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 ECAHO Handler Permit??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Timbercroft Posted - 27 Apr 2010 : 7:58:56 PM

Can anyone tell me if we now need a Handler Permit to show in "c" shows in 2010?

Many thanks

22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
arabiantouch Posted - 01 May 2010 : 7:16:18 PM
no sam the permit is there for anyone handling horses does not matter what your status is
s.jade Posted - 01 May 2010 : 4:36:14 PM
Does possession of a permit remove a handler's amateur status?
karen s Posted - 01 May 2010 : 11:52:53 AM
Hi got mine today fast post i thought it was in a card form its like a little book
at least ive got it now
arabiantouch Posted - 30 Apr 2010 : 11:32:34 PM
yes mine has arrived today also, i must say i think the permit is a great idea why should just the proffesionals been penalised with bad behaviour !!!!! because they are supposed to know better i often hear, well if you own a horse everyone falls into this "should have known better" catagory.
the permit is there to protect the horses being shown by everyone worldwide and i think its a huge step forward to help stop cruelty in and outside of the ring from all culprits, pros, amateurs and horse owners
karen s Posted - 30 Apr 2010 : 1:05:05 PM
I contacted viola and she posted mine yesterday took a fare while but at least i have it
Timbercroft Posted - 29 Apr 2010 : 2:21:55 PM
Thanks Sal ...sorry to be a pain in the !!!! Lol
joycemelvin Posted - 29 Apr 2010 : 1:49:55 PM
Ah..too far to travel so no won't be showing there..thanks for confirming
Sally Etchells Posted - 29 Apr 2010 : 1:40:26 PM
Joyce - only if you are showing at UKIAHS (Towerlands) this year.
Sally Etchells Posted - 29 Apr 2010 : 1:38:51 PM
Hi Katie

It was supposed to come in for this year but it was changed last November at the EASHC meeting in Brussels.

18 RCS – The handler permit was briefly discussed and the proposal of the DCIC approved. Further it was decided to extend the 2009 rule, i.e. the permit to be obligatory for A and Title shows only, until the end of 2010. This to be added to the proposed wording to read: RCS art. 18 – All handlers at A and Title shows must be in possession of a valid handlers permit, in order to participate in ECAHO affiliated A and Title shows. RCS art. 19 – Handlers will be neatly dressed…

Janet will confirm this pheww blimey lol

I also double checked with Viola yesterday and she confirmed the above
joycemelvin Posted - 29 Apr 2010 : 1:22:01 PM
so show my own horse I need a handlers permit, is that correct?
K8E Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 9:15:06 PM
this doesnt match up with the letter i got with my permit last year it states that as of 1st january 2010 permits are required for c shows I did speak to Janet court about it and showed her the letter.

Does need some clarification as they are telling people two lots of information here, think i still have the letter somewhere if anyone would like a copy xxx
Sadika Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 7:27:23 PM
Yes it is just the "A" show UKIAHS held at Towerlands.
Kharidian Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 3:49:07 PM
To clarify, when you say "Towerlands 2010" you mean UKIAHS and not HoCoN "C" show which is also at Towerlands?

Sally Etchells Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 1:11:21 PM
It is for anyone who is going into the ring to show a horse, but only at Towerlands for 2010.
Timbercroft Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 11:55:27 AM
All I "think" Jude!
Jingo Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 11:25:46 AM
Is this for ALL handlers or just the professional ones?
Timbercroft Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 09:15:49 AM
Thanks Sal that really helps! I did have a good look and did think A shows but don't want to get to a C show and find i cant go in!
Thanks again!

Sally Etchells Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 09:03:03 AM
Hi there

In the ECAHO Blue Book 2010, under Rules for Conduct of Shows

Conduct of Halter Classes

18. All handlers at A and Title Shows must be in possession of a valid handlers permit in order to participate.

This means for this country it is just Towerlands at the moment. Hope this helps.

The full Blue Book 2010 is available on the ECAHO website to download.
Timbercroft Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 07:13:19 AM
Thanks Katie ...shall pop it in the post today!

Thanks Linda
K8E Posted - 28 Apr 2010 : 06:52:36 AM
Hi, as of 1st January 2010 the handers perit is required for C shows so you will need one. hope this helps x
Timbercroft Posted - 27 Apr 2010 : 9:34:15 PM
Lol Karen! Ill send for mine then and just see what happens!
karen s Posted - 27 Apr 2010 : 9:29:20 PM
i think its just for A shows i sent of mine 6months ago and they are still printing them apparantly

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