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 Silvern Surprise x Silvern Sheena

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
plonker Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 07:33:06 AM
have had a grey filly,i could not have dreamed of anything more perfect,a huge huge thank you to Alecia for making it possible,
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crispin Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 1:11:49 PM
So delighted to hear the Valletta name lives on. I sobbed reading about Magic and Sox, knew them both as babies (especially Magic). Bobbi did a great job with these guys - though all her horses were so well tempered and kind. I used to ride Crispin, the Stallion of Valletta House in Fritham (Hunters Song - Sire to Valletta Madrigal and Hunters Moon). I have spent ages trying to trace a bloodline - but it is harder than you might think! Please.... I see this post is a little old - but is it likely that this young chap will be at stud in the future? Would love a Crispin Grandson, my daughter rides now and though only 10 what an opportunity for us both. Thrilled for you and thank you for making it possible - Bobbi would burst with pride :-)
Paresh Posted - 29 Jun 2012 : 10:18:25 AM
stunning boy!
plonker Posted - 29 Jun 2012 : 09:55:37 AM
the pictures are fab,so excited can not wait to meet Wills on saturday,i think Wills is a great stable name,Sheena is still stunning really really adore her
Pax Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 11:03:13 PM
I have tried about 6 times but no picture comes up :( need much help :(
Pax Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 10:47:40 PM
You can see lots here
Pax Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 10:45:34 PM
He has to be Wills - because he is a prince but also because Alicia failed to see his appendage!!!!

i am going to try to upload pics for everyone but have no clue how to so help would be gratefully received - do I have to put them on Flickr or somewhere 1st?
Paresh Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 10:07:56 PM
Turnip I love it, know off a horse called Spud, cant wait to see photos.
plonker Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 10:07:49 PM
Valletta Silver Sheen what do you think?stable name silver?hope he turns grey if not he will be the only chestnut named silver
plonker Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 10:04:07 PM
any chance of any pictures of the super boy with no name
Sheena Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 5:11:26 PM
Sorry Georgina, I'm afraid nearly everything has a daft name here

Although I do really like Nabo...
Mrs DJ Posted - 27 Jun 2012 : 8:49:01 PM
If you like turnip how about Navet (french), or Nabo (spanish)?
plonker Posted - 27 Jun 2012 : 7:00:37 PM
so hard to choose a name it must start with the prefix Valletta,we need a stable name to any sugestions?he is gong to be a big grey boy i quite like the name Alecia has given him Turnip however my daughter said she refuses to call him from the field with that name,dont know what her problem is
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 11:00:20 PM
well done all!
plonker Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 6:35:30 PM
we would have liked a filly,however a colt is what we did not dare dream of we are over the moon,if we had a choice we would have liked a colt can not believe how lucky we are a huge thank you to alecia for making this all happen the Valletta prefix lives on in memory of all the super valletta horses we were left by the late sigrid coombs,the last one went this year valletta hunters moon
only a couple of weeks ago silvern surprise qualified for HOYS beating many top stallions including mine into 2nd place,must have been the first time i was happy to be beaten
Avonbrook Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 11:53:06 AM
Hold my hand up to that one too !

Many congratulations!

moonlight Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 11:50:17 AM
Congratulations - look forward to pix! You are not alone in changing sex overnight- my excuse was low level lighting, sleep deprivation and excitement! And I know someone else who has done the same this year so you are definitely not alone!
Sheena Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 11:24:44 AM
It's a Grey Colt

In my defence I have 3am daylight, 3 nights of very little sleep and a very quick glance what navel was iodined and swift exit from stable to allow Mare and foal bonding :)

I know Genevieve and Georgina couldn't care less what sex this foal was
Georgina even appeared slightly happier when I had to break the news that she was in fact a he

Very English Libby :) Silvern Sheena (Silvern Sceptre x Crystal Sheen) is 99.06% Crabbet, 100% old English
Silvern Surprise is by Imad out of Silvern Princess.

Alicia x
Silvern_Scepris Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 11:19:16 AM
Huge congratulations!! Although isn't she now a he ;-)
Libby Frost Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 09:37:09 AM
Aww nice one, sounds English too!!

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