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sab2 Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 3:03:57 PM
Sadly i see the board of EGB have decided to shut down the forum , over the years i have enjoyed posting and getting friendly helpful advice on there from a lovely group of people. The board has given its reasons for shutting it down but i feel they are not totally justified. Whatever happened to freedom of speech and having an opinion
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
debs Posted - 07 Feb 2016 : 7:28:37 PM
Brutal videos. Why these people have animals is completely beyond me....more suited to mechanical means.
Moosie Posted - 07 Feb 2016 : 7:28:01 PM
Signatures are now approaching the 2,500 mark.
sab2 Posted - 07 Feb 2016 : 5:50:59 PM
Thanks Moosie for posting the link
sammewl Posted - 05 Feb 2016 : 11:34:11 PM
Thankyou moosie. We have to try and make changes xx
Moosie Posted - 05 Feb 2016 : 10:03:43 PM
Moosie Posted - 05 Feb 2016 : 9:59:53 PM
Theres now an online petition to the FEI asking for the WEG (endurance) to be taken away from Dubai due to the ongoing abuses and continued deaths.It was started today I think and already has around 950 signatures. This is something we CAN do.Can someone post a link please?
sammewl Posted - 04 Feb 2016 : 10:53:53 PM
I have seen a filmed ride in UAE. The horse is an arab and is in flight would be,its rider is flapping reins andkicking. On either side of two ropes, trucks are chasing the horse, so many and they slow down as people run out to chase and hit and spray water. This is what endurance has become to some. Everything that a human can subject a horse to to make it run faster. In the center of this petrol driven violence is a horse. Running itself to death. This is not what endurance was meant to be? although it makes a kind of sense-humans competitive nature. This is real. What can we do? Because if we do nothing I believe we have failed our friends, our allies.
Elly Posted - 03 Feb 2016 : 07:51:53 AM
No criticism of you intended Callisto.
News is just coming in that 4 races in UAE to be held over the next few days have been cancelled. Can only assume this is the result of intervention by the FEI - if so, congratulations to them
lisa rachel Posted - 02 Feb 2016 : 11:14:19 PM
I have been shocked by what I have seen with my own eyes in endurance in the last year or so and will not be rejoining EGB unless things change... I genuinely hope that they do as endurance has a very important role in maintaining the integrity of the breed (functional soundness, cardiac and pulmonary capacity, generosity etc)
The board have acted like the STASI over the last year or so and I have been surprised and disappointed by both them and some riders that I know who have not acted in the best in the best interest of their own horses or horses in general, I have lost respect for people that I had previously thought well of. Very sad.
Callisto Posted - 02 Feb 2016 : 9:21:43 PM
Just passing on the explanation I was given by by 'higher ups' than me, we are all free to draw our own conclusions

PS I total!ly agree about the Dubai situation, in no way should we condone their barbaric behaviour in that video and all the other accounts by allowing them to host the WEC. But that would mean FEI intervention, which we know we can't necessarily rely on. EGB & the BEF need to man up and stop any more Brits competing there while this occurs. For goodness sake please don't sell any horse to the Middle East for endurance
sab2 Posted - 02 Feb 2016 : 5:51:05 PM
Totally agree Elly
Elly Posted - 02 Feb 2016 : 2:05:29 PM
Hi Callisto, I don't for one moment believe that EGB were about to be sued due to comments on the Forum. The Board have been trying to get rid of the Forum for a long time, just my opinion, but I think they couldn't control the adverse comments about their association with UAE - the Meydan Deal? The latest video to come out of the 120km YR ride is utterly sickening, followed very closely by the announcement of an invitation only 140km ride in March.
Again, just my opinion, but the thought that BEF and EGB will extend the invitation to British riders and condone them competing there is utterly outrageous.
The FEI Endurance Director has travelled out to UAE to discuss the latest CIs and horse abuse, but I'm not holding my breath for any action from the FEI.
Callisto Posted - 02 Feb 2016 : 08:14:27 AM
I was equally upset to find it had been shut so arbitrarily. I have been told that they were about to be sued due to comments posted on it, (I don't know what comments, but presume it is something of a personal nature), and that they couldn't find someone with enough time to effectively police the forum. If this is the case then why did the board not tell us so? They have a gift for handling things badly and causing bad feeling. It is a huge loss as a resource and method of communication.
Arachnid Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 10:20:55 AM
EGB is quite an autocratic organisation isn't it? Such a shame about the forum, I found it very useful.
jillandlomond Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 10:33:49 PM
I think EGB Board members have made a monumental error closing the forum. They have really angered many members. It was supposed to be one of the benefits of the membership package and now they have taken it away with no notice whatsoever.

