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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Elainem Posted - 22 Aug 2011 : 7:20:21 PM
Show dates for 2012 are:-

15th April Spring Show at Bishop Burton

17th June "C" National Show at Bishop Burton.

We are very excited to have secured Bishop Burton Equestrian Centre, Hull and hope that you will all continue to support us.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rpk2006 Posted - 08 Nov 2011 : 2:55:45 PM
Fab! Cant wait - hopefully with 2 boys this time

K xx
Elainem Posted - 01 Sep 2011 : 2:57:21 PM
With dressage we have to hire another arena, get a dressage judge and writer and rosettes. If we could get sponsorship to help with the cost we could reinstate it. But like anyone else at the moment we are feeling the pinch and cannot afford to run at a loss.

We were talking about getting a dressage team together for the National show next year, so if you are interested go onto our web site and state your interest on there. We are always open to suggestions.

Esther Posted - 01 Sep 2011 : 2:30:08 PM
Any chance you might resurrect the dressage if there were a few new Northern members interested in taking part Elaine?
impy Posted - 01 Sep 2011 : 09:11:24 AM
What a shame, it was the nicest venue I have ever been to. Can't believe you had so few entries. Even the OH enjoyed coming, and it takes a lot for him to say we'll come here again!
Elainem Posted - 31 Aug 2011 : 7:29:28 PM
Due to lack of support we have had to drop the dressage classes.
impy Posted - 31 Aug 2011 : 11:44:22 AM
Will there be any dressage competitions held again at Bishop Burton?
Elainem Posted - 25 Aug 2011 : 08:27:20 AM
If you look at the top of this topic there is a "like" button.
rosie Posted - 24 Aug 2011 : 10:03:43 PM
Want to press a 'like' button

I need to get Connor backed now - great to have something to aim for
Elainem Posted - 24 Aug 2011 : 10:25:59 AM
There will be a small change to the 2012 Spring Show schedule. Stallions will be allowed to enter the Pre Novice Class.
sab2 Posted - 23 Aug 2011 : 3:18:54 PM
I was hoping you would be holding your show at Wetherby as i am hoping to show my pba yearlings next year, sadly Bishop Burton is nearly 3 hrs from me so a bit too far for babies to travel, what a shame.
Elainem Posted - 23 Aug 2011 : 1:13:13 PM
It's good to know that we have your continued support.
rosie Posted - 23 Aug 2011 : 12:18:10 PM
Great!! All being well thats us coming to both.

Sent you a pm Elaine.

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