet] bred by Mr and Mrs Wilson (Cambridgeshire) Sold by Laura Pkye was covered by MWA Madkour in 2005 Dam of T. Crie de Coeur and T. Chanson D'Amour DIED AGED 21 with a broken leg (PTS SLEEP BROKEN LEG)
48. EDGEVALE IT'S A MISS JUSTICE -Justy (2004) SBJ Khaki Jacket(APH) X Mad Venture(TB) 14.2 Chestnut American Paint (Breeding Stud Book) Sold(!) to peel at the same time as Pip, did not pay for her so I had to send a transporter to get as peel wouldn't allow me on the property and the lorry had to meet them at a garage up the road, she came back in a pitiful state and I phoned RSCA and reported her. This is the agreement that she drafted ..... ESCAPED (RETURNED TO OWNER)
SALE AGREEMENT Seller: Buyer: Rachelle Newnham Peel Brookhouse Green Slaidburn Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 4TS 1.Horse Edgevale Against All Odds (stable name Pip)16.2 bay gelding, 3 year old Anglo Arab 2. Price and Payment£3,500 Payment to be made in 3 instalments:£1,200 (cash) Saturday 18th October 2008 £1,200 (cash, Building Society cheque or bank transfer) Friday 14th November 2008 £1,100 (cash, Building Society cheque or bank transfer) Friday 12th December 2008 3. Title and ownership Pip will remain the property of the seller until the full payment has been made. Within 7 days of full payment, his registration papers will be sent to the buyer so that transfer can be applied for with relevant registration societies (buyer will pay for transfer). LOAN AGREEMENT Loaner: Loanee: Rachelle Newnham Peel Brookhouse Green Slaidburn Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 4TS 1. Horse Miss Justice (stable name Justy)14.2 chestnut roan mare, 4 year old Thoroughbred x American Paint Horse 2. Loan Period Saturday 18th October 2008 until Saturday 3rd January 2009 The loan period may be extended beyond this 3. Title and ownership Title and ownership will NOT pass to the loanee and Justy will remain the property of the loaner. The loanee has stated a desire to purchase Justy for a maximum price of £4,500 and she will inform the loaner before the end of the loan period if she is in a position to proceed with the sale. If she is not in a position to proceed, the loaner will decide whether or not to extend the loan period. 4. Termination of the loan agreement Either party may terminate the loan agreement with 7 days notice. However, the loaner will not terminate the agreement in order to sell Justy to a third party during the period October 2008 to January 2009. The terminating party is responsible for transport of Justy. Sale and Loan Agreement
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Insurance The loanee will be responsible for insuring both horses during the period October 2008 to January 2009. Pip will be insured for £3,500 and Justy will be insured for £4,500. Both horses are to be covered for veterinary expenses. (NB Insurance will commence from 20th October 2008)In the event of death, the full insurance value for Justy will be made payable to the loaner; the insurance value of Pip will be divided between the two parties depending on how much has been paid at the time of death (66% to loanee during October, 33% to loanee during November). 2. Location Both horses will be stabled at the loanee’s property. The loanee lives on site. The loanee will not move the horses off the property to another location. In the event that either horse has to be stabled overnight at the veterinary surgeon’s, the loanee will inform the loaner and provide the location and contact details. (Both horses may travel to and from training/competition venues but will always return to Brookhouse Green) 3. Rider The loanee gives assurance that the only rider who will ride the horses is her daughter, Evie Peel. 4. Welfare Both horses will receive adequate care and welfare (covering food, farrier, wormer, bedding material, flu and tetanus injections and veterinary care). In the event that veterinary attention is needed, the buyer/loanee will take immediate action to obtain this. She will immediately inform the seller/loaner of any such event. 5. Inspection The seller/loaner may visit the horses at Brookhouse Green with 48 hours notice (this is because Brookhouse Green is a working farm and plans may have to be altered to accommodate the visit). The buyer/loanee will not prevent the seller/loaner from visiting or having access to the horses. 6. Progress Updates The buyer/loanee will provide weekly updates to the seller/loaner either by phone, text or e-mail. These reports will include photographs every 2 weeks. Signed: Seller/Loaner ..................................................... Date: ................................. Signed: Buyer/Loanee .................................................... Date: .................................Sale and Loan Agreement
thanks for letting me know the cheque hasn't arrived - I put it in your Christmas card so I thought you had got it.
I've cancelled the cheque and will be posting a new one this afternoon. I'm really sorry about you not getting it.
Evie is gradually getting over her flu - it knocked her socks off for several weeks. The guys are doing really well and we all seem to have settled into a nice routine. We haven't been able to do too much work over the Christmas period mainly cos it's been frozen solid everywhere. We could get out but I didn't want them to slip on the yard. Mr Feathers (Evie's other horse) refuses to come out of his stable if it's slippy - he hates not been sure under foot and once he got nervous, then I got nervous about Pip and Justy slipping and scaring themselves.
Anyway, today the rain has returned - lots and lots and lots of rain!! The good news though is that everything has defrosted so we can get them out and working again!!
Please let me know when you get the cheque and thanks again for letting me know the other hadn't arrived (good news is that it hadn't been cashed - phew!!)
The vet came yesterday and did Pip and Justy's teeth - nothing major, just a couple of sharp baby edges!! They were both really well behaved and he loved Pip! (but then again who doesn't??).
He had a look at Justy's leg and said there isn't any problem and he's recommended leaving the bandage off for a week and then if it's still swollen, he'll have a look. It's not really puffy or massively swollen, just around the hairless bit and apparently that's normal for a bruise near a bone.
Well, they seem to have settled in. Justy bosses Pip around and pinches his food if she gets chance. He's so chilled he doesn't mind, he just pinches hers whilst she's not looking! He's formed quite a friendship with my pure Arab brood mare. She can be quite evil because she's so foal proud but she loves him back and they stand for ages grooming one another over the stable wall. It's amazing! I've never seen her so friendly to another horse. Mouse's little foal, Shrimp, thinks Pip is the bees knees and she bounces across her stable and gazes up at him. He licks and nibbles her ears and she dashes off them comes back for more.
