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 Dog pushchairs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ari Posted - 13 Jul 2015 : 9:35:02 PM
This is a real long shot as I doubt very much my old boy would sit in a pushchair. He is getting on and and thinking of the school holidays and days out with daughter, grandchildren and two young dogs no way will I leave him at home bit don't want him overdoing things. He is 14 and of future when he isn't as spritely, has anyone on here tried or can recommend a pet stroller. He is 10kgs.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SuziQ Posted - 15 Jul 2015 : 11:37:39 AM
I think that you have hit the nail on the head..let him do what he is able for..much like old horses regular exercise keeps the joints working. Doggy strollers are geared up for dogs so dont worry about where he'll sit and their are anything, you introduce it with lots of positive assocations..blanket that smells like him and treats etc
Good selection on Amazon and range of prices. when hes not using it you'll have somewhere to put your picnic!
Ari Posted - 14 Jul 2015 : 7:36:52 PM
Thanks all for replies and good advice, gave myself a talking to and had a rethink...I worry too much about things that may never happen.
Out on moor tonight, old lad on lead and Dolly loose ( mainly because he runs off and recall nil) so she covered a lot more ground; he was fine. Nice evening so both had a bath and went crackers round the garden. Leson learned, never under estimate a terrier.
Yes he is 14 with well managed kidney issues however I am thinking I should worry less about that and be glad he has no other disability, is fitter than some dogs half is age and let him tell me when and if he needs a help.
Goldenmane Posted - 14 Jul 2015 : 11:08:38 AM
I've been thinking of this recently with my little terrier, my lurcher can go for miles. As she is only 4kg I was thinking of a baby carrier. I think your old boy would probably sit in a push chair when tired. (We never stop worrying do we?)
Callisto Posted - 14 Jul 2015 : 06:52:36 AM
How big is he? Would he sit in a carriage style old fashioned pram better than a pushchair? Would depend on your ability to lift him in and out of course, and I'm not sure where you would find one unless you know someone who has an old pram stashed in the attic,not very easy to fit in a car for away days either. If he was wearing a dog chest harness you could clip him into a push chair so that he couldn't leap out unexpectedly (much as you would a baby). I should try him, dogs get used to all sorts of things - I have seen one near us who only has the use of its front legs and has a little sort of skateboard with wheels and a harness and it scooted around very quickly and happily.
Heidi Posted - 13 Jul 2015 : 11:22:15 PM
I don't know if you use Facebook or not, but if you do, search for "Mazar." He is a Nowzad rescue and as he only has 2 legs, his owner got him a stroller, so he can have a rest on longer walks. It might be worth having a chat to her.

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