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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Crispin Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 1:53:05 PM
Hi - I am trying to trace any bloodline that came from the Grey Stallion Hunters Song who served at Valletta House in Fritham, New Forset. His owner was Mrs S Coombs (known as Bobbi).

Crispin (Hunters Song) sired Valletta Madrigal and Valletta Hunters Moon. Some of his colts went into racing, Pasha and Sasha went into racing - but I dont know their registered names.

What is the easiest way to find out which horses may have Crispin in their blood line? I would desperatley love to have a great grandson - he was the best horse ever! Can anyone help?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alan Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 9:45:39 PM
What lines that are in his pedigree are you most interested in Kate?
Crispin Posted - 24 Aug 2017 : 09:58:12 AM
Oh My Goodness - just read this after so long. My apologies for the delay - If I'm honest I'm not entirely sure what that means - but Im pretty certain its a very good thing! Recently Im missing him and Magic more - it could be time for me to finally live my dream and breed as close as I can get to him!
Thank you very much - off to google lead sire!! xxx
plonker Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 10:09:14 PM
hunters song would have been the leading sire if still alive at the crabbet show at belvoir castle
plonker Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 10:06:12 PM
trying to contact crispin re hunters song
Crispin Posted - 27 Jul 2014 : 01:42:02 AM
Thank you for your help. I considered registering with Datasource, but assumed it was only USA when i saw the dollar signs. I will register and see what I can find, though already i see every crabbet is related a little at least!! I need to find the best match, but I will look for a direct link, that would be the icing on the cake and a cherry on the top. I'll also try to get access to the stud books. Thank you so much for your help, i know where to start. xx
gardenia Posted - 26 Jul 2014 : 4:44:30 PM
I have the printed AHS studbooks up to around Vol 15, I don't know if they're available online/CD or other digital format from the AHS, I don't think so but I'm no longer in the UK - Callisto can perhaps help there.

The AHS stud books are available online from the Arabian Horse Association in the USA as are many of the world's stud books (that's what I was referring to by "Datasource"). It is paid access and you can subscribe for one day, one month or one year. You could probably do a lot in a day!

I checked Hunters Song again and both his parents have other offspring that reproduced. He may also have had other foals that are not registered and/or purebred, they would not be on Datasource which only has purebreds for the AHS. His last registered foal was in 1997 (Valletta Summer Solstice) according to that reference.

There is no Cactus Blossom listed as a registered purebred (AHS).

Edited to add I just tried searching Datasource with just "Blossom" as a partial name and came up with Kactus Blossom. This must be the one because she's the dam of Valletta Foxglove (grey mare 1992 by Sahmir) and the above mentioned Valletta Summer Solstice (grey colt, 1997).

Crispin Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 11:31:19 PM
Thank you both, this is very helpful (though frustrating)!! Calisto, yes this is him thank you. How do you get access to AHS studbooks? If i cant find a direct descendant maybe i could get close to his line if i research it better.
Gardenia, you found my little racehorse Sasha! Thank you too, he was a cheeky thing as a young colt! Though they all were! Crispin did only throw colts whilst i knew him, but i think there was one filly. This was with Cactus Blossom, who Bobbi bought as an ex arabian racehorse (boy, she could fly).
I'd love to know more if you can help, but i understand we are all busy. I will find a link to this most wonderful line of beautiful and intelligent horses. Thank you both so much x
gardenia Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 7:24:36 PM
Datasource lists another four registered offspring in addition to Callisto's three: Sasha's Serenade, Samurai Warrior, Valletta Madirigal (sic) and Valletta Summer Solstice. All were male and none are shown as having any registered purebred progeny. Hunters Song was from the same female line, back to The Lady Roxane, as my mare (RIP a few years ago, age 32).
Callisto Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 5:35:53 PM
I assume that this is the Hunters Song that you are asking about?

There are only three of his progeny listed there - all out of the same mare, but for a more complete list (of his registered, full Arab progeny you would need to look at some AHS stud books - I have them up to 1991, and could have a look for you later in the weekend/next week - I am competing tomorrow so just having a quick relax with the PC and a cup of tea before rushing around again.

The 3 listed on allbreedpedigree:-


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