Weekend coming and so a chance for Evie to spend more time with them both and of course she's off on half term next week. We used a general purpose saddle when she rode Justy the other night but Evie thinks it's too clumsy to feel what Justy is doing so we're going to use the jumping saddle this weekend - it's very lightweight and very, very soft leather. It's not a particularly special cut but it is more moulded so hopefully it will feel more like the little saddle Justy is used to.
I'll get some photos over the weekend if the weather permits and I'll give you another update Sunday evening.
Take care and thank you again so much - I honestly can't tell you what it means!!
Rachelle, Stephen, Evie, Justy and the main man Pip
(PS - Pip is such a cuddle bunny and he is SOOOOOOO quick to learn and so eager - can't wait till he gets going being ridden!!)
after I posted on her face book page announcing 'not to sell this woman a horse' which she promptly removed I received this email
1. Why post something so vulgar on a public domain? If you wanted to take issue with us why didn't you contact us directly, i.e phone? I thought we had revovered from this immature bitchiness, and if you want to criticise me over the internet, at least spell my name right.
2. If Justy was so poor and in such bad condition, why did you send us e-mails after she returned to you saying that she was happy, settled in and in good order? Were you lying then or now?
3. The farrier saw her the day before she left. She got on the transporter a happy horse with healthy feet.
4. I'm surprised that you managed to 'nurse' Justy back into a healthy 14.2 pony - you sent her to us as a 15.1, and wanted us to sell her on your behalf as a 15.1. How strange.
5. Whether we paid for her or not, we looked after your horse for 14 months with no livery, in which time she managed to seriously hurt Evie more than once while she tried to break and school your horse, me and Stephen while we tried to bath her, and the farrier, also more than once, while he attempted in vain to shoe her, something you seem to have such a complex about. She would have been shod, but I'm afraid none of us can really afford to spend a week in hospital because she was so dangerous.
6. Who actually owns this horse? Is it you, your partner or Rita Justice? Because even though we paid you for Pip, Rita Justice owned him. You told us that the reason Justy was being sold was because you and your partner were experiencing 'problems'. I assume you have got over these troubles seeing as you have the time now to criticise the people that had your horse for over a year free of charge and tried to help you. Whatever you want to say, it wasn't you paying for her feed and farriers bills throughout that time was it? You spoke to Stephen about the fact that she no longer fit our needs, and you wanted us to sell her on for you. Well, thankyou for that responsibility. It took us long enough to make you agree to take her back and deal with your own horse.
7. I don't think you are really in the position to talk about the payment and ownership of a horse. It took you almost a year to send us Pip's paperwork even though we had paid for him fully, on time. As you are finally so concerned, Pip is doing very well and is very happy.
From now on, I would appreciate it if you didn't contact Evie over facebook and then post something like you did. Despite Justy's attitude, she and Evie got on very well, and every time you have spoken to her over facebook she has always asked how Justy is, and every time you have said 'fine'. Do not start playing mind games with her just because you are in a bad mood and wanting some extra cash for Justy.
Please note the Discrepancies between emails and sale agreement 1. Justy's height 2. Pip's cheque not arriving 3.The mare actually went with shoes all round 4. Justy was hacked out by Evie when she came to see Pip and Justy
Never got hold of her on the phone, always Stephen or evie and very little email contact, NEVER got one photo of either horse. It took a year to send Pip's paperwork as it too that long to get the money. Many times I was put off from going up to see them with excuses like'we are flooded' we are snowed in' we are at a show' !! When they collected the horses the plan was for me to follow them back, but when they came she said it was going to be late and would be better to come once they have settled in. When came back she was poor, had no shoes on and had thrush in all four feet, she had to be clipped to get the inch thick layer of **** off of her stomach. In my opinion she looked like she had been chucked in a cattle barn and ignored
This is Justy in 2010 when she was back to her normal self
49. OSO HARLEQUIN - Moo Moo (2000) Zak x Katie Coloured mare evie had her at Hartbury college with her Evented her in 2013 and 2014 MISSING(RETURNED to peel's)
50. LITTLE STARLIGHT foal - Sampson (2013) Little Starlight was in foal when taken into the 'rescue centre' in 2013 evie informed the previous owner that she had foaled a 'big strong colt' RETURNED TO PEEL (RETURNED to peel's)
51. VLADIMIER H - Joules (2002) Gran Corrado X Inkara 17.2hh bay gelding Entered in 20 Events from 01.04.11 to 06.10.12 evie also had him at Harpbury His name was read out in court at the trial and spirit13 and Lisa said they saw him in the 'rescue centre' MISSING(RETURNED to peel's)
52. FEATHERS MCGRAW - Feathers (1992) Shabb X Pollards Lady Jane 16.1hh Liver chestnut gelding Evented by evie 2008 to 2010 entered for 16 events MISSING(DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES)
53. ZARIADNE - Zizi (2005) Star of Seasons X Ziadah Chestnut mare pure bred Zizi was the ''apple of Stephens eye'' Sold to peel by S A Roberts MISSING
54. STAR ASCENDANT - Scottie (2002) Star of Seasons X Zapheli 14.2hh Chestnut pure bred stallion 86% Crabbet MISSING
55. VLACQ TALNIQUE - Tal/Tally Hipu Who X Vlacq Lorindol 15.2hh bay Anglo mare Sold to the peels in 2010. Alleged one of the dead bodies found in a field and thought to have died along with one other of Sycamore poisoning DEAD (DIED OF SYCAMORE POISONING 2013)
56. Euphorbia HT. (1991) Pyrrus X Europejka Grey pure bred mare Straight Polish 1 of 4 horses that they had from Doug and Gabi Ault 1 of Which went back to them. Died of heart attack and ashes were returned to Doug and Gabi. DIED A note from Doug Ault ''Of the four we were conned into letting them have we got 1 back alive, Khoomi was murdered by the RSPCA for no reason,this we know to be true, one was a heart attack victim, one inoperable cancer, we were told this by the Peels so it must be true , yeah , right !!!''
