T O P I C R E V I E W |
Rui |
Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 6:05:19 PM This topic is meant to inform AL members about Paris. I moved here posts made by EMW, Malley about her condition.
Again, emotions run high in these topics. I don't want to lock it. I will add replies with any updates from EMW and I hope Malley will keep updating us too. Members can post here, but I must ask that posts that may raise any type of controversy or heated discussions, be avoided. I will remove them, if they are made. |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Callisto |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 10:56:09 AM I must admit that the description of little Larry saying his goodbye is the one that made me cry. I would like to add my thanks Rui for your constant updates about this dear old girl. |
Pop |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 10:05:41 AM So very sad. She was a very beautiful lady. RIP Paris.
And thank you for bringing us her news over the months Rui. So sad eh?
Poor little Larry, i bet he will miss her so.
Pasch |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 09:57:30 AM I'm so sad to read this,something I had been dreading to read every time there was a new update,but like others have said I'm happy she died peacefully at the end of summer after a year of the best care in the hands of people who so clearly loved her like every horse should be loved.RIP Paris. |
Arabmare |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 09:55:43 AM Those last wods brought me to tears. She was so well loved at the end of her life. Run free Paris.xxx I have an oldie, my first, Jasmine. Shes been difficult to keep weight on and off this summer. I'm having to start to think that she's not a spring chicken anyore ever though she can still run and play. its so heartbraking why do they have to get old!!! |
Rui |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 08:55:34 AM EMW's final post on Paris: Thank you to every single one who has helped to ease the pain of losing our lovely fabulous charismatic grand and famous old girl. There are some who come and get under our skin, this old lady was very much one from the day she arrived here with Michelle Kestin and Lianne Evans who had faith in her recovery and started her on that path so well. We have had 14 months of total joy and mended her mental and nutritional needs , gave her a friend in little Larry and gave her unconditional love. We sadly could not make her young again and yesterday she told us in no uncertain way she was ready to return to the warm southern wind from where she most definitely sprang from. To have had her here was a huge honour, to have loved her so much is causing huge pain. She had no pain, no fear and no stress at her time of passing, just love and kind words and gentle hands. Our most grateful thanks to Dominic and Sam and little Larry, who stood guard over her body and said his own little goodbye in his own way. Her body will leave us this morning, her spirit will remain inside us for ever. She was, for me, the very very best of the best. goodnight my sweetest girl xx |
kimgough |
Posted - 08 Oct 2013 : 06:52:15 AM I enjoyed so much all the updates on Paris and seeing her put on weight and thrive. She was a very special mare and I will miss her pictures and the hope she gave. I am pleased she left in the warmth of late summer/autumn and not the horrible cold of winter. EMW did a brilliant job. RIP dear lady. |
gossy |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 11:08:19 PM RIP Paris run free special lady |
Pauline |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 8:23:34 PM RIP Paris. You were one in a million |
Goldenmane |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 8:17:32 PM I have just donated to EMW, every little counts, they so obviously adored her. |
Callisto |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 8:15:45 PM So very sad, but at least she had a very good final year, with the sun on her back and surrounded by love, and has gone before the winter started. RIP Paris, you wonderful old lady. |
Fee |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 8:06:13 PM I just read this on FB, so saddened to hear it.
Goldenmane |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 7:52:36 PM Oh, so sad.
Rui |
Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 7:35:20 PM It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden loss of EMW Viuga (Paris) by Aswan aged 30. Suddenly but peacefully with love and kindness surrounding her. No more details tonight. BEAUTIFUL AMAZING MARE NEVER FORGOTTEN. Xxxx |
Rui |
Posted - 03 Oct 2013 : 5:53:52 PM An update from today, with some pictures:
It rained! and blew and rained and mizzled and then blew a hooley and now it's mild and still and not so bad at all. Glad I didn't cave in and put rugs on but when we got to the yard there was no way that was going to happen, all out grazing as if it was dry and not one bit bothered any of them. Jim and Beau came thundering up from the bottom of the big field, swerving like loons through the bottom gateway and leaving Willow standing as his short little legs tried in vain to keep up.. Paris ate tea inside but wasn't cold nor bothered at all. The two new little ponies, Acer and Ash, are on the agenda to visit tomorrow so really looking forward to that. We've launched a bit of a competition this week to try and 'gee-up' funds a little so have a look below and give it a go if you fancy your chances at winning a nice new barrow.

