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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alan Posted - 31 May 2011 : 10:08:19 AM

I've tried twice to advertise two mares for loan & a help wanted ad but they still haven't gone on. I sent them around the 23rd May. One ad is looking for a ridden loan home for a 4yr old mare, the other is looking for a breeding loan home for a mare by Wermut plus the help ad. Would you please check to see if you have them please. Many thanks.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rui Posted - 06 Jun 2011 : 10:45:38 AM

I don't know the answer. I have not been able to talk to Paula.
The wanted ads are a free service. Unfortunately they get the lowest priority when things get more complicated, which I believe is what is happening now.
alan Posted - 06 Jun 2011 : 09:19:26 AM
Hi Rui,

Have just checked the wanted ads again & STILL nothing has been updated. Can you tell me what's happening & why nothing has been updated on that section since 3rd May please?

Thank you.
Rui Posted - 01 Jun 2011 : 10:43:31 PM
Yes, seems none were. I am sorry, Paula must have had some issue.
alan Posted - 01 Jun 2011 : 10:18:23 PM
Hi Rui,

Just checked & my ads STILL aren't up.
Rui Posted - 31 May 2011 : 5:53:40 PM
Ok, ads should be up tomorrow morning.
Rui Posted - 31 May 2011 : 10:40:14 AM
Wanteds always take a bit more to go online. I will have a look and get back to you.

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