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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
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worthless without pics [wwp]
yuk [+u+]      

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 06 Jul 2007 : 12:54:01 AM
Well guys, you have been uploading some really super photos, but as none have been sent to us for the events section its a shame that once we archive the topics most of these shots will go into history instead of keeping a living record of the shows on our events section.

Do remember, to send us your results and photos, people do like to see what happened over the years. We have photos from 2001, its a shame to stop at 2006

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tanzanitearabians Posted - 13 Dec 2010 : 12:38:28 AM
Just sent you some photos from 2010 Tanzanite Arabian Irish Nationals
Admin Posted - 28 May 2008 : 5:52:33 PM
Just send photos to and we will do the rest
brynmarli Posted - 23 May 2008 : 10:01:13 AM
Hi admin.

Sorry for being thick, but how do I send you event photos?
I now know how to put photos on AL, but where do you want me to send results with photos?

Once again soz for probably being an idiot!
Em Posted - 08 Jul 2007 : 12:23:59 PM
My Dad is working through some 1300 shots he took at the Classic of the Ridden Arab Classes. I have asked him to supply some for the events section and he will do so.
Rozy Rider Posted - 06 Jul 2007 : 11:15:49 PM
So can I see the photos of Istfahan at this year Sheer Vers, that you have from Eric Jones there...
jackie k Posted - 06 Jul 2007 : 1:51:00 PM
sorry paula but same here - didnt think you would want our pics - but you may be sorry for asking now

I will ask sally to send the pics to you from the emerald trophy - as you say it is nice to have an archive to look back on in the winter nights.

regards Jackie
Arabian Girl Posted - 06 Jul 2007 : 01:24:59 AM
I never realised you would want anyi will send you some infuture . Regards Lynne

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