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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pinkvboots Posted - 05 Feb 2014 : 1:40:06 PM
For anyone that might interested there is an Arab training class at Equifest this August, its on the timetable if you have a look on the website, schedule is out in March.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LIV Posted - 16 May 2014 : 9:28:35 PM
I did this class last year and anyone can enter.

You go round like a normal ridden class then you are asked to line up. The judge then rides and gives you feedback on how your horse went and what to work on. There is also a conformation judge.

The novice ridden only had approx. 4 entries last year and it was in a nice quiet ring away from the main buildings.

pinkvboots Posted - 11 May 2014 : 8:18:14 PM
I think anyone can enter as its a training class, I think its like a normal showing class then the judge gives you advice and a bit of feedback afterwards, My instructor told me about it so I will ask her and get back to you as I am just guessing really.
EJ Posted - 09 May 2014 : 1:18:25 PM
I did see this as a class at Equifest what does it include as in what does the class involve? Do you have to quilify for it or can you just enter it. X

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