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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vera Posted - 10 Sep 2009 : 5:01:23 PM
I'll start off by asking a question - When I confirm which person has got the correct answer they then ask the next question and so on....

Who was the In Hand Supreme Champion Stallion in the 1972 Arab Horse Society Show?

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moonlight Posted - 19 Feb 2010 : 11:21:38 PM
Close enough I think, also Silver Rani and Sunset, but well done, your turn!
leiat8 Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 6:09:53 PM
was it hanif,Siretta and Sherilla and the imperial stud?
moonlight Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 4:39:30 PM
Sorry for delay, can't believe we have the white stuff AGAIN! Which horses did Geoffrey Plaister buy from the Crabbet stud when it was disbanded? And what is the name of his stud?
Annette Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 10:08:14 PM
That's the one! Over to you Moonlight
moonlight Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 6:04:28 PM
Indian Magic?
Annette Posted - 13 Feb 2010 : 9:12:28 PM
Easy one this! When the Crabbet stud was finally dispersed in 1971, which was the only horse that Cecil Covey kept?
Annette Posted - 13 Feb 2010 : 9:01:48 PM
I cannot believe it took me so long to get him. Mikeno, one of my all time favourite Arabians. Last saw him when he was 26 at Farnsfield stud, he was still fabulous. I guess if he appeared in the show ring today he would be a back-liner but to me he was-and still is perfect in my eyes.

Right got to think of another question now. Bear with me
Kharidian Posted - 13 Feb 2010 : 4:18:14 PM

YES! One of the three famous sons of Rissalix; the other two being Blue Domino and Count Dorsaz.

Well done!
Annette Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 10:35:19 PM
Kharidian Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 1:59:09 PM
No, sorry.........but you're VERY close! The horse I'm looking for is half brother to Blue Domino.

Annette Posted - 11 Feb 2010 : 11:15:26 PM
Been scratching my head for ages on this one. Will have a go, but don't think its right as born '47! Blue Domino?
Kharidian Posted - 11 Feb 2010 : 8:37:04 PM
Sorry Moonlight, not Serafix (but thanks for having a go)!

Last clue:
He was bred by GM Yule at Hanstead stud.....oh, I'll also let you know that he's in Roger's pedigree.

If no-one gets the correct answer in a day or so then I'll give the answer. Come on guys, cos you don't want me setting the next question, do you?!

moonlight Posted - 11 Feb 2010 : 4:55:12 PM
Kharidian Posted - 09 Feb 2010 : 7:31:36 PM
No-one with any suggestions?

I'm really surprised as I thought it was an undemanding question (but it's always easy when you know the answer)!

He was a chestnut stallion, foaled in 1949, >90% Crabbet.

Come on, have a go!

Kharidian Posted - 07 Feb 2010 : 6:22:53 PM
Apologies for the delay. Unfortunately I don't think the question is worthy of the wait but here goes:
Which purebred was known as "the dancing stallion"?

moonlight Posted - 06 Feb 2010 : 10:49:48 PM
That's what I said when I realised I had to think of a question!! well done, your go, phew!
Kharidian Posted - 06 Feb 2010 : 10:33:05 PM
That was Rafyk (Azrek x Rose of Sharon) in 1891 to Judge Boucault's Quambi Stud.

PS(Thank goodness for google)!
moonlight Posted - 06 Feb 2010 : 10:05:41 PM
What was the name of the first Crabbet stallion exported to Australia and which stud did he go to?
Annette Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 7:36:01 PM
Indeed it was. Well done Moonlight, your go
moonlight Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 08:40:58 AM
Indian Glory?
Annette Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 10:26:21 PM
Sorry for the delay. I am still on jury service, so not too much spare time at the moment.

What was the name of the yearling colt, which was tragically struck and killed by lightning which Lady Wentworth described as "the most perfect colt I have ever bred"
moonlight Posted - 29 Jan 2010 : 9:47:51 PM
Yep, your turn!
Annette Posted - 28 Jan 2010 : 10:10:01 PM
moonlight Posted - 26 Jan 2010 : 08:57:28 AM
getting warmer, I'll take the right decade!
Nerusa Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 12:10:05 AM
Ok, no-one else guessing, so I'll have another go.


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