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T O P I C    R E V I E W
debs Posted - 04 May 2014 : 07:06:10 AM
We went to our first show this year last weekend! Had a great day, Mica was !st in his class, off we went to tack up for the ridden, just as we were ready got a message to say they were holding up the championship for us Doh, newbies!!! This happened twice more missed the final call though we were in the cafe!!!
So so pleased with him. Sue was over the moon! She had put a bottle of fizz in the fridge but said later she hadn't thought for one moment we would be drinking it !!!
Little Ali got loose in his class, did his own little show then waited to be caught while I ran round like a loon trying to find another lead rein!!! He came 6th. Have to say there were some fab horses there, turned out very well. Realise being dragged in for a bath the day before is probably a bit of a shortcut to some of the others prep!!!
He was a very tense boy warming up for the ridden in which there was 20 entries, the judge rode them all so took an age. I think he was about 12/13th in the line but only the top 6 were placed!
I was just hoping he wouldn't be last!
I think we were the organisers worst nightmare, asking daft questions when they were at their busiest, so thanks to them!Oh and thank god they asked the night before if we had stables organised!!! We hadn't!
We had a great day, and had a good laugh.... mostly hysterically at ourselves!
Favourite horse of show was Taroub...
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
natntaz Posted - 13 May 2014 : 9:47:15 PM
Thank you, I hope you have a better rest of your season to.

I know what you mean about feedback, we have had times when
The judge never even looked in our direction. Especially when it cost
So much for us all to get there. Have had a real eye opener with the
Cost of the HOYS classes and the travelling.

Have a good time at Windsor. I used to love going there when I used to
Show Tariq when he was a youngster many years ago
sazzlepants71 Posted - 13 May 2014 : 12:34:20 PM
think I was just annoyed I didn't get any feedback.. a lot of people did and the lady who was last but none for me..anything would have been nice!!! ( even if it was neg lol )
anyway, going to a super show tomorrow so trying to forget the whole episode
good luck with the rest of season
natntaz Posted - 07 May 2014 : 5:14:14 PM
Lol I wished I even took photos, I always forget to
Do either but it's hard when your groom. Quite often
Our friends come and they were busy watching tobrember .

I am not defensive as I know we all have our own opinions
On how we see it on winners and losers . We have spent many
A time at the bottom end when he wasn't working right and would
Have a hissy fit in front of the judge.

How did you get on as I didnt recognise your horse from
The pics at bottom of signature
sazzlepants71 Posted - 07 May 2014 : 5:04:43 PM
hey, not discounting winners at all this is the trouble when you give your opinion people get defensive I'm not having a go at all - its just a observation... as I say when we played the vid back it was more interesting - that is all
roll on next show and happier times hopefully
natntaz Posted - 07 May 2014 : 4:14:44 PM
Debs the HOYS class had either 11 or 13 in it. I kept losing count. I know two
Horses missed there class..

As for them not getting out of a trot it hard when people cut you up
And also striding of horses is different. I suppose people are conscious
Of not wanting show there horse badly but each arena holds its own problem.

We didn't know really what to expect as it was our first HOYS class but we
Enjoyed it .
natntaz Posted - 07 May 2014 : 4:13:01 PM
In fairness I do think the indoor school was quite a daunting place.
I think a lot of them did react. Hey oh that's horses ! We were warned
About it but you can't replicate it at home.
The gelding that won was so calm and not at all naughty from what we see by it.
The judge gave vikki who rides Taroub for me lots of feedback which
Was great.

The novice I have to admit was a worry. So many in that arena it was
A bit like watching a cow boy and Indians movie. I was a little worried there
Would be someone hurt.
debs Posted - 07 May 2014 : 2:14:23 PM
Ali was very naughty. But we were only in novice, really needed to be pre novice! I didn't even get to see HOYS class. Must be very frustrating! Did the judge ride in that class too? Were there lots in it? Oh and is it usual for mates and geldings to be in same class? There was so many!
Mika is off to hocon and nationals! Ali isn't, lucky boy staying at home to do what he does best... Gourmet grass tasting! Maybe next year?!
sazzlepants71 Posted - 07 May 2014 : 1:19:45 PM
that's nice you had a good time!
well done on your win that's fab xx I did enjoy the show but have to say I thought there was some v naughty horses in the HOYS classes (geldings) and a lot of the time on the go-round a lot were barely out of trot !( we filmed it ) sorry but I thought as ridden class it was a bit frustrating when you have a well behaved well, mannered horse that is fit, and does everything and gets no feedback ive been showing 20yr and yup you win some you lose some but it was bloody awful!!
I will not be spending any more cash on HOYS classes its annoyed me - stick to the BACS & RASS qualifiers this year
natntaz Posted - 06 May 2014 : 5:12:53 PM
Thank you very much xxx
debs Posted - 06 May 2014 : 3:24:55 PM
He looked really lovely! A credit to you!

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