57. Alileo - leo (2006) Ali Shahmaal X CAS Rosaroma Purebred Arab colt, dark in colour probably now grey peels took Alileo with his dam to wean him and returned the mare 6 weeks later in a mess MISSING
I have had permission to post these emails from Pat
I received a text from Rachelle Newman of Templars Stud who bought ALILEO as a foal at foot and took him with his dam, who was later returned to me. I had not pulled his hair for DNA at the time I sent in his covering certificate duly completed with his markings, together with the full fee for registration as a COLT.
I had been physically incapacitated and unable to handle this colt at that time.
Rachelle knew she had to pull a hair sample to forward to yourselves to complete his registration.and was advised by myself to do this while he was confined in the trailer used to transport him to his new home. He is now 4 years old and this is the text I received from Rachelle Newman on 18th June 2012.
"""Pat,we've been trying to get ALILEO DNA tested. The first attempt came back as inconclusive and we have just been informed by the AHS that he has failed the second parentage test and so cannot be registered. The results are showing that ALI SHAMAAL was not his sire,. There is also a question about CAS ROSAROMA being his dam according to the DNA. both of which have failed, we won't be trying a third time. Rachelle.""""
Obviously I cannot vouch for any contamination to the samples forwarded to yourselves by Rachelle, but as a very experienced breeder I would not have expected her to make any fundamental mistake over a sample for DNA testing.
My own conclusion has to be that this was a laboratory mix up, and as such there should be free re-testing by the lab responsible.
I had to jump through hoops to get CAS ROSAROMA'S DNA, as her own parents were not DNA tested only blood typed, so there was the additional expense for me to get a vet to take blood for parentage testing and then to extract DNA from that to enter her as a brood mare.
There were no parentage issues over the registration of her first first foal JUSTA ROMA, born 2006, who was also registered as a colt, so there can be no mix up or question marks over CAS ROSAROMA.
I had sight of ALI SHAMAAL'S registration certificate that showed he was a licensed stallion and DNA tested, so it must also be a fact that there were no question marks over his DNA.
As the resulting foal was born very dark brown in the image of Ali Shamaal's own sire CAS SABUR and went grey much later, as has Alileo, and the fact that Ali Shamaal was the only stallion - let alone the only GREY stallion, in any proximity to Rosaroma at the time of covering there can be NO QUESTIONS AT ALL OVER THE PARENTAGE. The stallion owner and an AHS panel judge were the people who did the actual covering, and the stallion owner was very keen at that time to have stock on the ground by ALI SHAMAAL.
There is no reason at all to doubt the parentage, as I was invited to bring my mare to this stallion free of all charge to myself for the purpose of promoting this stallion as a sire. I am 100% confident that the parentage is correct.
I therefore think it is incumbent on the AHS to contact Rachelle Newman and offer her a free DNA test once more for ALILEO (maybe with explicit guidance on cleanliness of collection to avoid the very remote chance that previous samples have been contaminated. even though collected by a very experienced breeder) The only conclusion that is appropriate in these circumstance is a laboratory mistake, for which there should be no additional costs involved by Rachelle Newman.
Indeed, I have paid for full registration for ALILEO as a COLT, and the AHS should be obliged to facilitate this to completion as it is a monopoly business charged with the registration of pure and part bred Arabians in the UK.
Thank you in advance for getting this issue which is not of my making brought to a satisfactory conclusion for both myself as his breeder and for the current owner Rachelle.
Pat Wallwork.
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 04 Jun 2017 : 08:26:57 AM Ah how lovely! I'm sure pics would be appreciated :)
Posted - 02 Jun 2017 : 10:45:53 PM Hi all Noticed that there is still interest in the tragic peel case and just wanted to let you all know that one of the peel horses bubblegum now 17 was rehomed by happa to a lady I know and is now very much loved and pampered by a 14 yr old girl and is regularly ridden and has brought her much joy so at least one happy ending! One escapee!
Posted - 31 Mar 2017 : 10:15:33 PM HAPPA Prancer has been identified and was nothing to do with the Peels.
Posted - 13 Mar 2017 : 1:42:56 PM Let's hope & pray if it is one that was rescued from that hell hole, that they never gets their hands on him.
They must never be allowed to visit this boy either.
Keep the name of those vile people out there...... peel... rachelle & evie
Libby Frost
Posted - 13 Mar 2017 : 11:24:45 AM He could be impossible to say...
Posted - 13 Mar 2017 : 07:32:02 AM HAPPA have an arab for rehoming called Prancer - might not be connected to this case but thought I would mention it. He has a large white snip on his nose so hopefully easily recognisable. Here is the text - he is on their Facebook page.
HAPPA Prancer Companion Born 2007, Arab, 15hh, Grey Gelding
HAPPA Prancer came to us at the end of 2014 as part of a big rescue. Since being at the Centre he has been out at a home and returned through no fault of his own. Prancer is looking for an experienced home that can help keep his mind active and would excel at in hand showing.
Min 72
Posted - 01 Feb 2017 : 10:58:39 AM I am the breeder of Autumn Dancer 2 (Harry)and am trying to trace where he is now... I understand that he may have been sold to someone in the Isle of Man in 2012. Does anyone on this forum have any further information please? Many thanks.
Posted - 24 Sep 2016 : 7:45:11 PM We haven't forgotten! Nor shall we
Posted - 08 Sep 2016 : 7:59:28 PM I remember seeing Pats ad on the AOBG and contacted about going to see one, not sure if it was same boy or not.
Posted - 07 Sep 2016 : 08:40:23 AM According to the 'response' post, Dirty Harry was one of two that were not removed, so technically, not returned. I did ask on that post for some information about where he was and why he wasn't removed but haven't had a reply yet. I know the other, a coloured mare was with Evie at college, but I would dearly like to know where Dirty Harry (AJ) spent those years.
