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T O P I C    R E V I E W
saddlebred Posted - 25 May 2010 : 10:58:32 PM
This is Diva (Stonewalls Bourbon Rose) purebred American Saddlebred at 11 months old. She is now around 14hh high and in a 5'3" rug. She's only allowed to be 15.2 hh!

My friend took these pictures to enter a photo competition for Saddlebreds. It may be the only show she gets to this year because she is lame!

She was all legs when she arrived in February but it seems that she is all head and back now.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
proctorclaire Posted - 30 May 2010 : 5:44:12 PM
Keep us all posted.
saddlebred Posted - 29 May 2010 : 2:54:49 PM
She is out all day and in at night at the moment. I just dont know what to do for the best because when she runs round on it she makes herself very lame.

Thanks for the advice though Justine. I will see what the next xrays show and go from there.
justine Posted - 29 May 2010 : 2:42:30 PM
Is she out 24/7? I suggest you do this. She is a tall filly that will take a long time to mature.
Your vet maybe correct but.... just throw her out in a field to develop naturally.
I have done the same with a purebred yearling. she had a rough start, stabled a lot. Now she is free with her friends she is growing naturally.
Sometimes we can make a problem worse by loving them too much, stable/medicine....
saddlebred Posted - 29 May 2010 : 12:47:53 PM
Thanks guys. I am feeling a bit more rational about it all today. She is happily munching her haylage wondering I was such a blithering idiot yesterday. Have left them all in for a change as its raining. I thought she might need her mates to help her get used to box rest!

This site is amazing. There are so many caring people on here and you usually someone who has come through a similar thing so it helps lift even the darkest mood.

Thank you for being there. x
Callisto Posted - 28 May 2010 : 9:03:38 PM
Babs is right, get the best possible diagnosis from an expert - you have insurance, explore all the possibilities, fingers crossed for you and your lovely filly.
BabsR Posted - 28 May 2010 : 8:54:34 PM
You are saying your vet "thinks" she has a subcondral bone cyst??

He has done the X-ray so surely, he should know and be able to say for sure, what her problem is. Would get a second opinion before you commit to surgery that will result in a permanent lameness

Foals, yearlings go through growth spurts and varying degrees of slight lameness at times and most grow through the problems associated with same.

Such a worry for you and hope she will soon overcome the lameness
Big Hugs

proctorclaire Posted - 28 May 2010 : 8:42:49 PM
Have you tried getting another vet to come up and give their opinion? She is so beautiful
buffy Posted - 28 May 2010 : 8:08:20 PM
I am sorry that I can't offer you any advice, just my sympathy as to what you are going through. She is such a beautiful girl and, as you said, doesn't deserve this, and either do you...

I am sure that someone on here will be able to offer you good advice.
Keep your chin up. Hope things work out.

saddlebred Posted - 28 May 2010 : 7:57:26 PM
I am struggling to type this through the tears but my vet thinks she has a subchrondial joint cyst on the pastern. From the x rays he things she needs surgery and he thinks the prognosis is poor - may need to fuse the joint which will mean that she is permanently lame.

I am absolutely gutted. She was big when I got her and has been growing quickly but I have been careful what I am feeding her (a properly balanced non protein feed for youngsters). She isnt overweight so I thought I was doing everything right. She was stabled for the first 6 months of her life so I dont know whether that has also contributed to her condition.

Does anyone have any experience with this and and advice please. I cant bear the thought of her spending a lifetime of lameness. She is such a poppet and doesnt deserve all this.
pinkvboots Posted - 26 May 2010 : 10:10:44 AM
She is lovely gorgeous colour
Callisto Posted - 26 May 2010 : 08:06:06 AM
She's a gorgeous colour, how frustrating about the lameness
moatside Posted - 26 May 2010 : 06:12:25 AM
She is very pretty!
honey Posted - 25 May 2010 : 11:43:57 PM
shes gorgeous

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