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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Elainem Posted - 16 Apr 2011 : 4:55:49 PM
Schedules for our summer "C" Show at Wetherby 19th June are now available to download from our web site.
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Elainem Posted - 17 Jun 2011 : 2:05:30 PM
YTV weather forecast for Sunday - mostly dry!!
guisburn Posted - 16 Jun 2011 : 10:39:30 PM
I think we all are......get ready for the run to the Chinese Take away in Wetherby again!!
rpk2006 Posted - 16 Jun 2011 : 1:17:26 PM
my case is packed! am sooo looking forward to it!! hope the weather is good!
Elainem Posted - 15 Jun 2011 : 1:23:37 PM
Just checked the long range weather forecast for Wetherby this Sunday. It has now changed from Sunshine and Showers to partly cloudy. Fingers crossed this is right.

Elainem Posted - 04 Jun 2011 : 6:05:39 PM
Only two weeks to go now, entries are all in and we have the makings of a good show. If you've forgotten to enter we will be taking entries on the day (with an admin charge of 10.00 added)for all classes except HOYS and ECAHO classes.

We still have stabling available - ring Wendy Marr - and we are always open for offers of sponsorship.

We look forward to seeing you all on the 19th.

s.jade Posted - 29 May 2011 : 1:50:01 PM
Entries done via email and cheque on way (been working away so only way I could do it!), hope it all got there OK!?
rosie Posted - 26 May 2011 : 4:03:24 PM
we sent entries off last week - hope the weather is as fab as last year - lovely showground - retiring rosie from the ring after this show
Elainem Posted - 18 May 2011 : 10:39:07 PM
entries do not close until the 23rd May. You can enter on line and pay by pay pal. If you have any problems ring our show secretary Wendy Marr.
Full details are on our web site (below).

HORSE Posted - 18 May 2011 : 8:23:08 PM
hi can you pay for the classes on the day as just arranged transport and dont think will get entry form back in time please let me no thanxx julie
SarahA Posted - 14 May 2011 : 8:30:12 PM
Hi aalojo,

It's great, very friendly and everyone seems so helpful, nice grounds with nice facilities and loads of room to work horses in, it is all on grass though, but I quite like that...

alijo Posted - 09 May 2011 : 8:16:25 PM
i will be entering
I have never been to this show before, what is it like?
Elainem Posted - 04 May 2011 : 11:30:30 AM
Closing date for entries 23rd May. Don't forget to get your entries in.

Elainem Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 8:10:49 PM
There has been a problem with the schedule but it is now available to download from our web site.

Elainem Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 5:05:30 PM

That is exactly what the committee is worried about. There is also a car boot sale held just down the way, imagine the havoc that could cause.
The Spring Show is held indoors and so is contained. I personally don't think that pre novice classes should be held outdoors. We are looking after the safety of all involved.

Pashon2001 Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 4:33:01 PM
Sorry I have a warped sense of humour and am imagining that the pre-novice class is full of unbroken four year olds tearing down the racecourse tack akimbo!!
rosie Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 4:19:50 PM
Will decide nearer the time but will probably leave the novice at home now until the spring show next year.

The problem with not having a pre-novice class is that if the novice is a big class then it can be a lot of standing about for the babies.
Chelle can decide later on.

Will definitely come and watch even if we don't bring anything - hope the weather is as glorious as last year!
rpk2006 Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 12:02:05 PM
I think im becoming more blind as a iget older Cant seem to find the schedule......

K xxx
guisburn Posted - 22 Apr 2011 : 6:51:57 PM
Lisa - - debsnboz.....- I took my own mare to her first show into the novice class at the Northern group novice mare class ......we had a great first time experience, because the show is show up beat and easy going....and the ring is huge.

Although she was last, the experience was the point of showing her not the placing. This mare had NEVER been in ANY show ring in her life and she is VEY forward going. She was ridden by the judge and managed the whole class...but at the end of it you would have thought we had won the red rosette.
Pre-novice classes are a new invention only brought out last year.......

This was her coming back into work 4/5 weeks before the show with my friend Alison riding her

rosie Posted - 22 Apr 2011 : 4:18:38 PM
We were also hoping to bring a pre-novice out as well, but may have to leave him until next year now?
May bring out the golden oldie in the veteran in-hand & crabbet ridden instead?
debsnboz Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 9:40:32 PM
I don't think we will be at novice level by then. The pre-novice would have made me want to have a go. I am pretty sure we will not be ready for a judge to be riding!!! Maybe next year!
guisburn Posted - 19 Apr 2011 : 07:08:34 AM
I would not let it put you off bringing out your youngster we cater for novice ridden, home produced and a number of other classes in the schedule, and it is a really friendly no pressure show for those who come along year after year.

We would certainly love to see you there

debsnboz Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 10:47:01 PM
Oh that a shame. I came to watch on Sunday and decided to bring my youngster to have a go in June. Looks like i'll not be coming then
Elainem Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 10:12:34 PM
Yes we decided to drop it due to health and safety. Being on a racecourse we were worried in case of accidents, it would be hard to catch offending horse!

We included it in the spring show as it is indoors.

rosie Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 10:06:12 PM
Looking forward to it as we missed the spring show - clashed with pony club.

Has the pre-novice ridden been dropped this year?

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