Posted - 07 Sep 2016 : 07:21:58 AMSorry folks there is a technical hitch and I am unable to edit the original post so temporarily I'll do it here
REF No 2 Vlacq Tinwe - Sparky in the lime light
REF No 5 Harley at Myerscough College early 2013 just weeks before the rsca went in
REF No 57 ALILEO - Leo Message body I suspect the date he died was sept 2012, but it could have been as early as march 2011. this runs to 14 pages of emails often repeating itself and giving the peel bitch every opportunity to make any amends, the fact it was so hotly contested confirms to me , in hindsight, his death.
I received a text from Rachelle Newman of Templars Stud who bought ALILEO as a foal at foot and took him with his dam, who was later returned to me. I had not pulled his hair for DNA at the time I sent in his covering certificate duly completed with his markings, together with the full fee for registration as a COLT.
I had been physically incapacitated and unable to handle this colt at that time.
Rachelle knew she had to pull a hair sample to forward to yourselves to complete his registration.and was advised by myself to do this while he was confined in the trailer used to transport him to his new home. He is now 4 years old and this is the text I received from Rachelle Newman on 18th June 2012.
"""Pat,we've been trying to get ALILEO DNA tested. The first attempt came back as inconclusive and we have just been informed by the AHS that he has failed the second parentage test and so cannot be registered. The results are showing that ALI SHAMAAL was not his sire,. There is also a question about CAS ROSAROMA being his dam according to the DNA. both of which have failed, we won't be trying a third time. Rachelle.""""
Obviously I cannot vouch for any contamination to the samples forwarded to yourselves by Rachelle, but as a very experienced breeder I would not have expected her to make any fundamental mistake over a sample for DNA testing.
My own conclusion has to be that this was a laboratory mix up, and as such there should be free re-testing by the lab responsible.
I had to jump through hoops to get CAS ROSAROMA'S DNA, as her own parents were not DNA tested only blood typed, so there was the additional expense for me to get a vet to take blood for parentage testing and then to extract DNA from that to enter her as a brood mare.
There were no parentage issues over the registration of her first first foal JUSTA ROMA, born 2006, who was also registered as a colt, so there can be no mix up or question marks over CAS ROSAROMA.
I had sight of ALI SHAMAAL'S registration certificate that showed he was a licensed stallion and DNA tested, so it must also be a fact that there were no question marks over his DNA.
As the resulting foal was born very dark brown in the image of Ali Shamaal's own sire CAS SABUR and went grey much later, as has Alileo, and the fact that Ali Shamaal was the only stallion - let alone the only GREY stallion, in any proximity to Rosaroma at the time of covering there can be NO QUESTIONS AT ALL OVER THE PARENTAGE. The stallion owner and an AHS panel judge were the people who did the actual covering, and the stallion owner was very keen at that time to have stock on the ground by ALI SHAMAAL.
There is no reason at all to doubt the parentage, as I was invited to bring my mare to this stallion free of all charge to myself for the purpose of promoting this stallion as a sire. I am 100% confident that the parentage is correct.
I therefore think it is incumbent on the AHS to contact Rachelle Newman and offer her a free DNA test once more for ALILEO (maybe with explicit guidance on cleanliness of collection to avoid the very remote chance that previous samples have been contaminated. even though collected by a very experienced breeder) The only conclusion that is appropriate in these circumstance is a laboratory mistake, for which there should be no additional costs involved by Rachelle Newman.
Indeed, I have paid for full registration for ALILEO as a COLT, and the AHS should be obliged to facilitate this to completion as it is a monopoly business charged with the registration of pure and part bred Arabians in the UK.
Thank you in advance for getting this issue which is not of my making brought to a satisfactory conclusion for both myself as his breeder and for the current owner Rachelle.
Thank you for copying me in on this. There are a couple of points of clarification however:
We did not purchase Alileo as a foal at foot - he was 2 years old and had not been separated from his dam. At Pat's request, we had the mare scanned because Alileo was sexually mature and Pat had seen him trying to cover his dam. Fortunately she scanned not on foal.
. Alileo is not grey. He is almost black and shows no signs of going grey.
. The hair sample was taken by our vet. When the first test came back as inconclusive, we asked the vet to take the sample to ensure non contamination.
As the owners of Alileo, we are NOT requesting a free DNA test. We accept the results. We are not prepared to argue a case because Alileo's temperament has proved to be violent and very aggressive to the point of being dangerous and so we would never consider using him as breeding stock despite his alleged pedigree. Since he will not be used for breeding and he is proving to be unmanageable for in hand or ridden work, there seems little point in registering him.
We see no need for further action by the AHS.
Rachelle Newnham Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange
-----Original Message----- From: Pat Wallwork []
Sent: 26 September 2012 20:27
To:; Tracey Phizacklea; Tracy Dopson Subject: Re: ALILEO PURE BRED ARAB
Hello again everybody.
For clarification.
Alileo was an un-handled foal less than a year old who had out-wintered with his dam, and as explained was not handled due to my incapacity that year. He did not exhibit any aggressive tendencies while with his dam, nor had he been seen to attempt to cover her, she had not been visibly in season and the scan was a precaution in case anything had happened. I do not live on the premises and cannot watch them 24 hours a day.
I do think the point I made originally that it is impossible for CAS ROSAROMA'S DNA not to be a perfect match has been strengthened by Rachelle also saying that he was still suckling on his mother at the time of purchase, although she is mistaken that he was a 2 year old, he was foaled in 2008 as in 2006 Rosa had her first foal at foot and she was not sent back to stud until the following year after that foal was weaned.
Both of Rosa's colts went to their new homes in 2009, the year I had my surgery, when one was 3 and the other almost a yearling, as from memory Alileo actually went in the summer, before Justa Roma who stayed until the autunm.
Alileo developed some grey hairs by the time he shed his winter foal coat - admittedly very few, but his grand-sire CAS SABUR also appeared to be staying black / brown until he was a much older horse. On my original email concerning his registration I did say that as a foal, before the October 2008 deadline, that he appeared to be staying dark, but as he never fully shed the foal fluff his final colour could change.
I do think everyone is missing the point here.
The point is that I am the breeder of this horse and can guarantee with absolute certainty that CAS Rosaroma is his dam, as confirmed by Rachelle who travelled him home still suckling. with his dam.
