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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sad 1 Posted - 04 Mar 2010 : 7:08:05 PM
Hiya we are hoping to arrange a stud tour to Halsdon stud and Combe Arabian Stud one weekend in August and would be grateful if you could let us know if you would be interested.

Not sure of all the costings just yet but trip would include 2 nights stay, 2 stud visits and coach travel,

We are hoping this would be a lovely weekend and get together and would love as many people as poss to come, however we will be getting a 49 seater coach so on a first come first served basis.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
janice Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 09:10:33 AM
The trip has now been arranged to visit Georgian Arabians on Sunday 12th September 2010.
The cost including return transport from Chadderton, Greater Manchester is £35 and includes entry to stud and cream tea.(Members get it for £32.50).

Deposits of £10 need to be sent to the NWAHO treasurer by Friday 13th August.
Committee details are on the groups website
sad 1 Posted - 08 Mar 2010 : 11:53:51 AM
Glad we have some interest just checking dates and costs out and will let everyone know as soon as we do.

rosemary Posted - 08 Mar 2010 : 11:13:29 AM
This sounds very interesting. I would love to go to both studs and would be very interested in joining the trip if the dates are clear for me.
alethea Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 10:25:54 AM
Sounds excellent i would love to go!! I will have to join the group

Aristotle Arabians
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 05 Mar 2010 : 10:10:40 PM
The N Wales group did that very trip a few years ago and everyone loved it. Great horses, hospitality and the time to enjoy them.
Libby Frost Posted - 05 Mar 2010 : 11:39:01 AM
i would be interested as you would be coming down to my neck of the woods, and not seen Michael's horses for years probably when Oranges was alive was the last time , and Halsdon is allways an interesting visit..... so count me in too, prob meet u there and drive up.
rafabreeze Posted - 05 Mar 2010 : 10:22:40 AM
Hi Shirley,
That sounds amazing, it would be worth me joining your Group just for that. Georgina x

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