She was tape weighted at 470 Kg a couple weeks ago:
Rui |
Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 7:02:54 PM A small video with a bit of her history with EMW.
Callisto |
Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 08:44:33 AM
Goldenmane |
Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 08:12:37 AM Lucky, lucky lady |
Pasch |
Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 02:42:31 AM
Rui |
Posted - 24 Aug 2013 : 7:06:44 PM An update from today:
Bryan and Ann told me about Paris and her antics of yesterday morning and late evening last night tonight too. Apparently she was prancing about biting Larry and making him shift about, Bryan said she makes him laugh, watching her acting like a young horse despite her advanced years and old war wounds. Ann said yesterday morning, early, when she went out to check on Paris (she checks them all at first light) the old mare was doing 'yoga' trying to bite an itch on the inside of her back leg, twice she tried to reach it but because of old age and being a bit stiff she couldn't so she marched up to Ann and kept turning to look at her leg, Ann got the message and said she stood with the old mare rubbing her itchy bit for about 5 minutes till Paris sighed and walked away You have to smile, this is a lady who up until a few years ago wouldn't have gone in the field with the horses but then Paris works her magic on everyone she meets along the way - well, mostly everyone. Amy sat with Paris while she ate her tea tonight and I brushed Larry.. such peace in our world at these precious times with our sanctuary resident gals and guys.
Rui |
Posted - 07 Aug 2013 : 7:22:38 PM They are, indeed . |
sab2 |
Posted - 07 Aug 2013 : 7:18:01 PM They are doing a fantastic job with her aren,t they, long may it continue  |
Rui |
Posted - 07 Aug 2013 : 6:36:27 PM An update and a pic from today.
I sat with Paris this evening after chasing her with the fly repellent and sponge/brush - I won, she got covered then came back to eat her tea! Trustee Bryan who is on holiday this week commented on her agility to evade capture as he was walking back down the drive and saw her antics! She's looking nice right now but I wish she'd build this muscle on her bum end a bit faster, we'd got it almost back to where it should be then her hoof improvement leading to higher pastern angle has meant we have to start building it again now. I'm impatient as I know she can do this! She's back up to a higher level of conditioning feed now as we start to head towards cooler evenings and mornings.
Callisto |
Posted - 05 Aug 2013 : 10:45:12 PM Interesting to read how the farrier has managed to improve things so much, and what a sensible old girl to avoid the rain  |
Rui |
Posted - 05 Aug 2013 : 6:59:56 PM An update on Paris and some of her friends:
We gave Paris and the oldies hay today though the two old lads were out when we got back this afternoon, not bothered by the rain despite it being heavy. They were funny, we shouted "Tea!" they ignored us.. then shouted "Dinner!!" and it was like the starting rope had gone up, two old guys galloping flat out up the field and straight through the gateway into the yard, they are both so fit and well despite being 30 and 31 years old. Wish I had got the camera on hand for this but because it was raining it was still in the car. Paris though is far more conservative these days, breakfast 'in bed' was followed by tea in the dry while Larry was ousted into the rain and was dripping though still managing to scoff loads of grass through his muzzle! paris and the old boys ( and old Garnlas) are remarkably sound, not stiff at all, this may co-incide with starting them all on Rosehips again. The ponies are very unconcerned too, so much so they are all filthy and have done some serious mud rolling. The rest of the day has been spent gnashing of crowns and using expletives as I wrestle and grapple with the change of website, is it worth it? right now i'm saying no! so much time and energy used for somethign that will be outdated within a couple of weeks, at least here it's right slap bang up to date on a daily basis ... the shape of things to come perhaps. We've some thanks due but will get onto those tomorrow as tomorrow we welcome a visitor with goods for the sanctuary to either use or sell to raise funding but in the meantime a general and heartfelt thanks to all who help out and offer and keep this charity working. |
Goldenmane |
Posted - 24 Jul 2013 : 07:58:39 AM Sounds like they have an excellent farrier! Hope her time doesn't come for a long while! |