The point is that if a vet did indeed take the hair for DNA to avoid contamination then the ONLY conclusions that can be drawn is a laboratory mix up.
This has caused expense to Rachelle, that should be re-imbursed by the AHS for the vets fees, plus any additional charges levied for the second sample.
When the colt was purchased it was with the full knowledge that the AHS held the covering certificate signed by the stallion owner as ordinary proof of service, with the markings completed ready for registration with the full fee paid for colt registration to allow a future buyer the option of keeping him entire.
The sale of Alileo completed on the basis that Rachelle would collect the DNA for registration formalities to be completed. This was part of the terms under which he was sold, that registration that was paid for would be completed.
So what is the current situation?
The registration and passport application to the AHS are one and the same. As the application was lodged with the AHS then Alileo should have an AHS passport.
As the AHS are fully aware from previous dealings on this subject, they as a Passport Issuing Authority are bound by the laws enacted to ensure that breeding records are not falsified. They are under a legal and a contractual obligation to myself to complete registration in accordance with the documentation in their possession.
They are of course at liberty to refuse to register foals by Alileo until there has been satisfactory evidence of his own blood lines, as the incorporation of DNA into the registration process was meant to make it easier to prove lineage when that foal went on to be a breeding adult, rather than have issues many years down the line when proof could be more difficult to obtain.
The position as I see it now, is that if Rachelle is adamant that Alileo will not be used at stud, then a certificate of gelding would allow his registration to proceed without DNA being tested.
If she is also adamant that she does not wish him ever to be registered as a pure bred Arab with his incredible lineage, then it could prove costly to enforce registration. At this time there seems little to be gained by any legal action between myself and Rachelle on the basis that a condition of sale was that she completes his registration, as it appears that a laboratory mix up is responsible for Rachelle no longer wanting to bother to take this forward.
In either of the above scenarios, I have as his breeder paid the AHS for a service that I have not received, that of obtaining pure bred Arab registered status for ALILEO.
I would therefore request a return in full of the registration fees paid for ALILEO.
The AHS is unwilling to discuss this situation with you, I have spoken with the owner of Alileo and as far as we are concerned the matter is closed. There will be no refund of the registration fee, two DNA tests were carried out by our laboratory at a cost which exceeded the amount you had paid therefore no refund is due. Mrs T M Phizacklea
or and on behalf of the Arab Horse Society
Me To Tracey Phizackleachristine dickinsonFeonna BartlettMichael Lewis
Thursday 27th September 2012
Hello Registrar,
The point has been completely missed once again..
As the BREEDER I the duly completed covering certificate with correct fees at the time due in October 2006. The AHS were given an explanation for the lack of hairs for DNA to accompany the application for a passport and registration.
. The purchaser of ALILEO was the person who was rushing to take him before I had pulled his hair for DNA. She knew a registration was pending and purchased subject to her taking DNA while he was still in the trailer so that registration could be completed. I had done nothing wrong, unlike the insinuations being made. A passport had been applied for, and paid for, and a suckling foal accompanying its dam can travel without a passport.
Put in simple terms, Rachelle is in breach of her contract with me to complete the registration process, which by the evidence being received now appears not to have incurred any expense to her, as there has been no proof offered that it was a vet who took the DNA, and the AHS itself has now said both tests were carried out using the original fee paid by myself
The AHS are now claiming that two tests for DNA have exceeded the actual registration fee. This is a misrepresentation, as the fee charged to customers considerably higher than the actual lab charges. for example the main American lab charges only 40 dollars for parentage testing or around 30 pounds in Europe.
The AHS ACCEPTED my fee FOR REGISTRATION. As that has not happened it follows the AHS are also in breach of their contract with me.
Rachelle claims to have got a passport elsewhere for ALILEO. How was this possible with his application pending for a passport with the AHS? The AHS does issue passports for horses pending problems arising during the registration process that do not show the breeding but keep the horse within the spirit of DEFRA, for all purposes for which passports are required.
Rachelle has by her own statements admitted that she has never made any attempt to contact myself over ALILEO.
. Rachelle is the person who used an internet forum to mislead other members of the Arabian community as to the registration status of ALILEO in a statement that clearly damages my reputation and credibility over an issue that I had not been made aware of. (March 2011)
8 By the text to myself in June 2012 Rachelle obviously had not believed in March 2011 the claim she made publicly that registration had broken down as she appears to have sent yet another DNA sample.
Although I am practically impotent as regards the future use and condition of ALILEO as he is in the physical possession of Rachelle, I am now extremely concerned with the damage to my reputation if no registration happens for this horse.
. Under the terms of sale Rachelle was obliged to complete his registration. The AHS have been paid to complete his registration.
. I am the only injured party here. My reputation has been almost irreversibly tarnished by either a laboratory mix up or contamination from the person who collected the hair sample for DNA.
. I have no control over either
As a breeder I have tried to do the right thing and have horses registered and parentage verified correctly , especially as at the time the National Equine Data base was eventually to encompass all equines through the more unified system of passports.
. That Rachelle also appeared to believe in the value of bloodlines this is so strange that she now will not proceed to have another test done under better conditions to prove the parentage. She specifically wished to purchase ALILEO as she has a half sister to his dam, Taragun, who is a proven performance mare, but has not bred. Indeed, she had asked if she could cover MY MARE with one of her pure bred Arabs so that she had another foal of that line to keep, and offered me a free service in return for a foal for her. That was the purpose of the scan, to ensure that the immature Alileo had not already covered his own dam while suckling.
. Rachelle has made claims directly or indirectly that CAS Rosaroma is not the dam of ALILEO.
Unless the AHS insists that a further DNA test taken from Alileo, the AHS become complicit in the libellous accusations that if left unchallenged will tarnish my good name when in fact I am the only person trying to get this matter put right.
Rachelle has a great many horses, and it is possible that mistakes are made. She has made a very clear mistake as to the age of Alileo on purchase, for which numerous personal credible witnesses who both knew the horses and when they went, and from posts on the dreaded internet forums can vouch for his age on departure. The local BHS welfare officer will be able to verify the date CAS Rosaroma was returned to me, as she was called in to make a report on the mare's condition upon return , so that will be in BHS records as autumn 2009.
