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T O P I C    R E V I E W
barbara.gregory Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 10:00:25 AM
Hope it is OK to post this, if not please remove it.

My email has bveen hijacked, I can't get in and have no idea whether it is being used by someone else or what is going on. I also can't get into facebook. Does anyone know what I can do about it; there doesn't appear to be an "alien" progrem that I can delete on the list on the computer?

Thanks for any ideas.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
glo Posted - 19 Oct 2014 : 1:18:53 PM
My son hacks computer program's and if theres a hack out there he will be able to use it, we have explained that its wrong but that's kids for you! My advice is: if you receive a email say from your bank or PayPal, could be any one that you may use, that dose not have your name on it,it's most likely a scam/ hack these emails will ask for personal details, do not respond to them at all,or use their links, once you open their link, they can then access your email and hack your computer.
Rui Posted - 19 Oct 2014 : 12:16:47 PM

I'm glad it has been sorted :).
barbara.gregory Posted - 19 Oct 2014 : 11:51:54 AM
Hi Rui

Many thanks. My husband said it had been hacked but with your help it has now been sorted. Thanks also, Vik1, I think you were right.

Anyway, now sorted.

Thanks again.

Vik1 Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 9:12:36 PM
I had an issue with my hotmail like that too. Also did it with photobucket and something else. Turned out the problem was I needed to update my internet browser or something. Hotmail had stopped using an older version so every time I clicked on it, the page would flash up and then disappear and go blank.
Rui Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 8:00:40 PM
What browser are you using? Internet Explorer? If so, I would suggest you try with something else, like Google Chrome:

IE is notoriously flaky and sometimes Windows Updates have the side effect of rendering IE unusable.

Why do you state your email has been hijacked? Is it because you cannot access through IE?
barbara.gregory Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 5:43:44 PM
Thanks for the malwarebytes, it did not find anything significant. My main antivirus is Norton Internet Security, which is bang up to date, and that found nothing either. My mail provider is Hotmail and when I try to login it seems that it tries to direct me to the sign-in page ( but the page appears completely blank.

Any further ideas would be much appreciated!

Ziadomira Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 12:12:08 PM
I was hacked and lost my email. Told everyone on my contact list I had gone with my family to the Ukraine and needed money to get back. I am with BT and I phoned them and they sorted it out for me. I did lose the sent emails I had and also my contacts which I had to load again. BT did not charge for this. Hope you can get yours working again as I felt a bit lost without mine.
Rui Posted - 18 Oct 2014 : 11:26:49 AM
The first thing you need to do is to check your computer for malware. What do you use for anti-virus?

I would suggest running Malwarebytes antimalware and run it and then let me know what it found, if anything. You can find the free malwarebytes version here:

As to the email, it may be hard to recover it. Who is the provider? Your internet service provider, hotmail, google?

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