The new forum, which was set up today, is looking really interesting already. 125 members so far. Looking like we may well get some freedom of speech. I for one was getting sick and tired of posts being constantly amended or deleted by the FCA's.
Cinnypony Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 10:26:41 PM
It was an unpleasant surprise to wake up to the EGB members forum been closed for good. It seems to be that the Board think that by shutting the forum they can stop information spreading about the issues affecting endurance, especially those relating to group 7.

However a new endurance forum has now been set up outside of EGB. All EGB and Sport Endurance members are welcome, plus those interested in endurance. It can be found at
Moosie Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 10:04:30 PM
I have also e mailed all the Board members to register my disgust.Im not holding my breath either as I don't believe the Board members care one jot what the members feel. The explanatory e mail didn't ring true either and the suggestion that queries are sent to individual directors makes a mockery of the claim that the forum was too time consuming - IF a director condescends to answer members queries it will take up far more time than the forum ever did. Imo the whole thing is an attempt to repress free speech and this kind of repression pretty well always rebounds.Jmo of course
sab2 Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 9:18:58 PM
Certainly will do it now
Etoile Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 8:37:15 PM
Sab, I am not on Facebook either so could you please pm me the info as well please.
Elly Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 7:07:14 PM
Thanks Sab, I appreciate that and I look forward to joining the new forum.
sab2 Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 5:43:56 PM
Any egb members who are on FB go onto Endurance riders uk page and there has been a forum set up by members that you can join. Elly i shall send you the info as your not on FB.
Elly Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 5:19:00 PM
You are certainly not alone - I am furious at this blatant censorship. I don't do Facebook and I won't be forced into it by EGB, so the comment that "other Social Media" is available is a complete red herring as far as I am concerned. I always used the Forum as a source of information, debate and interesting comment. Though I rarely posted I was an avid user, logging on a couple of times a day at least.
I've been a life member of EHPS and then EGB for more than 30 years and though I don't compete any more I do volunteer to help at rides. Not any more; a board that has so little regard for its membership can go whistle for help from me. I feel sorry for the Ride Organisers but I can only hope that pressure will be put on the board to change this decision. I'm not holding my breath though.
I shall be emailing the IT Director to register my protest, but see little point in emailing the Chairman as there are none so deaf as those who will not hear.
Very sad day.
sab2 Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 4:49:53 PM
Etoile i am pleased i am not the only one who feels let down by the board, it seems we can all have an opinion as long as its the one the board agrees on. When the whole Meydan thing was going on last year some members warned that this would happen, the board suggested a blog and it was made clear by quite a few members that was not what we wanted we wanted the forum to stay , sadly once again the powers that be in EGB have not taken on board what we want, wish i hadn,t rejoined now .
Etoile Posted - 21 Jan 2016 : 3:29:01 PM
I arrived home to daughter saying that "I would never guess what EGB has done now" and she was so right. Cannot believe that they have shut down the forum. Over the last few years it has been an invaluable resource which has been an enormous help to us and though I rarely post I usually pop in daily just to have a look. Sadly I think this gives a clear message on what the EGB board think about both it's members and their opinions. When I had been looking forward to the start of the endurance season I am now feeling really disheartened

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