. Unless Rachelle can personally vouch for supervising the vet taking the hair sample from the correct horse, a mistake could have been made identifying the correct animal. Rachelle had weaned ALILEO by putting him in a barn with a similar age bay colt.
I now request that the AHS do "the right thing" and arrange for a proper DNA sample to be taken for Alileo. Surely Rachelle has nothing to hide for this to be done.
I am not willing to get into further discussion about this.
Alileo already has a passport but he is not registered with the AHS and that is a situation with which I am happy.
I have never made any comment about "unnecessary expense." I do not think I have been inconvenienced and I have no complaint with the AHS.
I have not said Alileo was suckling - I said he was with his dam, not that he was suckling.
He was rising 2 when we got him. From postings on the internet, I believe that his sibling Justa Roma was with his new owner several months before Alileo came to us. His new owner contacted me several times prior to Alileo's arrival.
However, this is all academic. I am being dragged into a situation which is not of my making. I have no complaints. I have not discussed this with anyone. I don't want refunds or free DNA tests or anything else.
I bought a horse that has, in many ways, not lived up to expectation but I haven't complained or raised it as an issue. I have quietly and privately got on with things and put it down to experience.
I really am struggling to see what the problem is. A breeder bred a foal, didn't complete the registration, sold it (without a passport) and the buyer has since encountered problems with completing the registration. If the buyer accepts that position - what is the problem?
I haven't asked for compensation from the breeder. I haven't raised it as an issue with the AHS.
I'm not bothered that he's not registered and since he will not be being used as breeding stock then there isn't problem.
I am extremely unhappy about this situation. Mrs Wallwork has never spoken to me about this and I cannot believe that she has said the AHS should compensate me. I don't want compensation and I certainly don't want other people making such unvalidated claims on my behalf. I have not been in contact with Mrs Wallwork since buying Alileo, save for the text to her to let her know that he had failed the pre-requisite DNA test for registration. Under these circumstances the AHS has rightly, and properly refused to register Alileo. This was discussed at the time with the AHS. I informed them that since Alileo already had a general passport which makes him legal, and since I would not be using him for breeding then I did not need his parentage on his passport.
In summary: Mrs Wallwork paid for registration, the horse failed to meet the requirements of registration and therefore non was granted; I, as the buyer of a supposedly pure Arabian horse who has failed his registration, am the only party with cause to complain but I'm not complaining. I'm not asking for refunds or compensation or any other form of recompense.
I don't like the implied threat of legal action from Mrs Wallwork and to be honest, I can't see what grounds there are for any such action. The AHS did what it was obliged to do - process a registration application which in the event failed. I bought a horse in good faith and undertook the activity which should have been done by the breeder. I also obtained a passport for the horse which had been sold, as it turned out, without one. Mrs Wallwork paid for registration application which was rejected because the horse didn't meet qualifying criteria. There is no legal case to answer.
On a final note - this was an avoidable situation. If Mrs Wallwork had completed the application process herself within the prescribed timescales, none of this would be an issue. I fail to see why, after four years, Mrs Wallwork is raising this and creating unnecessary conflict for a horse that will not be used for breeding.
I believe the AHS has acted properly in this matter and I have no problem with the way things have been dealt with.
I own this horse. I don't care that he's not registered. I haven't discussed this with anyone outside my vet and the AHS.
Please do not involve me any more in this situation, and if (as I suspect) this matter becomes a "hot topic" on internet forums then I guarantee it will not have been started by me. It has been an unhappy experience and one I wish to draw a line under - privately, not in public.
sent using BlackBerry® from Orange
so who starts things on internet forums then – I did not post a reply to the Arabianlines post below made by Rachelle?
I copied this from the Arabianlines web site and am not happy with the content.
Posted - 16 Mar 2011 : 6:34:21 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''''CAS Rosaroma (Shogun x Di Roma) is back with Pat Wallwork. We have a colt out of her by Ali Shahmaal but unfortunately it's not been possible to register him due to a breakdown in registrations before we bought him. ''''
This post was by "templars" who is Rachelle Newman / Evie peel's mother, owners of Taragun who won the WAHO performance trophy a few years back.
This is factually incorrect and is adding fuel to those with their own agenda over other registration issues.
At the date of sale, The colt concerned ALILEO out of my mare CAS Rosaroma and by Ali Shahmaal had had his competed covering certificate duly signed by his owner and myself returned to the AHS together with the correct fees for a COLT.
The AHS were awaiting DNA to complete registration. This colt was born the year I needed surgery and was therefore unhandled as I could not risk any further injury. These facts were fully disclosed to the buyer, she was given the DNA bag, and told she had to get a sample of his hair to complete his registration. She was advised to do this while he was still in the trailer with his dam, for safety and in case they could not catch him upon release in a new environment.
This should have been perfectly do-able to an experienced horse owner who keeps a number of stallions.
At no time am i aware that "there was a breakdown in registrations" as the AHS have the forms and the fee by the deadline in the year of birth.
Can you please contact Templars stud and advise them that tehy only have to send the DNA to complete registration with copy to myself please by email, and ask council member Jayne Armstrong who is a moderator on the Arabianlines forum to publish a retraction of that misleading statement.
Any efforts I have made to contact Templars stud myself have previously been fruitless, and I am still angered at my mare being returned a few months later underweight, with extensive rain scald and mud rash having only been allowed to travel with the foal for their convenience not mine.
