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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 13 Dec 2005 : 01:21:33 AM
We have just implemented a new post reporting system which will give you the opportunity to take a more active role in the maintenance of the forum.

To the bottom right in every post you will now see a link called 'Report to moderator'. This will open a small pop-up window which will allow you to register a comment or complaint about the relevant post. This will enable you, as members, to report a problem directly to the Admin team and avoid any confrontations or disrupted threads.

The reporting system is not there just for complaints however. You can also lodge a report should you feel the post is in the wrong thread or is incorrect or if the poster requires further assistance from us. You can also report any content you may feel is not in keeping with the spirit of the forum.

It also removes any reason to turn any thread into a confrontation or dispute. Once the Admin team is aware of a problem it will then be resolved with the minimal amount of disruption to the thread. Member usernames are included in the report which allows us to contact them directly should we need to.

We hope this improves your enjoyment and participation in the forum.


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vygoda Posted - 14 Dec 2005 : 09:20:44 AM
Just a quick question!!

Whilst knowing how busy everyone is, would it be possible if a post was removed for any reason by a moderator that we could be told why in a personal email? Too, that it will be shown that a post was removed?

I agree totally that this is a good decision to have every member on AL involved but my reservation is that maybe someone will ask for a post to be removed just because of their personal agenda/s with another poster where the underlying issues are maybe unknown?


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