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 Do you need a handlers permit to show at UKIAHS?

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george Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 4:45:13 PM
I have been trying to download the entry forms and have noticed the handlers permit form, What do I need to know? or does it even apply to us, please, any info gratefully received.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
arabiantouch Posted - 15 Jul 2010 : 12:27:29 AM
honestly its not owrth doing a temporary, send it all off you should get an email back to say they have recieved it, then just keep checking the ecaho site to make sure you are on it and that shoud be enough, janet had a full print out of everyone of the list last year and just ticked you off. I have to stress though there is ALWAYS A HANDLERS MEETING ON THE FRIDAY NIGHT its so so so importnat that you and anyone else who is showing attend this meeting, for some reason only the profesionals attend and then everyone complains when they think we are bending the rules no we just attended the meeting and heard what was allowed and expected and had a chance to voice any of our concerns. IF anyone wants to make a differnce be involved in the meetings.... they are their for a reason
george Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 9:23:56 PM
Originally posted by alethea

Does anyone know if you can get a temporary permit for UKIAHS like last year

Aristotle Arabians

How much did the tempory permit cost?? I am considering doing just that.
sazzlepants71 Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 4:48:16 PM
try western union- dont think their commissions are so high and easy to track have bought things from abroad this way in past good luck!
george Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 2:44:15 PM
I have been in contact with David Angold today, he told me that if I send away now and it hasn't arrived in time they will be able to check on the ECAHO website to confirm that we have paid, He said it would cost me more to get one on the day, about £25, I went to the bank to transfer the money to their swiss account and was told it will cost £20 charge from my bank, then another (unknown) charge on the other end on top of the 10 euros I have never transferred money to a swiss bank before so, is there a cheaper way, as pennies are getting tighter by the day
alethea Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 09:47:19 AM
Does anyone know if you can get a temporary permit for UKIAHS like last year

Aristotle Arabians

Sally Etchells Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 09:33:56 AM
Hi Rosie - the plan was for the Handlers permit to come into play for C shows FROM 2011 BUT ECAHO could change their mind yet, we will know later in the year and will make sure that all relevant information is made available to all, with plenty of notice.
RiffRaff Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 12:04:25 AM
I sent my entry off for my stallion and will be sending my application off for my permit this week so i would still send an entry in plus last year they did tempory permits although not 100% sure if they are doing them this year?
Anyone who has got their permit how did you send a digital picture? Probably a blonde question, but do you get a picture then scan it and then send it as an attachment on an email? Or another way?
cookie Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 10:20:45 PM
If I were you I would enter !! We applied for the permit last year and it arrived in under 2 weeks !!Go for it while you have the chance
rosie Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 8:16:08 PM
Does this mean that a handlers permit will be required for 'C' shows NEXT year?
george Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 7:29:40 PM
Oh dear, looks like we won't make it this year then as it is the closing date tomorrow and by what people have said on the previous thread it takes some time to arrive
pat day Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 6:16:01 PM
Here you go...

But best read the whole thread,handler,permit

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