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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gossy Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 05:36:50 AM
The most genuine gorgeous little Welsh sec A (mini arab)I have ever had the honour to own, at 28 years young we had to have her put to sleep at 1am this morning, heartbroken doesn't even cover it!
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gossy Posted - 03 Jul 2015 : 6:45:58 PM
Thanks everyone it means a lot
Judith S Posted - 26 May 2015 : 7:57:32 PM
So sorry, only just seen :(
gossy Posted - 25 May 2015 : 12:06:22 AM
Thank you all it's still really hard my youngster misses her terribly
catherine1960 Posted - 04 May 2015 : 3:41:14 PM
So sorry you let her go with love and dignity and she knew how much you loved her RIP Sparky
Quarabian Posted - 03 May 2015 : 7:20:50 PM
So glad you had the courage to do the right thing, but I know it is never easy. Lucky Sparky to have been with you so long. Run free.
alison Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 9:01:38 PM
So sorry it's just so hard to let them go, but we do owe it to them to make the right decision - which you have done. Run free 'Sparky' -
Don't cry for what is gone - smile for the wonderful gift - 'that has been'. xxxx
Renee Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 8:29:35 PM
Hi Paula, not been on AL for ages but do check it out now and then... so sorry to hear your sad news, sending a big hug. Renee x
Paulette Posted - 11 Apr 2015 : 11:13:43 AM
So very sorry for your loss Paula. Its heart breaking but at least you were with her and she had a wonderful life with you. RIP Sparky xx
garnet Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 6:46:15 PM
So sorry; it is always heartbreaking but we have to be brave and make that decision for our dear friends. Can only offer heartfelt sympathy - I know only too well how you are feeling. RIP Sparky, bless you. xxx
barbara.gregory Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 4:01:05 PM
So sorry, Paula, I know how much you loved her. She was so lucky to have been with you for so long.

RIP little Sparky, safe in the big meadow in the sky.
gossy Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 3:51:09 PM
Thanks everyone, still a difficult decision but had to be made her intestine was about to burst she was going toxic and would of been in excruciating pain and suffering, she went very quiet and peacefully,the vet was amazing as was all my friends at the yard, she was a good age and did have a great life with us, feel like I've been hit by a sledgehammer! X
Pasch Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 2:29:15 PM
Again sorry Paula,there was nothing you could have done,she was loved and had the best life with you,RIP Sparky
tamila Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 1:06:07 PM
My thought are with you. RIP Sparky.
Callisto Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 12:39:58 PM
So very sorry for your loss, RIP little Sparky
FireLight Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 10:27:59 AM
So sorry for your loss. RIP Sparky.
SuziQ Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 09:46:04 AM
How heart breaking for you, run free Sparky
Ari Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 08:33:28 AM
So sorry RIP Sparky
Goldenmane Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 08:16:48 AM
So sad, they leave such a massive hole. Run free Sparky.
debs Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 07:26:38 AM
So sorry....
Offira Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 07:23:30 AM
I'm so sorry to read your news, it is heartbreaking. RIP Sparky.
moatside Posted - 09 Apr 2015 : 07:17:10 AM
So sorry Paula - RIP Sparky x

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