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T O P I C    R E V I E W
littlearabians Posted - 19 Jan 2014 : 12:20:39 PM
Please reply to topic with term date, mare, stallion and breeder, I will edit this first post with the information you post so its going to be one nice list any months I haven't written yet can be added if your expecting a late one

When foals are born please write colt/ filly out of mare, and birth date and I will change the due date to this information

17th Hykos Isobella (Desarbre Sea Horse x Pennwood Troubadour ) x Jula Peace of Sun ( Bounds Reflection x Kalevan Mystic Pride ) Welsh Sec B foal, Burnmill Stud.
20th March, filly foal, Burnmill Peace of Gold

25th Shakira bint dream (Bay dream x Saffron) x Tuscany BP (Versace x Bint Sacarina), Paulette.
25th March, filly foal

3rd, Ginea (Eldon x Gloria Zen) x Ekilibr (Eukaliptus x Ekologia), Little Arabians.
6th April, grey filly foal, Little Glorianna

12th, MS Fames Jubilee (Parys el Jamaal x Fames Prima Donna) x Vervencio (Vervaldee x Sheza Miracle WA), Jarva Stud.
12th April, bay colt

17th Marquesa Heat WA (Desert Heat VF x HR Marguay ) x Vervencio (Vervaldee x Sheza Miracle WA), Jarva Stud.
17th April, Chestnut Filly

20th, Exceleration to Venus (Exceleration BP x CN Angel Eyes) x Vervencio (Vervaldee x Sheza Miracle WA), Jarva Stud.
1st April, chestnut NSH colt foal

27th Silver Sunbeam (Binley Prince Salim x PHA Silver Heart) x Marbon Masadi (Naresh x Marbon Melissa), 100% Crabbet, Spirit Arabians.
12th May chestnut filly foal

???, GAS Skala (Ventican x Strelitzia) x Plumbum (Balaton x Pantomima), Kerry Wilson, Greenfields Arabians.
25th May, Grey filly, GAS Sugarplum

11th Dominita x Marbon Masadi (Naresh x Marbon Melissa), 100% Crabbet, Natalie Aggiss.

28th GKJ Spotted Glamour (Calimeer x Batwell Indian Dawn) x Vervencio (Vervaldee x Sheza Miracle WA), PBA, Jarva Stud.
10th May colt PBA foal

29th Rivergold Leela (Rusleem x Crimscote Water Lily)x Xiviers Sinatra for crème gene 75% Arab, Xiviers Arabian Palominos.

10th Kuranna (Shaikh Al Kuran x HT Janina) x Ahanu (Emiratus B x Jiwan), Bhaltos Arabians.
10th May bay or grey Filly, Bhaltos Anushka

12th, Little Kira (Kwiryna x Ekilibr) x TU Champion (Beduin x Chopiniana), Little Arabians.
28th May, Bay filly, Little Kassiopeia, SOLD

25th, SG Hilal Shaklana (Jullyus JJ x Halina Shaklana) x Adawy (Borneo x Ashiqa), Katy Dexter
24th June, filly foal

???? Silvern Muna (96% Crabbet) to Canto (by Imad 98% Crabbet) Beverley Wills, Kassalic Stud.

13th Crystal Magic ( Silvern Sceptre x Crystal Lazuli) x Nahema (Hejaz x Nimara), Spirit Arabians.
28th July, grey colt, S A Eastern Spirit

6th 75% Arab, MidOak Maiden Ice (Kingsettle Mouton x MidOak Millenium Gold) x Mahalias Marcus (Mumtaz Mahalia x Psynergy), Chapel Lane Arabians.
6th July, Filly foal

2nd Marbon Masadi x Cameo Rose (Imad x Gold Roseries), 99.99% Crabbet/ all English, Spirit Arabians.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hillbilly Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 11:56:07 PM
Originally posted by Hillbilly

Here is Sihree Bint Hilal pic taken in September.... born 24th June 2014.... Adawy x SG Hilal Shaklana. More pics to come if I've got this right..... this little girl survived Atypical Myopathy in November.... she's a real fighter and an absolute sweetheart.
This is a trial as I'm not sure I'm adding the photo correctly and at the right size.... if it's too big apologies to admin!
DianaSC Posted - 20 Jan 2015 : 4:37:21 PM
Hillbilly, what a gorgeous little girl, amazing big eyes. Hope she continues to thrive.
sab2 Posted - 15 Jan 2015 : 10:07:54 PM
Hillbilly love your filly and shes very lucky to pull through AM.
Hillbilly Posted - 15 Jan 2015 : 12:48:21 PM

