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 Asking for help rehoming horses on AL

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angel2 [c:] Approve [^] arg [arg] a_ElvisElf [^^]
a_HeartElf [(^v^)] a_huhElf [??] a_MrsClausElf [(.)(.)] banghead [((]
Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)] Blush [:I] blush2 [bls]
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cat_hug [chug] Cheers [cheer] clap [clap] Clown [:O)]
cold [brr] Cool [8D] cool-it [cool] cough [x0x]
cowboy [.^^.] crock [ck] dance [dnc]
Dead [xx(] Disapprove [v] dog_walk [walk]
dog_walk2 [walk2] drink1 [glug1]
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elephant [ele] Evil [}:)] fft [fft]
flower [flower] flowers [flws] girlpower [gpow]
hear_see [hss] help [hlp]  
horse1 [hs] horse5 [gee2]
horse5 [gee] horse8 [gee8]
hug3 [hug] hug4 [hug4]
jump [v^v] kinght [kng] kiss3 [kiss3] Kiss_hug [hug2]
lol [l0l] love [lv]  
Lurking [.::.]
monkey [mky] nails [nails] not_me [me?]
paper [ppr] pc1 [ebay]  
pc_hit [pc] peepwall [-00-]  
pony [pny] poorley [prly] Question [?]
rolf [rolf] Sad [:(] sad5 [sad5] santa_emb [::::]
santa_rolleyes [:%] Shock [:o] Shy [8)] sleep [,,]
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spider [^^^^] sumo [.00.] thinker [tnk]
toilet [~.] Tongue [:p] Tongue Out [tout]
treadmill [--0--] Twister [twister] unhappy [:(!]
unicorn [uni]      
Wave [wave]
welcome [w] whistle [wtl] Wink [;)]  
worthless without pics [wwp]
yuk [+u+]      

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rui Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 6:50:42 PM
Recent situations on the forum, where help was asked to rehome horses, especially old horses, have required moderation actions on our part. Those situations made clear that, in order to protect the known willingness of forum members to help horses in need, we can't simply allow such posts without previous vetting by us.

So, from now on, anyone wanting to post requesting for help rehoming horses, must previously contact a forum administrator providing all the relevant information that allows us to determine whether the request should be allowed on the forum.

We will provide further detail on the information that needs to be given.

This decision has a single purpose - to try to ensure, as much as that is possible, that all requests posted are worthy of the willingness to help that AL's members have shown time and again.

Thank you.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rui Posted - 23 Oct 2012 : 11:16:00 PM
I want to remind everyone that this is still in place and any requests to rehome horses are to be submitted to admin approval.

Thank you.

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