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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BOULTONS Posted - 04 Jan 2012 : 6:59:19 PM
Got this from another forum - Thank you Sallie
"What you need is the direct 'hot' link to the picture. That's the link that if you click on it you get the picture and nothing but the picture. You will then need to copy and paste that 'hot' link and stick it between image tags in your post on here.    
Image tags look like this without the spaces: [ img ]inserthotlinkhere[ /img ]    
From facebook, you can find the hotlink to the pictures like this:  
1) Open the album  
2) Make sure you've got your permissions for the album set to public or no-one will be able to see it.  
3) Open the picture in a new window by pressing ctrl and clicking at the same time (this means the picture comes up on its own page rather than the silly facebook thing where it floats in front of what you were looking at)  
4) Right click on the picture. Your options then will depend on which browser you're using, but if there's one for something like 'properties', 'view image info', or 'view image properties' you want that one.  
5) You should now have the hot link on your screen. If you want to check it works, copy and paste it into your browser and see what happens - it should bring up the picture. The facebook hotlink will look something like this: (which is the link to a pic of Wolfie that I posted earlier)  
6) Copy and paste the hotlink between the image tags on here and bobs yer uncle.    
On photobucket/photobox etc, it's a bit easier, as those sites tend to provide you with a link you can cut and paste which already contains the image tags and you can just put that straight into your post." Below is proof even I can do it!

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rui Posted - 06 Nov 2016 : 6:02:40 PM
To change the profile pic, I must do it. Only admins can create avatars.
Let me know which picture you want to use and I will do it for you.
george Posted - 06 Nov 2016 : 1:46:33 PM
Thanks Rui, any advice on how to do my profile pic? lol, not sure which one I will use yet though.
Rui Posted - 04 Nov 2016 : 11:06:51 PM
You were pretty close to do it. I have fixed the signature.
george Posted - 04 Nov 2016 : 6:29:47 PM
Been away far too long and cannot change my signature pics let alone post any off FB, been trying for hours but going to give up
rosie Posted - 13 Oct 2014 : 5:41:29 PM
Rui Posted - 25 Aug 2014 : 7:25:16 PM
Originally posted by Goldenmane

Just have to say, I'm having problems with Flickr, I won't give a mobile number, have tried to sign in with Yahoo...and then they told me I was already signed in. I'm worried about losing photos.

There is nothing especially bad about providing the mobile number (mine has been kept private, as far as I know). It is actually used to establish what is called 2 step authentication, meaning you will get a text (free) on your phone, when anything more relevant happens with your account, in terms of changes.

I agree that this should not be mandatory, it is quite stupid that it is, but if you really need the account and don't want to lose your photos, providing the number may not be as nefarious as it could seem at first.
Goldenmane Posted - 25 Aug 2014 : 5:34:07 PM
Just have to say, I'm having problems with Flickr, I won't give a mobile number, have tried to sign in with Yahoo...and then they told me I was already signed in. I'm worried about losing photos.
rosie Posted - 31 Jul 2014 : 9:33:02 PM
Rui Posted - 20 Jul 2014 : 12:36:18 PM
Originally posted by Quarabian

flikr warning. This is changing. I have been asked to sign in with yahoo now. Tried to di this, but yahoo wont let me register unless I give a mobile phone number. As my only mobile is my works number I am not putting that in. So yahoo, do you think that everyone has a personal mobile phone?

That's a pretty stupid requirement, indeed, but you also have the option to sign in with facebook or Google, so if you have one of those, it may work - haven't tried it though.
Quarabian Posted - 20 Jul 2014 : 10:02:32 AM
flikr warning. This is changing. I have been asked to sign in with yahoo now. Tried to di this, but yahoo wont let me register unless I give a mobile phone number. As my only mobile is my works number I am not putting that in. So yahoo, do you think that everyone has a personal mobile phone?
Wyllow Posted - 22 Feb 2014 : 11:46:08 PM
Thank you everyone for the welcome back!! Much appreciated....a few computer glitches....but once they are sorted out, will give you a peek at The Herd, so watch this space!! :)
Rui Posted - 25 Jan 2012 : 01:08:24 AM
You need to do as described by BOULTOUNS and get the whole link and not just the last part, if you plan to use facebook. ALternatively, you can use flickr.

If you have the pictures on facebook, you can use them. If you plan to upload them still, I think flickr or photobucket are easier to use.
endurance arabians Posted - 25 Jan 2012 : 12:58:20 AM
So how can i get photos up off face book?? or is it best to use fliker???
Rui Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 08:52:07 AM
You posted this:


If you compare it with the link posted before, there is a lot missing at the beginning.
endurance arabians Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 03:18:15 AM
ok it didnt work so what did i do wrong??? i followed your facebook link
endurance arabians Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 03:17:01 AM
hope you dont mind but im just trying the link from face book to see if it works. the photo is off my two babies. fingers crossed

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