Here is Sihree Bint Hilal pic taken in September.... born 24th June 2014.... Adawy x SG Hilal Shaklana. More pics to come if I've got this right..... this little girl survived Atypical Myopathy in November.... she's a real fighter and an absolute sweetheart.
This is a trial as I'm not sure I'm adding the photo correctly and at the right size.... if it's too big apologies to admin!
littlearabians Posted - 02 Sep 2014 : 5:28:54 PM
sorry will update tomorrow
Sundance Posted - 27 Aug 2014 : 1:46:21 PM
Hi Jane,

Forgot to add mine (happy to post picture but don't know how), anyway a first second generation Arab breeding for Zayin.

Samauring Zayin (2005 mare by The Wiking x Jumah(Div)- won twice racing and placed twice, gave birth to her first foal in May a bay colt called Bobby aka Zayin Activist (by Group 1 winning sire Mared Al Sahra (Amer x Massmarie). Quite a pretty colt for a race bred, think he gets his looks from his dam who is Polish, Russian, English.

Pictures on my website under news and broodmares.

RUTHIE Posted - 27 Aug 2014 : 08:38:50 AM
Is it ok to add littlearabians?
Crystal Red Shadow...10/06/2014. Crystal Romance x Bint Magnetta. Chestnut colt.
Crystal Grey Shadow...15/05/2014. Crystal Romance x Crystal Shadowlight. Grey 100% OE colt.
Crystal Quest. 9/05/2014.....Crystal Romance x Bint Irexandya. Grey colt.

Bred by Daphne Cocksedge....Romac Stud.
littlearabians Posted - 19 Aug 2014 : 4:27:54 PM
sorry for the delay in updates, my PC broke down and it took a while to find out what replacement I wanted to buy
alan Posted - 28 Jul 2014 : 10:15:22 AM
Crystal Magic x Nahema - S A Eastern Spirit - grey colt born 3am 28th July.
Cate Posted - 30 Jun 2014 : 10:49:37 AM
Filly ( Bhaltos Anushka) born 10 June, 2014 just after midnight. Ahanu x Kuranna ....bay/grey?
debs Posted - 28 Jun 2014 : 10:00:57 PM
Adawy so fab!!! Would love to see pics!!! Of all foalies :)
Hillbilly Posted - 25 Jun 2014 : 7:12:33 PM
Filly born 24th June 2014. Adawy x SG Hilal Shaklana. Bay/grey?
littlearabians Posted - 13 May 2014 : 07:53:15 AM
alan Posted - 12 May 2014 : 11:55:40 PM
Marbon Masadi x Silver Sunbeam had a chestnut filly born 9.30pm on 12th May.
debs Posted - 11 May 2014 : 7:56:47 PM
We need pic's :)
Pashon2001 Posted - 11 May 2014 : 7:49:16 PM
Thank Pinkyboots!

GKA Spotted Glamour, colt born 10/5/14 by Vervencio 18 days early! and enormous
pinkvboots Posted - 07 May 2014 : 3:21:18 PM
Glad to see you have another filly this year Donna x
Pashon2001 Posted - 19 Apr 2014 : 6:54:59 PM
Marquesa Heat WA Chestnut filly 17/4/14 by Vervencio
littlearabians Posted - 17 Apr 2014 : 08:40:00 AM
Pashon2001 Posted - 13 Apr 2014 : 4:48:01 PM
MS Fames Jubilee had a bay colt by Vervencio 12.4.14, on her due date!!
sab2 Posted - 01 Apr 2014 : 10:15:14 PM
Littlearabians his full name is Marbon Masadi .
littlearabians Posted - 01 Apr 2014 : 7:47:38 PM

moonlight, is this your mare
and I'm sorry I'm not so strong in my Crabbet lines is that the stallions full name? if so who is his sire / dam please
moonlight Posted - 01 Apr 2014 : 4:08:24 PM
May 11th Dominita to Masadi -100% Crabbet
Pashon2001 Posted - 01 Apr 2014 : 3:56:17 PM
Exceleration to Venus had a chestnut NSH colt by Vervencio 1st April 2014 was due 20th (she always goes early)
littlearabians Posted - 29 Mar 2014 : 09:34:19 AM
on the list

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