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T O P I C    R E V I E W
white bryony Posted - 07 Jun 2009 : 3:13:12 PM
I would like to start thinking about doing endurance with my mare, is there anyone in the southern hampshire region, near winchester who goes on any endurance rides?
I just wandered on the best way to get started for infomation etc!!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
white bryony Posted - 09 Jun 2009 : 2:31:57 PM
Thanx Pauline, I have pm you my email address
Pauline Posted - 09 Jun 2009 : 10:53:11 AM
Let me have your email address and I will send it to you.

There is a training / pleasure ride on June 27th in the new forest if you want to come to that to see what goes on then you will be most welcome. here is a link

Here is the link to the Associate members form

white bryony Posted - 09 Jun 2009 : 08:22:02 AM
oh I sent it to the one in your signature, not sure why it didnt work?
Pauline Posted - 09 Jun 2009 : 07:28:13 AM
Hi Emma

Have not recieved the email. Where did you send it.

white bryony Posted - 08 Jun 2009 : 7:40:49 PM
Thanx Pauline, have sent you an email
Pauline Posted - 07 Jun 2009 : 8:46:49 PM
Hi Emma

Glad you have decided to do some endurance.

Here is the web address for the main group. and the local group is the Mid South Endurance group.

We hold training rides as well as national rides.

If you would like to email me I can let you have some information about the associate membership.

We are running a set of rides on the new forest.


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