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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 14 Dec 2009 : 9:06:24 PM

We are building a Living Library of the Arabian, Anglo, and Part Bred Horse.

We would like to invite people to contribute to this new section. So we can create a Library that grows each year and contains the valuable information about our wonderful horses. We all know there is a wealth of information out there, our forum is a testament to that, now is our chance to put all this together into a place that is easily accessable and searchable for One and All.

Sections can include but not limited to -

Part Breds
Where it all began
Horses of Note
The bygone age.
Events from Yesteryear
Changes / Influences over the years
Funny things/humour

( Have more ideas ?? Let us know

If you would like to be involved, have that valuable knowlege and would like to share it, then please do let us know.

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
adja Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 4:33:23 PM

I'll be providing an over of M Lloyd's Anglo Arab's breeding and pedigrees for this living library but it'll take some time to complete. She began breeding from her TB Ona Dollar (claim to fame once race ridden by Lester Piggott) in 1970s and she was her foundation mare. Her horses were versatile and expected to combine ability, tenacity and attractive to the eye. My childhood and teenage years were spent growing up with a rich tapestry of home-bred horses, pedigrees and stories. I guess it's time to record Margaret's story - factual information, photos and bloodlines etc for the living library as noone else has this knowledge. El Sabio (sired by her stallion El Prendero) represented GB with Annette Masterson recently so Margaret's breeding is still relevant. A photo my recent acquisition, a pure bred arab (taken from her sale details) sneaked into this collage - originally it was created to show the similarity of my Russian/French arab with Margaret's 'stamp'. I'll be working slowly on this project over the next 6 months or so. You may spot Richard Pitman on her anglo 'El Trapero' taken on a race training day.
LYNDILOU Posted - 24 Jan 2011 : 2:14:46 PM
just seen your post Ann and I can speak for admin when I say they would be over the moon with your contribution
Mysticsequin1 Posted - 11 Jan 2011 : 09:58:18 AM
I like the thread of this forum, would it be ok to add Australian Arabians, the old Crabbets & old English lines contain quite a few of the well known Old Crabbets & old English that you have in England, I have a few photos of our horses so that you can compare with those in UK. Ann
Admin Posted - 02 Feb 2010 : 5:26:00 PM
Great Mandy,

we want it all
avanti Posted - 02 Feb 2010 : 1:47:47 PM
I am happy to help any way I can, my horses are babson x english so I know a little more about those, I have a huge amount of magazines and books being lucky enought to have all Heather Wibaut's stuff when she retired from breeding and loads of stuff from Anne Hutchings when they closed Meranti arabians,

Emma Maxwell Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 10:14:00 AM
hello just spotted;

yes it is Seyhal, Fakhr el Kheil x Selmah, same colour as Kheil (but not same shape !) He belonged to Hassanein al Nakeeb at this time.

the grey ridden horse has an Indian Silver-y look about him, who was his son- the sire of Silver Satyr, could it be him ??

cheers Emma
Admin Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 10:32:56 PM
Thankyou Denise
DenmoorStud Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 7:29:00 PM
I would be prepared to help with information on the infusion of Arabian bloodlines in Warmblood Breeding
Admin Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 1:37:19 PM
Thankyou Rosie, Joyce

Ok, here is one category:

Arabian-strains- ?????( anyone like to take this challange when we are up and running ? )
joycemelvin Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 1:13:31 PM
Information on strains would be good eg seglawi etc.
rosie Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 12:14:00 PM
Not sure what I can do to help, but if there is anything please let me know.
I'll try!
Admin Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 02:40:23 AM
Great stuff, there is a topic in the private forum for anglos and part breds ( for editor chat etc ), but do start one here as well so others can show support ;-)

Ideas of the categories/topics would be a great start. We can then have areas ready for info uploading etc etc..

Nimlat Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 7:03:32 PM

Sorry, that should read Numbbum!
Nimlat Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 7:01:43 PM

Would like to submit to the part-breds and pure-bred and proof read if required. To go along with Plumbum most info will be historical!!!
Admin Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 2:16:42 PM

If you have a specific category you would like to research/contribute to please start a topic.. then it can be used to ask for " more info / help in research/ photos " etc etc.. ready for when the software is up and running.

Obviously we can all contribute to all categories as well but some people may prefer to specialise.

Keep it coming, this is going to be good
numbbum Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 2:00:42 PM
This is a fantastic idea. Happy to help if I can. I'm quite old so I have a few memories..............If I can remember them!
DenmoorStud Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 1:21:33 PM
I would be interested to look at the Stallions who feature in performance lines Oran is one who springs to mind and Indian Magic I am sure there are others
Admin Posted - 06 Jan 2010 : 01:42:50 AM
Brilliant Everyone thankyou

Please do start threads on specific ideas, the more the merrier.

Tomos Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 8:49:20 PM
Hi Paula & Rui, I'd be happy to help wit info, history, breeding etc of the hispano arabe

DenmoorStud Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 7:01:33 PM
Happy to be of assistance.
flosskins Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 4:46:24 PM
this sounds a wonderful idea, especially with all the pictures and everything and I can't wait to see it. not sure what I can do to help but if there is anything please let me know!
Admin Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 2:14:01 PM
Thanks Abz.. we will need all the help we can get
abz87 Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 1:58:05 PM
Im happy to help in anyway that i can.
Admin Posted - 04 Jan 2010 : 12:48:18 PM
Thanks Mandy thats great
angel2002 Posted - 04 Jan 2010 : 12:36:13 PM
Hi Paula and Rui

Am happy to help with proof reading etc...

Hope you both had a great christmas and happy new year to you both

Mandy xx

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