Thank you. I am desperatley trying to get all the outstanding registration issues sorted as I need to have all horses gone before the coming winter. Pat Wallwork FYI Following on from this, I had a text from Rachelle Newman on 18th June 2012 “””Pat, we've been trying to get Alileo DNA tested. The first attempt came back as inconclusive. And we have just been informed by the AHS that he has failed the second parentage test and so cannot be registered. The results are showing that Ali Shamaal was not his sire, There is also a question about CAS Rosaroma being his dam according to the DNA. After 2 tests , both of which have failed, we wont be trying a third time. Rachelle”””” There followed some emails between myself and the AHS, the upshot of which was that despite Alileo's correctly completed covering certificate and fees being with the AHS by the deadline in the year of birth, Rachelle Newman has obtained a passport from a different source, and the AHS are not prepared to refund the original fees to myself as his breeder, despite that the issue appears to be with DNA test. I hesitate to suggest that Rachelle made a mistake in the sample she sent, but there is no way that this colt does not have the bloodlines claimed. Rachelle took ALILEO in her trailer with his dam, he was still at foot suckling. CAS Rosaroma had parents who were blood typed not DNA tested. CAS Rosaroma had to have BLOOD taken for her own parentage verification from which DNA was extracted to correctly identify her future and current progeny. Her colt foal Justa Roma born 2006 was accepted for registration as a colt by the AHS, based on correct paperwork and DNA proof. I saw the verification that Ali Shamaal had his stallion license and DNA before using him on CAS Rosaroma. Ali Shamaal was the only stallion on the yard where CAS Rosaroma went to be covered. His owner was devastated that he died “of grass sickness” after sale, and was desperate to see the ONLY pure bred foal his stallion had sired. Alileo was born the almost black colour of his paternal grand-sire CAS Sabur, and very similar in looks and type. His dam is flaxen chestnut, but he had some white flecks around the eyes that showed he was likely to grey out. To accompany other emailed attachments to current AHS committee members Sept 15th 2103.
58. OAKMEISTER DIRTY HARRY Ssinsation X I A Whisper Grey Anglo Arab stallion MISSING (Was NOT removed from peel care)
59. ARIETA was on my original list MISSING (actually 'RITA' see number 32.)
60. TEMPLARS SEA MONKEY - Neville (2011) Sea Heir X Oakthwaite Shamtar dark brown colt His breeding appears to be Anglo but on all breeds he is down as PBA His name was mentioned in court and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' MISSING (Returned to peels)
61. TEMPLARS CULTURED PEARL - Molly (1998) Silvern Sceptre X Templars Magic Pearl Pure bred chestnut mare Her name was mentioned in court and spirit13 caims she saw her at the 'rescue centre' MISSING (peel said she was shot by HAPPA)
Molly and and her foal by Calcutta Templars Vindaloo
62. TEMPLARS CHANSON D'AMOUR - Quizz (2002) Last Crescendo X Je t'Adore Pure bred gelding
63. TEMPLARS PEARL HANIFEYAH - Shrimp (2008) Hanson X Templars Magic pearl (Mouse) Pure bred chestnut mare 100% crabett MISSING
64. TEMPLARS MOONSONG - Boots (2008) Last Crescendo (cresh) X MWA Majidah Bint Mamoona (Binty) Pure bred Chestnut mare 99% Crabett 100% old English MISSING
REF No 7 Bubblegum - Bumble
REF No 14 HADIDA PEARL - Haps with Templars Magic Pearl (Mouse) as foal at foot
REF No 17 SILVERSUN KHOOMI - Khoomi in 2013
65. TEMPLARS ????? - Moose (2006) MWA Madkour X 11.1 Caspian X Welsh PBA MISSING
66. TEMPLARS VINDALOO - Vinnie (2011) Calcutta X Templars Magic Pearl Bay Anglo colt MISSING
67. EARLYS RISING (1998) Primitive Rising X Countess Clifton Evented in 2006 to 2008 with previous owner was sold to peel scanned in foal 2010 and previous owner was told there was no foal born, she was then put to Harley with apparently no resulting foal found dead in the field in 2012 DIED
67. EVA/EVE her name was read out in court but no other reference to her MISSING
68. RINGKAY CAESAR - Winston Shetland His name was read out in court and spirit13 said she saw him in the 'rescue centre' MISSING (Horse re-passported and microchipped by "rescue centre" vet)
REF No 20 TARAGUN - Taz/Tarri (1992) Tarri as a foal in happier times
REF No 22. Last Crescendo - Cresh (1997) Before
REF No 10 & 30 FIYAH DOMINION (1995)
REF No 34. HERON DE LA FORGE - Heron (1995)
REF N0 37. TEMPLARS MAGIC PEARL - Mouse (1994) As a foal in 1994
REF No 38. DOWNLAND I'M HELLO DOLLY - Dolly (2008)
REF No 40. GKJ SPOTTED SENSATION - Yogi/Sydney 49. (2011)
49. OSO HARLEQUIN - Moo Moo (2000)
REF No 54. STAR ASCENDANT - Scottie (2002)
69. VLACQ EMERALD THEODEN - THEO (2005) ? X G.D Huttons Ambo Chloe 16hh Colt 77.25% Arab Died as a 3 or 4 year old DEAD
REF No 29. TEMPLARS MYSTIC SHADOW - Midge (01.05.09)
70. RINGKAY FREDDIE - Freddie MISSING Shetland male (retained by Cooper Wilson:)
71. DUN FILLY (2005) Pure bred Caspian MISSING templars Platinum Member
1852 Posts
Posted - 09 Mar 2005 : 08:05:00 AM Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message My pure bred Caspian mare had just had the most beautiful little filly and I'm so excited! She wasn't due for another fortnight and last night didn't show any signs of imminent foaling.
Checked on her at midnight, gave her a carrot and cuddle and she was fine. Just been to give her breakfast and there was a gorgeous little filly, up and suckling, completely dry, meconium hanging out, mum still rugged up!
I was on a waiting list for 8 years to get a mare and I'm absolutely thrilled. Filly is by my own stallion who was so shy we really didn't think he'd ever manage to be a father!
I know she's not Arabian but just wanted to share some good news!
Off for a wash and a brew.
PS Other Half still with mare and foal - and him a seasoned farmer!!!
templars Platinum Member
England 1852 Posts
Posted - 11 Mar 2005 : 12:36:01 PM Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message Will post some pics if I can work out how to do it!!
Thanks for your congratulations - it's really nice to know that people get just as excited as me at a new arrival.
