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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
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worthless without pics [wwp]
yuk [+u+]      

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jane79 Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 5:27:20 PM
How bored am i at work!!! i thought we could do an a-z of our horses names. the catch is you can only post if you are the owner of the arab in question

i will start: (has to be in order please)

A = Azif
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zebedeedeb Posted - 31 Oct 2011 : 7:18:45 PM
Sheree(silent lass/Count rish d'or northlands) who sadly passed away in jan this year,and Isnthelovely (Fariana/Sameon Indian Shadow) in my sig pics,, deb
HTNYGELLAbaby Posted - 31 Oct 2011 : 11:29:29 AM
Sorry im late,but wanted to post my girley.. HTnygella (Bella) Sire: Ultermate High and her dam: Nayla from high tor stud.

Mrs DJ Posted - 19 Sep 2009 : 1:23:18 PM
Another S - Silver Zeyrha

Nickynoo Posted - 07 Aug 2009 : 4:53:20 PM
susan m knowles Posted - 06 Aug 2009 : 1:35:27 PM
Now I have my filly foal I can proudly add her to the B's her name is Beaudiccia -Habiba the dam Kadera & the Sire Cas sabur , shes called Beaudiccia as she was conceived and born and lives at Beau Arabians ,she is a beautiful filly, a very dark bay with a stripe down her face
very bold loves attention,and she can really move too . Kadera is feeding her very proudly, and i'm looking at weaning her this September, and getting Kaderas condition back, so I can get her back under saddle again, SO I will have one for the road and one for the show ring ha ha.
p.s if anyone has any advice about getting weight onto a mare who's giving everything to her foal please let me know, i will be really grateful, I will try to get a pic of Beaudiccia on as soon as I can get hold of my clever daughter she's technical i'm not! despite having an apple macbook and an iphone hmmm.
cammarch Posted - 01 Aug 2009 : 03:28:28 AM
Well none of mine are Arabs, got one who is 32% so hopefully i qualify!!!
Stallions are Aquilas Double Dancer (DD), Alva Gyp, Cammarch Gigolo(Gig) Playboy and QC and Tiptoe Spangle Banner
plus a few mares all Cammarch:-Coco, Diva, Gemma, Roma, Scarlet, Tango, Gemma, Jewel, Zena, plus some Welsh cob mares. so quite a few letters of the alphabet there
moonlight Posted - 16 Jun 2009 : 4:16:32 PM
Wish I'd joined up before! El Zara Qamar
rafik Posted - 02 May 2009 : 5:00:50 PM
I know they are out of sync, but....

Saalsk (by Vadeer)

and Rafik (newly acquired rescue so don't know pedigree but both parents are arab)

Extreem-Arabians Posted - 19 Mar 2009 : 10:51:44 AM
We have two E,I and a S

Our new Foal: Extreem Samina (Ibn Om El Extreem x Savannah)
2 yearling colt: EA Shamir (GG Shakir x Savannah)
Our Stallion: Ibn Om El Extreem (Om El Extreem x Naravna)
And our mare: Savannah (Donkiszot x Shahira)

Here our proudness Ibn Om El Extreem

Here our beautiful mare Savannah

And charmy EA Shamir as yearling

And our newest cuttie Extreem Samina Born 5 Feb 2009

Joto Posted - 11 Mar 2009 : 9:57:56 PM
S= SHARNI my bay mare
bertie bagwash Posted - 02 Mar 2009 : 4:09:27 PM
S:=shahir neesaan
my baby bagwash.
mary h Posted - 23 Feb 2009 : 3:55:00 PM
I have a B, P and a R...
Border Melody (Melchior x Border Dream)
Proud Spirit (Star of the Seasons x Bint Sharika)
Rahil bint Derkisha (Derkisha x Border Melody)
Dawn2908 Posted - 18 Feb 2009 : 3:34:03 PM
Not really sure how far behind or forward I am with this but here goes:- Spasiba Dedjes Des Forges x Faery Wand.
Still not learnt how to do the photos, sorry.
equianna Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 7:10:03 PM
Hi, only just joined, so totally out of alphabet sequence. I have an arab colt, LMA Akhil by Ewolution out of Assah. If anyone has any info on Ewolution, I'd really like to know about him.
PS. Next step is to learn how to upload photos!
azraa Posted - 03 Feb 2009 : 8:42:27 PM
i have a
S - siraf azraa
A - AH Sabina Bey
P - parsnage Billy
B - Ben
K - Karissma
great idea and love the pics
Ziggy Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 8:15:40 PM
I have an R.

Milotkha Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 2:02:26 PM
I have an M.
VA Milotkha (Pilot x TA Minuette)
2006 Polish Bred Filly.
susan m knowles Posted - 15 Dec 2008 : 10:50:31 PM
My Pure Bred Russian Arab Mare I own is called Kadera bred by Jane Kadri [on the A/L Panel] her Dam Kalita [SU] and her Sire Gonorar [SU] She is expecting a foal in April covered by the fairytale looking Cas sabur, So I would like to add her for the K,S please.
thank you Susan Owner.Rider & friend to Kadera.
firstlady Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 10:37:38 PM
Edited By Admin - this thread was moving away from friendly posting This post has been removed
thank you admin
endurance arabians Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 10:20:31 PM
Edited By Admin - this thread was moving away from friendly posting This post has been removed
tut 99 Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 8:45:41 PM
Edited By Admin - this thread was moving away from friendly posting This post has been removed
endurance arabians Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 8:30:39 PM
Hi sorry for add late.
I have
H - Hamish (Secret Heart x Hefina)
K - Kassalic Prince Tzar (Zspirit x Princess Eloise)
S - Sharqi (Shirar x Baneta)
vanbro Posted - 31 Oct 2008 : 11:16:23 PM
Hello , way behind as usual ....
A Ayesha bint Maurab (Al Maurab x Suhla el Kheil)

R Raziqa (Kosmos x Zariqa)

R Rhapia (Paguerra x Banella)

Z Zariqa (Aurelian x Sariqa)

Sorry no pics as techno - nit.

Lucytoo Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 8:55:49 PM

Gorgeous pics everyone
Im coming in to this a bit late, but here is one for the D's

TC Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 6:47:16 PM
Only just discovered this thread too....Ive got Crystal Cassatt or Bo as hes known to his friends

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