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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 27 Jun 2007 : 2:40:55 PM
New Forum Members: -
Will be contacted to confirm their details are correct.

Current Members :-
We are sending emails to all members that may need their details updated. If your email bounces, or we have been unable to contact you by telephone your membership will be placed on hold until we have the correct email address and details. See below:

In conjunction with the our new forum registration system we are asking all members to confirm their details. If details are not confirmed memberships may be placed on hold.

Please can you send us :-

Your username
Full postal address
Home Telephone number
Mobile number
Confirm your email address

These details are for Admin use, should we need to contact a member.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gucci Posted - 05 Jul 2007 : 09:56:56 AM
Hi Paula
I changed my email address a few weeks ago and had it confirmed but it is still showing the old one on my profile
Admin Posted - 02 Jul 2007 : 10:23:30 AM
HI Bev,

You will see at the top of the page or terms conditions/ disclaimer.

Bev Parker Posted - 29 Jun 2007 : 9:10:41 PM
Hi there

I'm sure you have already thought of this and looked into it and I don't profess to be an expert but there are rules about data and you will need to make sure that you are meeting the requirements of the Data Protection Act if you are storing information about forum members electronically.

The usual practice is to get forum members to agree to a disclaimer - I may have already done this and forgotten of course as its a while since I joined the Forum!

Keep up the good work.

Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 12:35:27 PM
LOL, we have been checking member details all week, so your safe for now. Have a great day
Taylor Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 12:31:30 PM
No problems and again sorry if I appeared akward I do think you do a good job and we have a great forum here.

Now off to pack as im going to Wales, so if you need to contact me im not at home hehe
Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 12:18:50 PM

We do say to people NOT to post their details on this or any other forum. If we do see details like this we will delete them and explain to the member.

Member details are only visable to the member and Admin.

Hopefully this has addressed your concerns, our main aim is to provide a safe, happy forum for all our members.
Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:57:13 AM
In answer to the other question. We pay hundreds of pounds a year to run this forum with its own secure webspace..over and above the main site.

You get it for free, in order to protect you it costs us!
Taylor Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:48:40 AM
I see you have added my details to my profile now and yes they are correct, before the boxes were blank so I assumed I hadnt given them.

I do apologise if I seem to be being akward, I was just shocked to come on last night and see how willing someone was to just hand over their details on a public forum, from that I knew exactly where he lived I had all his telephone numbers and could have even found out where he worked from his works telephone number. I just think people need to be a bit more cautious, and I am quite within my rights to ask why this information is needed and who will be using it.

Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:46:54 AM
Without going into too much detail, over and above the call of duty we will contact a member if anything is untoward in the forum, to try and help sort out misunderstandings and generally keep the peace. Not something we want to have to do, but in the name of keeping a friendly forum we do it.
jaj Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:37:51 AM
It does seem an excessive amount of personal information. Can I also ask a silly question, may be obvious, but why would you want to get hold of us? An email address would be sufficient surely rather than home addresses and a raft of phone numbers.

Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:34:49 AM
We already have your details, are they not correct ?
Taylor Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:31:23 AM
Thats fair enough but you still havnt answered my question, I will happily send you my details so I can continue to be a part of what I think is a very good forum, but I do have the right to ask how this data will be stored and protected and who will have access to it.

Admin Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 11:03:38 AM
As we have said numerous times, we have these details to ensure we can contact a member. The fact that our forum leads the way in trying to protect its members can only be a good thing. We were one of the first to have Real Names for Real People. We dont believe in alias posting on AL. The fact that other forums are now following our example can only go to prove that people want to talk to " Real People "

If a member does not like the way we run our forum, there are other choices.
Rozy Rider Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 09:52:01 AM
I aslo agree, in this age of theft & crime, keeping horses and other valubles.
Taylor Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 02:52:07 AM
Im a little concerned as to why you need this information? What will you be using it for and how will you be storing this data? I do not have a problem giving out my details but I would like to know why they're needed and who will have access to them due to the risk of idenity fraud, can I ask what protection you are using?

I do think it is a little invasive of a forum to ask for such personal details and to accept them on a public forum where you have no idea who is viewing, I certainly recommend the user above to remove their details.

Anybody can give you a false address and a correct email and mobile no. you have our IP addresses I dont really think you need anymore information. No other forum I know request such personal information, and before anybody thinks I have something to hide I dont but I think people have to be aware of the security risks of handing such personal data over a public forum without knowing who has access to it.
bxps Posted - 28 Jun 2007 : 12:24:53 AM

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