I got into Caspians when I was looking for a pony for my young daughter. They are much narrower than native breeds and have the most amazingly calm temperament. I took my stallion all the way from Lancashire to Bristol for the Nationals and he was as good as gold, stood all day outside the trailer with goats, mares, foals and children all round him. Got 2nd in the lead rein class (only had a saddle on 5 days before), 4th in the in hand class. Wonderful breed.
Our little filly's shoulder comes to midway up my thigh (I'm 5' 2") and again, she's as calm as anything. She's a really pretty dun colour and quite a little poppet. My first pure Caspian!
I keep offering them to the Roman re-enactment at Ribchester seeing as the Caspian was the original chariot horse but they keep ignoring my offer and using a Shire!!!
72. ??????? - Shush (re homed by happa)
REF No 39 Templars Nimrod & 73. templars Platinum Member
1852 Posts
Posted - 16 Jun 2006 : 07:53:54 AM Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message Two part bred colts born within half an hour of one another this morning.
Our SE boy's first foal - a leggy chestnut colt was born at about 5.00. His mum is an 11.1 Caspian x Welsh. He's got attitude!!! Having a bit of difficuly learning to lower his head to suckle because he's as tall as mum and hasn't quite mastered the art of arching his neck.
Last Crescendo's third son arrived at about 5.30 out of our Cleveland Bay x Arab mare - a very smart bay little boy who seems so chilled it's untrue. Bred as a future eventer for Evie.
That's it now - time for a brew and some sleep!!
Both boys very different, very cute and all safe and sound
73. Caspian X Welsh 11.1hh MISSING
74. WILLOW ANNABEL (1999) Bantry Bere X Denwick Anne Cleveland Bay BELIEVED SOLD
77.???? RUBY coloured mare sprit13 claims she came from peels, she went in to 'rescue centre' the same night ??? SPIRIT13 (DANIELLE) HAS HER
78. FILLY FOAL (2007) BORN & DIED within 24 hours templars Platinum Member
England 1852 Posts
Posted - 23 Apr 2008 : 8:37:34 PM Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message Trot the rainbow little man and send moonbeams to those who love you RIP Little Ralph xx You can be very proud of your human mum - she's done you proud little one
ps if you look very carefully across the clouds, you'll find a lovely bay filly born Boxing Day who sadly had to cross the rainbow too when she was 24 hours old - she'll be glad of a little friend to play with xx
I am now away for 10 days so I have added the last few
Posted - 01 Sep 2016 : 1:28:54 PM :-) nice try love where there is a will there IS a way
Posted - 31 Aug 2016 : 4:58:11 PM Another lucky escape for Grace Pinkvboots
Posted - 30 Aug 2016 : 9:04:09 PM The last horse listed on the first page Vladimir H was a half sibling of a mare my sister and I had they had the same sire, I contacted Rachel through here to tell her I had Grace just because they were so closely related and looked very similar, she messaged me back showing an interest to loan her for breeding, my god am I glad I didn't go down that route, we owned her for 6 years she retired last year because of an injury unfortunately we lost her to laminitis last summer:(
Posted - 30 Aug 2016 : 3:54:14 PM The DM are aware. Hopefully something will come of it! Maybe they need a nudge :)
Posted - 30 Aug 2016 : 1:46:09 PM
Originally posted by DianaSC
Edgevale, do you know if Nick Craven, Melissa Kite and Nigel Bunyan of The Mail on Sunday who investigated this case are aware of this thread? I suppose it's "old news" for them now but they might still be interested if they're not already aware.
Worth tipping them off and telling them that it is ongoing and the list still has a long way to go and lots of further details to emerge.
I will be writing up my court case as soon as I get time; just been a manic few months and still a lot to do but hopefully in a few weeks I will have time to go through all the court papers and the preceeding emails with the peel woman; like the others there were cheques sent (never arrived), bank transfers (not done) etc.
Posted - 30 Aug 2016 : 1:38:04 PM Edgevale, do you know if Nick Craven, Melissa Kite and Nigel Bunyan of The Mail on Sunday who investigated this case are aware of this thread? I suppose it's "old news" for them now but they might still be interested if they're not already aware.
Posted - 30 Aug 2016 : 07:16:12 AM Thanks all for your support on this and please share the link where ever you can Its worrying to think that all the missing ones are either dead or back with the peels
Posted - 29 Aug 2016 : 10:35:09 PM I would love to be there & watch them squirm with self hatred, but alas I suspect not one tear has been shed from any of that satanic family . I truly pity the horses they have in their care now for I fear a leopard never changes its spots & I doubt these are being looked after any better than the others who have been unfortunate to have ended up with those demons
Posted - 29 Aug 2016 : 9:42:41 PM And me!
Libby Frost
Posted - 29 Aug 2016 : 9:41:13 PM
Originally posted by sab2
Edgevale I have just sat and read through the updates you have done on page one of this post. It's hard to believe so many horses have suffered in the hands of that piece of scum who in my opinion dose not deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us. Thankyou so much for keeping us all up to date on this, truly heartbreaking for you and all the other owners and breeders involved. I hope and pray one day the karma fairy catches up with her and she gets what she deserves.
Posted - 29 Aug 2016 : 9:28:01 PM Edgevale I have just sat and read through the updates you have done on page one of this post. It's hard to believe so many horses have suffered in the hands of that piece of scum who in my opinion dose not deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us. Thankyou so much for keeping us all up to date on this, truly heartbreaking for you and all the other owners and breeders involved. I hope and pray one day the karma fairy catches up with her and she gets what she deserves.
Posted - 25 Aug 2016 : 1:07:01 PM Ah sorry, I thought people hid them for her then returned them! Does she still have Arabs?
Posted - 25 Aug 2016 : 09:45:00 AM
Originally posted by debs
I don't understand why people would ant to hide them and then return them to someone that starved them....what is wrong with people? Or am I missing something?
They were used for breeding as they were lovely mares.
Posted - 21 Aug 2016 : 7:37:53 PM I don't understand why people would ant to hide them and then return them to someone that starved them....what is wrong with people? Or am I missing something?